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Disgraced heroes of nuclear Pakistan

1- I am not Jewish or Israeli

2- Do you think they will give them up any way but wartime express delivery?

Pakistan is right in the fallout cone for a mideast nucelar war, Mecca and Medina are almost assuredly an Israeli target and Jerusalem is almsot assuredly an Iranian target. Even if Israel is wiped out it is a loss for the Ummah, as everything between Turkey and Indonesia will be a wasteland or at best some semi-tribal fuedal trashland like Afganistan.

The war would not even have lasting effects on the West. North America's bitumena nd kerogen reserves along with Venzula's heavy crude is more than enough fuel for hundreds of years.

I can see it now.......

Q- Who won the final Arab (Islamic)-Israeli (Jewish) war?

A- The Christians

There will be no rapture you stupid evangenital

Right as we speak your soldiers are dying like rats in Iraq and Afghansitan and you are getting you rears handed to you like nothing you have seen before.

What there will be is a rupture of your behinds. Lets add a new chapter to the bible 'The Rupture' where evengenital get their *** torn to bits.

ahahah I like the sound of that

The world has had it with you and stupid enagential and the terrorist state of Israel.

Nothing can stop the rising tide of Islam

Allah Hu Akbar!!
1- I am not Jewish or Israeli

2- Do you think they will give them up any way but wartime express delivery?

Pakistan is right in the fallout cone for a mideast nucelar war, Mecca and Medina are almost assuredly an Israeli target and Jerusalem is almsot assuredly an Iranian target. Even if Israel is wiped out it is a loss for the Ummah, as everything between Turkey and Indonesia will be a wasteland or at best some semi-tribal fuedal trashland like Afganistan.

The war would not even have lasting effects on the West. North America's bitumena nd kerogen reserves along with Venzula's heavy crude is more than enough fuel for hundreds of years.

I can see it now.......

Q- Who won the final Arab (Islamic)-Israeli (Jewish) war?

A- The Christians

Is there any switch which we can press and stop war from spreading to Christain world?

As I know from the history, you have power to start the war but no body can predict the direction and no one ever can stop it from spreading. In any such eventuality the India, China and possibilly Europe would be necessary parties as each of these nations have strategic intrests in the region you have mentioned above.

Venzula's heavy crude might be enough for North America but how did you concluded that it would be North America alone controlling these reserves and rest of the world will go back to 15 century and accept to live without energy !

Some genius with same approach planned the Iraq war !
There will be no rapture you stupid evangenital

Right as we speak your soldiers are dying like rats in Iraq and Afghansitan and you are getting you rears handed to you like nothing you have seen before.

What there will be is a rupture of your behinds. Lets add a new chapter to the bible 'The Rupture' where evengenital get their *** torn to bits.
GreenMan, save the racist slurs to other boards, this is a decent place and we intend to keep it like that.
Insulting members is against our policy and we take it very seriously.

ahahah I like the sound of that
Behave or leave? How does that sound?

The world has had it with you and stupid enagential and the terrorist state of Israel.

Nothing can stop the rising tide of Islam

Allah Hu Akbar!!
If you're trying to glorify Islam do it in proper and respectable manner. You sould like an damn extremist mullah to me!

Consider yourself warned!
What's freaky is that surely high elements within the us army are evangelists, the ones who went to baghdad were in a hurry to actually kill Muslims.
AQ Khan levelling the playing feild between India and Pakistan is understandable, evne trading nukes for missiels w/ Norhy Korea is understandable as it streangthened Pakistan. But giving secrets to Iran and Lybia didin't help Pakistan's national security and vastly increased the chance of a nucelar war sooner rather than later.
I agree, those were Pakistani designed nuclear centrifuges which he gave away. He should be disgraced for that no matter what he did before.

But I do disagree that the Pakistani establishment was involved. He gave a few centrifuges which can be loaded onto a truck and then he gave some designs. A person with his level of clearance wasn't questioned or even doubted when he took off with the nuclear materials.

Plus he is wrongly perceived as a hero. He merely came up with the plans to enrich the uranium. The actual device was built by the entire KRL in fact his involvement on the device has been near negligible. Pakistan got the capability to enrich U in the 80s in fact when A Q Khan stole it from hungary and came to Pakistan.

I have no doubts his intentions were good and hence deserves a pardon. But he always had a wrong method to do the right thing. At some point his demons were bound to catch up with him.
What's freaky is that surely high elements within the us army are evangelists, the ones who went to baghdad were in a hurry to actually kill Muslims.

what are you talking about ? George bush is himself an extremist evangelist; who thinks that he is on the mission from God; He and Osama are no different.
AQ Khan levelling the playing feild between India and Pakistan is understandable, evne trading nukes for missiels w/ Norhy Korea is understandable as it streangthened Pakistan. But giving secrets to Iran and Lybia didin't help Pakistan's national security and vastly increased the chance of a nucelar war sooner rather than later.

And why its in France's interest to help Israel with the nuclear technology? considering Israel doesn't cares about the international laws & disregards UN resolutions; its more dangerous for Israel to have nuclear technology then any country on this face on this earth.
If you're trying to glorify Islam do it in proper and respectable manner. You sould like an damn extremist mullah to me!

Consider yourself warned!

At least he is not wishing to convert all of muslim world to nuclear waste.
What A Q Khan did was a right and impressive strategy to bring up 3 or 4 more nuclear powers on world map and to reduce the pressure put on Pak by West ,specially Jewish Controlled USA and to increase their headache and divert the attention.
Although lots of people and establishments were involved in the development of the Bomb, but he had a very big share in the form of enrichment of Uranium, the most complicated process in a list of Atom Bomb making processes.
There will be no rapture you stupid evangenital

Right as we speak your soldiers are dying like rats in Iraq and Afghansitan and you are getting you rears handed to you like nothing you have seen before.

What there will be is a rupture of your behinds. Lets add a new chapter to the bible 'The Rupture' where evengenital get their *** torn to bits.

ahahah I like the sound of that

The world has had it with you and stupid enagential and the terrorist state of Israel.

Nothing can stop the rising tide of Islam

Allah Hu Akbar!!

Hello, at least we both agree God is most assuredly great. However we dissagree on some other points I see. Wether or not you accpoet my religious truth or I accept yours oesn't really matter when we are disscussing the likelyhood of Israel going psycho on the entire Middle east if she feels she is abour to be destroyed by an Arab/Persian nuke. Thats what my quip was about-- If AraB Islam and Israeli Jewery burn themselves to cinders the Christian west will be so much better off in the long run.

Onto the subject of who is getting thier rears handed to whom, lets have this duscussion in 5 years in the meantime though I do hope you do NOT have the streangth of your convictions. I would not wish the fate of most insurgents on anyone- they are poor misquided kids who went to war seeking glory and foung nothing but a road side firing squad or a gallows.

Is there any switch which we can press and stop war from spreading to Christain world?

As I know from the history, you have power to start the war but no body can predict the direction and no one ever can stop it from spreading. In any such eventuality the India, China and possibilly Europe would be necessary parties as each of these nations have strategic intrests in the region you have mentioned above.

Venzula's heavy crude might be enough for North America but how did you concluded that it would be North America alone controlling these reserves and rest of the world will go back to 15 century and accept to live without energy !

Mir Badshah,

Your thinking in the right direction- you've begun contemplating a world without the Middle East. Will the war spread? maybe- probably-certainly put what ever word you want but Arabia would not be around to see it. AQ Khan did more to create a world without Islam as a powerful force than any crusader king or Reconquista warrior ever born.

What A Q Khan did was a right and impressive strategy to bring up 3 or 4 more nuclear powers on world map and to reduce the pressure put on Pak by West ,specially Jewish Controlled USA and to increase their headache and divert the attention.
Although lots of people and establishments were involved in the development of the Bomb, but he had a very big share in the form of enrichment of Uranium, the most complicated process in a list of Atom Bomb making processes.


Do you really trust Kim Jong, Khameni, and other such types who wilth AQ Khan's help now or soon will have the power of Life and Death over millions perhaps hundreds of millions. America, UK, USSR, Pakistn, India etc have not gone to war with nukes each rightly saw them as deterent devices and national insurance policies. Iran doens't want insurance they want power and the destruction of Israel. The problem is of course is that Israel a nuclear power has its own insurance policy.

At least he is not wishing to convert all of muslim world to nuclear waste.

The ones wishing the sublime conversion of muslims to high speed radioactive particles are those who persist in the insane belief that an Islamic state can conduct a radiological conversion of Israel and get away with it, or that Israel will not simply take as much of Islam with it as they can. Never mind that if Iran bombed Israel and Israel didn't respond more, Muslims would still die than Jews as the poor Palestinians had thier shadows burned into the cinderblock ruins of thier homes
I still think that more likes of A Q Khan be born and spread nuclear technology to countries of the Muslim world so they dont be bullied by the Western countries or the Isrealis. What he did was a good thing. There is no need to be embarrased for it, or should he recieve any punishment for it.

Some members have suggested that suppose if Iran like country which is regularly threatening Isreal to get it off the map. Well, same can be said about India threatening Pakistan in a similar way. Now it can be seen that the countries who hate that much are now with peace and prospering. Thinking that both countries will engage in a nuclear war is stupid to even assume.

As for Iran threatening or being a bad guy. Well, continue watching CNN, Fox, and BBC.

Thank you.
You mean the Iranian President never said Israel had to be wiped off the map or something to that affect ? The Jews made up that story?
You mean the Iranian President never said Israel had to be wiped off the map or something to that affect ? The Jews made up that story?

poor Israel got threatened and Iran gets blamed. On the other hand Israel is martyring the Palestinians and they get no blame from u on the forum. In conclusion, I think that u r too biased.
You mean the Iranian President never said Israel had to be wiped off the map or something to that affect ? The Jews made up that story?

When someone threatens you. You have a full right to show as much aggression as you can.

For that effect. Isreal SHOULD be wiped off the map.
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