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Disintegration of China because of economic collapse?

Strange thing...as long as the US is around I don't see China collapsing...and we aren't going anywhere.
Chairmen Mao was a great leader, who fought for Chinese freedom and pride where a century of humiliation plagued China. Yes the great leap forward and the cultural revolution was a disaster, however this was a mistake at the grass root level and not Chairmen Mao himself advocating the assumption to kill intellectuals and so on. Youth empowerment was given and this phenomena is very difficult to control. Regardless Chairmen Mao did a great service to his country before his death by setting the foundation of the open door policy by meeting Henry Kissinger. As a Chinese you can criticize him, but at least give some respect to a leader who fought against imperial Japan and gave freedom.



Do you know this guy?

His father Bo Xilai, was a high-profile Communist Party official until his removal from office in 2012. Bo Xilai was welcomed by Left Maoist because he implemented Left Maoism (Chongqing model) in Chongqing during his severing as Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Committee.

His grandfather Bo Yibo, was PRC foundation leader.
Trust me Eddie, I believe Chairmen Mao did great things for China, but he is misunderstood in the west. Human beings can make mistakes but in general he did a good job for China, and every Chinese should be proud of his achievements.

Mao is hated by the west because he was the one that kicked the imperialists out of China and destroyed the western-backed puppet regime of KMT.

Mao is hated by the Indians because Mao humiliated India in the 1962 war.
Yes I understand who Bo Yibo is, one of the Eight elders of China during which they controlled China through the 80s. Just because Bo Yibo offspring was a fool does not actually discredit his great achievements for China. You have also answered your own question, since Bo Xilai was corrupt and removed from office. By the way how is corruption in Hong Kong, since your stock market is manipulated by the local mafia? Mr Superman of Hong Kong is someone who bullies individuals to sell there land.
i would like to know you opinion about this points
1 you dont worry about the propaganda campaigns about Chinese goods especially in the west ?
2 any economic problems in the world will slow down consumption and make the people in any country want to support their country by buying products made in their country
3 is it true that the Chinese workers demand more payment and this could make Chinese goods more expansive
1. The propaganda is based on reality, there are good number of factories make low quality product. They solved unemployment problem but destroy the reputation. The market will decide the future of these companies.

2. Surely it will influence, but after olympics and through the effort of government, China got new trading parterres such as Brazil, Russia. In 2012, the China's export increased 8% compare to 2011. Also domestic market is booming as 14% expansion. 2012 is one of the hardest year, if it works well this year, there is no reason it will fall in the next coming years.

3. Yes, for sure, actually, Chinese workers salary is already 3 or 4 times of Viet, India and a couple of emerging countries. A lot of clothes shoes manufacturing are moving to Viet or cambodia. Because the salary increase and pollution issues (Chinese government started to take pollution more seriously than before due to some protests). Development must bring salary increase, thats why people's life is getting better. A huge domestic market will generate high demand on goods, we already see some Chinese world class company like Lenovo, SANY, HUAWEI, ZTE and so on.

I didnt see any points China economy will go down unless the whole west put a sanction on China.
BTW, I am just back from Egypt for Christmas, it was really a beautiful country. I enjoyed my trip there. The red sea is unbelievable.
Mao is hated by the west because he was the one that kicked the imperialists out of China and destroyed the western-backed puppet regime of KMT.

No one actually talks about KMT and there corruption, hence the vast majority gave there support to Chairman Mao. In addition what about the decades of dictatorship in Taiwan, where people had no voices. The West paints a bad picture of Chairmen Mao, because without his support North Korea would not have defeated the Americans and the South Koreans. Plus he did give India a bloody nose in the 62 war.
Do you know this guy?

His father Bo Xilai, was a high-profile Communist Party official until his removal from office in 2012. Bo Xilai was welcomed by Left Maoist because he implemented Left Maoism (Chongqing model) in Chongqing during his severing as Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Committee.

His grandfather Bo Yibo, was PRC foundation leader.
Wow, every student in UK have taken some pictures like this, whats the point ? Any day you went club you can take thousands pictures with any color girls even naked. Just because this guy's father is a big man ?
Mate, there are history of China thread open, dont make it off topic.
Yes I understand who Bo Yibo is, one of the Eight elders of China during which they controlled China through the 80s. Just because Bo Yibo offspring was a fool does not actually discredit his great achievements for China. You have also answered your own question, since Bo Xilai was corrupt and removed from office. By the way how is corruption in Hong Kong, since your stock market is manipulated by the local mafia? Mr Superman of Hong Kong is someone who bullies individuals to sell there land.

Superman Li of Hong Kong is Monopolistic competition.

CCP is Monopoly.

There is fundamentaly different!

Mao is hated by the west because he was the one that kicked the imperialists out of China and destroyed the western-backed puppet regime of KMT.

Mao is hated by the Indians because Mao humiliated India in the 1962 war.

Very bad propaganda.

You don't remember that CCP support USSR to help East Turkistan independence activists against Kuomintang Government in Xinjiang and kill much more Han Chinese in 1944-1949.

USSR / Russia is also imperialist!
Superman Li of Hong Kong is Monopolistic competition.
CCP is Monopoly.
There is fundamentaly different!
Its British made the economic foundation, Li get rich during British rule.
CCP is single ruling party. No doubt on it.
BS article. Concern 1 - If you have a billion people, you should rightly be concerned about employing them. Concern 2 - Of course, Europe has an ageing demographic but this assumes that China will not be building for the US - which doesn't have an ageing population, Africa, Asia and China itself for internal consumption. Europe is dead and buried - we all know that. Concern 3 might be a valid concern but if you have a billion people, I doubt it is going to be too much trouble finding people.
Don't blame anything to Taiwan, mainland China have their mistake too.

You are not communist anymore, why keep the communist name? Why you can show and prove your loyalty to Chinese civilization? It's yours too and it just need a little step to reform. Mainland China just makes everything so difficult.

Beside you still need to prove and guarantee people power and freedom. Convince me about this! Show me some evidences and stories.

Communists and the Nationalists fought the civil war, the loser had to go live in a tiny island called Taiwan. Taiwan is in absolutely no position to lecture the mainland. Sorry kid, but Taiwan is pretty much irrelevant. We don't take orders from you, we are more powerful than you and getting more powerful every single day, therefore it is YOU that will be taking orders from us.

In 20 years time, Taiwan will be powerless to do anything to the mainland, you will ALWAYS be our b**ch!
There is not a damn thing you can do to stop us, NOT A DAMN THING!
Superman Li of Hong Kong is Monopolistic competition.

CCP is Monopoly.

There is fundamentaly different!

Very bad propaganda.

You don't remember that CCP support USSR to help East Turkistan independence activists against Kuomintang Government in Xinjiang and kill much more Han Chinese in 1944-1949.

USSR / Russia is also imperialist!
Superman Li of Hong Kong is Monopolistic competition.

We both know categorically that Li-Ka-shing has extraordinary power and has used this to exploit the people of Hong Kong. So as a citizen why don't you change that. Furthermore what about the mafia which rigs the stop market? I know for a fact that there is a floating casino around Hong Kong where they sell information on the stock for a certain price. In addition please articulate clearly how Li power is based upon Monopolistic competition, which is considered still bad in a free market system. So in essence the idea of Li-Ka-shing is a contradiction to the shiny image given by Hong Kong people.
Superman Li of Hong Kong is Monopolistic competition.

CCP is Monopoly.

There is fundamentaly different!

Very bad propaganda.

You don't remember that CCP support USSR to help East Turkistan independence activists against Kuomintang Government in Xinjiang and kill much more Han Chinese in 1944-1949.

USSR / Russia is also imperialist!

KMT couldn't run hen house let alone a country with hundreds of millions of people.
Without Mao China would be under Japanese and western rule. Mao gave China independence from foreign interference. He gave us an independent foreign policy that we didn't have since 1840.
The mistakes Mao made are small compared to the achievement of freeing China from imperial rule and 100 years of utter humiliation. I don't care how he did it, as long as SOMEONE did it. MAO DID IT!
Liberals like you are the enablers of imperialism, you worship the west, you are used by the imperial powers to destroy China from within.
People like you are a bigger threat to China than standing armies of our enemies.
Wow, every student in UK have taken some pictures like this, whats the point ? Any day you went club you can take thousands pictures with any color girls even naked. Just because this guy's father is a big man ?
Mate, there are history of China thread open, dont make it off topic.

This is not off-topic.

Most of CCP Princelings have common problem as Bo Guagua.

Winners take all, you can support CCP's viewpoint! However, truth is truth!

Also, you 50 cents always says USA is evil, however,

Without Open door policy advocated by USA, Qing China was distingrated early in 1900 (before Xinhai Revolution), Manchuria became a part of Japan and Russia, Xinjiang became a part of Russia,Tibet became a part of Britain and now India. (Sun Yet Sun always think, there are only 3 imperial powers to invade China - Britain, Russia and Japan)

Without civil war support of USA in 1941-1945, Kuomintang / ROC may lose to Japan, or China has no way to unify (USSR established Manchus SSR in Manchuria, Uyghur SSR established in Xinjiang, PRC only established in Hua-Bei, ROC still kept Hua-Nan.) Don't say USA drop of nuclear bombs on Japan was unnecessary. Without nuclear alert from USA, USSR didn't need to help CCP and dared to directly invade much more China's Land.)

I find many mainland FQ enjoy blaming USA, but actually want to migrate to USA like the left Maoist group (Wang Lijun is his anti-USA Maoist fighter in Chongqing, finally, he sought Political Patronage from USA, rather than Russia, Germany and France)

Do you remember how many Kuomintang generals, who had protected China from Second Sino-Japanese War against Evil Japan, killed by Mao's Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries? More than 100. Can you says such generals were not Patriotists?
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