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Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

Marx advocated the abolition of private property, at least in the theoretical and moral plane. Monks and nuns do that and generally they do it very well.

- Did not China forced people into 'communes'?

- Did not China broke up families, as in husbands/wives and parents/children?

- Did not China pretty much forced everyone to wear that horrid 'Mao suit'?

- How many other things that the Chinese communists took away from the people?

My current residence is 3000 sq/ft with only me and my G/F. My other residence is about 1300 sq/ft and my mother lives in it. I have been enough overseas, including mainland China, that I know in most of the world, at least two if not three generations can live either homes. I am waaaay in excess of what Marx and the Chinese communists wanted the world to be.

Most things in life are simple enough. It is natural born con-men/politicians like yourself who like to make things complicated in order to mislead and take from people. You are too weak and too cowardly to be a bank robber so you must resort to rhetoric and spin in order to steal. It is people like you and where there is enough of your kind the world lived the horror of communism. For all your talk about the 'common man' or the 'proletariat' or 'the poor', your kind sees yourselves nothing so common. You are no different than the exploitative capitalists you conveniently denounce. If anything, both of you are opposite sides of the same cruel coin. Did you not once said you are wealthy enough to live anywhere you want? If so, then you are a hypocrite to the Marxism you believe in.

Are you blind not to see what I say that many practiced in China, Soviet (including your Vietnam) are not communism? :taz:

Sounds like you believe in capitalism, but didn't capitalism advocate enslave human being?

Weren't the biggest human traffic markets first in England then moved to USA?

American Indians are nearly extinct under free capitalism. Don't you see that? They are waaay too familiar with that. Our African American ancestors were too familiar with that as well.

Back to what I put forth, and answer me, in front of the world:

1. –In USA, overwhelmingly large percentage of land are owned by public. right?

2. Does USA have progressive income taxes?

3. Have in USA rights of inheritance been limited?

4. In US do we do Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels? For emigrants, it is not totally but a percentage.

5. Does US use taxpayer's money to rescue big banks, and is monetary policy centralized?

6. Does US Telecoms spy on individual conversation in USA and many developed country. Was a California student monitored by advanced communication technologies.

7. Is again huge percentage of land belonged to public in USA.

8. – Does US practice Affirmative action in USA to achieve Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture..

9. Do you forget generic engineered foods? They are so abundant in USA that event EU countries started to boycott those goods. Do you know Monsanto? It is a typical industrialized agriculture.

10. Does US have free education K1-K12?

Stop trolling, answer my above question one by one.

PS. Dude, if your simplistic brain are inane for complex phenomena, stop meddling with them and call quit.
First of all, I don't think you have seen a colonial flag of Hong Kong because the flag on PDF is clearly the Hong Kong SAR flag.

Secondly, I will not credit the progress of China to the CCP. Rather I credit it to the reawakening of rationalism among the ruling elites, the hard work and entrepreneurship of ordinary people.

Finally, we don't know what democracy will do to China. We can't predict the outcome. You can't be absolute that it won't create a stable and developing China.

Are Nadal and conworldus colonial flag wielders? If it wasn't for CCP the country wouldn't be in the state as it is right now which is, strong, independent and modernizing. For thousands of years we have emperors as the supreme ruler (no election), how is this so different than CCP leaders?
HK/Taiwan people who wants democracy, freedom, choice to elect the governor/leader or embrace Confucianism are deluding themselves if these conditions can create a stable and developing China.
Are you blind not to see what I say that many practiced in China, Soviet (including your Vietnam) are not communism?


PS. Dude, if your simplistic brain are inane for complex phenomena, stop meddling with them and call quit.
Complex? :lol:

Marx is pretty simple. So here He is again...

Critique of the Gotha Programme-- I
In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly -- only then then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!
Do not bother us with what you think the US is. We would be more impressed with what you DO. So for you two communist wanna-be, give up your possession to the poor, work as hard as you can but take only the minimum wage, do not marry unless the woman is approved by the government, and own nothing except for life's bare essentials. All 10 your points are meaningless if your life is not in conformity with what Marx demands. If monks and nuns can give up those things I pointed out for a higher cause (God), then certainly you can give up those same things for Marx. It does not and should not matter if the rest of the world is wrong about communism and who is right about the same. If you are in the right and in the minority, surely you will earn incredible respect the way Mother Teresa earned hers. That must be worth the higher moral plane both of you stand upon and sneered down at us, right?
First of all, I don't think you have seen a colonial flag of Hong Kong because the flag on PDF is clearly the Hong Kong SAR flag.

Secondly, I will not credit the progress of China to the CCP. Rather I credit it to the reawakening of rationalism among the ruling elites, the hard work and entrepreneurship of ordinary people.

Finally, we don't know what democracy will do to China. We can't predict the outcome. You can't be absolute that it won't create a stable and developing China.

Don't be so pathetic with your assumption regarding the colonial flag. Plenty HK people wave the damn flag shamelessly and i wouldn't be surprised if you are one of them.

You will not credit the progress of a country to the party but to entrepreneurs and rationalism of ruling elites? Did it occur to you they are most likely CCP members?

Yes you will not know what democracy will do to China, right now it's doing fine under the current style. If China is on the right track why should China throw it away and listen to your democracy screamers? If the past 1-2 decades China's economy and development was a disaster i would agree for a new style of government. Do you want China to be the next India? There's no better place than India to compare with it. They have been telling us for a long long time how liberal India is. Are you gonna be responsible if China disintegrate if we decide to become a democratic nation? Conclusion if it ain't broken don't try to fix it.
you Yellow Russian / West Chosun people always have excuse for anti-democracy!
"To insist fifty years not to be changed", it's the deal discussed between Chinese government and 10 Downing Street in 1980s and both of two countries signed the agreement, at last wrote into Hong Kong Basic Law.

"ANTI-DEMOCRACY" ? Just ask ur British Master why not shared ur guys the DEMOCRACY and NO RIGHT to vote H.K Governor before 1997 !

How the British Queen and her government ever managed HongKong, today BeiJing government still continue to keep this situation. More better today HKers can vote ur senior officers, BeiJing government has allowed ur guys enjoy more DEMOCRACY than the British rule time.

Tell the truth, which side is the "ANTI-DEMOCRACY", today China or ur British Lord ? Just u tell me.
you Yellow Russian / West Chosun people always have excuse for anti-democracy!

Colonial flag wielders are called traitors. I've seen your type on tv protesting on streets shamelessly with that flag, thank god there are plenty of Hong Kongers telling you guys to move to another country.
Both CPC and KMT are responsible for China's misfoutunes. I give due credit to Taiwan for protecting traditional Han culture and implementing bofomo script insteed of pinyin and simplyfied Han Characters of Mainland China. However PRC has defended China from external aggrestion and invaders that ripped our nations core since 1840.

Both of you refrain from insulting.

Hu Shongshan, are you Hui Chinese of persian decent?
Are Nadal and conworldus colonial flag wielders? If it wasn't for CCP the country wouldn't be in the state as it is right now which is, strong, independent and modernizing. For thousands of years we have emperors as the supreme ruler (no election), how is this so different than CCP leaders?
HK/Taiwan people who wants democracy, freedom, choice to elect the governor/leader or embrace Confucianism are deluding themselves if these conditions can create a stable and developing China.

Good and bad, everyone play a role to make what today now.

Not CCP as communist, but some individuals who lost faith in communism, who didn't want a bloody revolution but prefer peaceful way by kept it under CCP banner to maintain smooth transition. CCP today is just name only. The real communism is harmful.

Confucius never promote Emperor nor Tyrant, but Son of Heaven, who bring stability, progress, economy development, education and moral guidance.

Confucius promote meritocracy over populism (democracy public election) nor dynastic. The ideal form of Confucianism is republic era of &#19977;&#30343;&#20116;&#24093;, before Xia dynasty. When leader was elected based on meritocracy and morality.
I should not reply for ur question, but u ask this question. I think i could provide a reasonable answer for u.
When 80s Mr Deng discussed with former British prime minister Margaret thatcher about the case of H.K back to PRC, Mr Deng gave words "After return to keep Hong Kong original system and legal system unchanged, adhere insist fifty years not to be changed.", and British government admited. It's well-know that the rule was written into the basic law of Hong Kong.

Did HongKong ppl can directly vote H.K Governor when British dominated H.K islands before 1997? The answer is not,appointed by Britain's queen.

Did HongKong ppl can directly vote any senior local officials of H.K Governor's Palace before 1997? The answer is not, ordered by Britain Governor.

So from 1997 to 2047 year, Hong Kong won't change anything.

Even during the time of British ruled H.K, HongKong ppl no any right to participate in political affairs and never directly vote H.K Governor. After 1997 return, this situation won't change in a long time.

So how H.K enjoyed ur original system before 1997 no any complain to ur British Lord,today u still continue to enjoy this system until 2047 year. Have FUN~! :enjoy:

I'm impressed.

I just want to say, there are Westerners role in HK street protests, hawkish media, rebel politicians and anything about HK instability. This Westerners don't care whatever China obey the agreement, do great things or not, they just want to see HK fail and China as a whole.

Btw, mainland China also have a mistake too. By forcing HK people to learn Marxism and loyalty to communism. Disgusting!!! I just want to say, HK people loyalty is to China. Not Communist nor Westerners. I hope mainlanders will understand and fix their mistake.
I'm impressed.

I just want to say, there are Westerners role in HK street protests, hawkish media, rebel politicians and anything about HK instability. This Westerners don't care whatever China obey the agreement, do great things or not, they just want to see HK fail and China as a whole.

Btw, mainland China also have a mistake too. By forcing HK people to learn Marxism and loyalty to communism. Disgusting!!! I just want to say, HK people loyalty is to China. Not Communist nor Westerners. I hope mainlanders will understand and fix their mistake.

You got real proof the new subject in HK teaches kids to learn Marxism or being loyal to Communism? We would like to see that if that's true.
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