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Disgraced heroes of nuclear Pakistan

hey i dont think that anybody in pakistan is ashamed of AQ Khan. I am still very proud of that guy and still hold him in the greatest regard. He is and forever be a hero in my book and in the thoughts of most of pakistani's for generations to come.
I belive that Pakistan should not be ashamed of Dr. A Q Khan. He has done a lot for the country.
But here, right in this forum, there are pakistanis who loose no oppurtunity to disgrace him.
Remember guys, I repeat it again here, why western media is after him?

The strong nations are build by its aspiring, energetic, daring and bold youth plus its experienced, caring, loyal and able people. Youth searches for an IDEAL, almost always, to start in the direction/career of thier choice. This icon is very important. A Q Khan is such an icon. So snatch the dreams of the youth, disgrace this man, and misguide the very youth which is the foundation of the nation-building process. Guys this is more of a psychological war than anything else.

Muslim world is already devoid of Iconic figures in its present state. We, muslims, rush to our past and remember our the then HEROS, who ever be our choice. West has progressed very solid and advance propaganda against those historic figures. They want to do it with our present day greats as well, where ever they are present. It happened that Pakistan have got such a figure in A Q Khan.

Realise what ever you are striving for.

Isn't America about to do the same thing her self.with India.didn't they help India with her missiles.(when americans supplied nuclear reactors to the world including india did they receive money for it or not)
its OK if Americans to do it them self for money.but if others do it its called proliferation.yeah.

As far as Pakistanis are concerned Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan is and always remain a hero for Pakistan.


Well said Cheetah! :tup:
The only reason he is a hero is beucase he sigle handedly kept Pakistan from beign a paraih statre like North Korea by taking the blame. It is fairly obvious Pakistan traded nuclear secrets for ballistic missiel technology. North Korea is not Ummah, they are coomunist so there isn't even a larger islamic context to it. Of the Islamic countries he gave secrets too, one was secular and the other one is on record as wishing to wipe Israel off the map.

If Iran get sthe bomb and Israel and Iran tangle in a nuclear showdown do you really think Israel will spare any muslim she can reach? Cairo, Alexandria, Aman, Beruit, Damascus, Tehran, Qum, Baghdad, Riydah, Mecca, Medina, Bandar Abbas, Bahrain, Quatar to you really think the Jews will spare anyone? Add in Iran nuking Jerusalem what does Islam have left?

Imagine the Kabah slagged and meltded- the shadows of pilgrims flash burned into its ruins, the sands of the surrounding desert turned to a sickly green glass that radiates poision. That might be the legacy of AQ Khan the man who destroyed Mecca.

They'd still think AQ.Khan/Pakistans-proliferation as a hero/herioc deed and go on to call it their judgement day or attribute such widespread destruction to something like the Wrath of Allah or the juice.

Lets never find fault with AQ.Khan. I'd like to think that the ISI has competent men in its ranks.
Zraver u are just full of it!

How am I full of it? if iran gets the bomb thanks to AQ Khan and Iran and israel go to war do you think Israel will spare Islam is she is going to be nuked? You mihgt want to do some research on Samson option, it has been generally excpeted since the late 60's that any serious threat to Israels survival would result in Israel carrying out a death strike on all major Arab and Islamic cities. Nasser knew this in 73 and so tried not to pres his attack past the canal and was waiting for the US/USSR to end the war before it escalated. Syria kikewise just wanted the Golan back.

The Jew's know all about holocuast and if the nutjobs in Tehran want to create Holocuast round 2 the jews wont go alone. You can deny it all you want, you can spin it however you want but the fact remaoins that if Iran's eventual bomb traces back to AQ Khan and a nuclear war erupts it will be his fault when the Middle East is glassed in atomic fire, just hope it happens when the winds are not going west to east or the Fallout might just kill pakistan as well.

Would be kind of peotic if A Q Khan and his supporters died of fallout caused by the war they helped start.
How am I full of it? if iran gets the bomb thanks to AQ Khan and Iran and israel go to war do you think Israel will spare Islam is she is going to be nuked? You mihgt want to do some research on Samson option, it has been generally excpeted since the late 60's that any serious threat to Israels survival would result in Israel carrying out a death strike on all major Arab and Islamic cities. Nasser knew this in 73 and so tried not to pres his attack past the canal and was waiting for the US/USSR to end the war before it escalated. Syria kikewise just wanted the Golan back.

The Jew's know all about holocuast and if the nutjobs in Tehran want to create Holocuast round 2 the jews wont go alone. You can deny it all you want, you can spin it however you want but the fact remaoins that if Iran's eventual bomb traces back to AQ Khan and a nuclear war erupts it will be his fault when the Middle East is glassed in atomic fire, just hope it happens when the winds are not going west to east or the Fallout might just kill pakistan as well.

Would be kind of peotic if A Q Khan and his supporters died of fallout caused by the war they helped start.

you no what would be poetic israel using her nukes and weapons Against Americans that they provided.:yahoo:
AQ Khan levelling the playing feild between India and Pakistan is understandable, evne trading nukes for missiels w/ Norhy Korea is understandable as it streangthened Pakistan. But giving secrets to Iran and Lybia didin't help Pakistan's national security and vastly increased the chance of a nucelar war sooner rather than later.
AQ Khan levelling the playing feild between India and Pakistan is understandable, evne trading nukes for missiels w/ Norhy Korea is understandable as it streangthened Pakistan. But giving secrets to Iran and Lybia didin't help Pakistan's national security and vastly increased the chance of a nucelar war sooner rather than later.

Well you as a Jewish state can give up your nukes and then there will be no more nuclear war.:azn:
1- I am not Jewish or Israeli

2- Do you think they will give them up any way but wartime express delivery?

Pakistan is right in the fallout cone for a mideast nucelar war, Mecca and Medina are almost assuredly an Israeli target and Jerusalem is almsot assuredly an Iranian target. Even if Israel is wiped out it is a loss for the Ummah, as everything between Turkey and Indonesia will be a wasteland or at best some semi-tribal fuedal trashland like Afganistan.

The war would not even have lasting effects on the West. North America's bitumena nd kerogen reserves along with Venzula's heavy crude is more than enough fuel for hundreds of years.

I can see it now.......

Q- Who won the final Arab (Islamic)-Israeli (Jewish) war?

A- The Christians
1- I am not Jewish or Israeli

2- Do you think they will give them up any way but wartime express delivery?

Pakistan is right in the fallout cone for a mideast nucelar war, Mecca and Medina are almost assuredly an Israeli target and Jerusalem is almsot assuredly an Iranian target. Even if Israel is wiped out it is a loss for the Ummah, as everything between Turkey and Indonesia will be a wasteland or at best some semi-tribal fuedal trashland like Afganistan.

The war would not even have lasting effects on the West. North America's bitumena nd kerogen reserves along with Venzula's heavy crude is more than enough fuel for hundreds of years.

I can see it now.......

Q- Who won the final Arab (Islamic)-Israeli (Jewish) war?

A- The Christians

You are right that 22% of world land will be nuclear wast and it will not have any effect on the rest of the world after all its just 22%. :lol: You also can have India as nuclear wast because where will Pak use his nukes after nuked from Israel? So over all it will be 25% of land. By the way good wishful thinking of eliminating The Christians enemies. :enjoy: This is number 1 dream of white supremacist like u. Ur crude theory is a joke right? Fuel for Hundreds of years :rofl:
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