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Discrimination against Aborigines. racial discrimination in Australia

Hello_10 is a racist anti-Australian troll who goes into every thread about Australia trolling with false information and other nonsense. This is just another thread in a long line of threads created out of hatred (See his other thread where he said Australia should be invaded by Asia) Nothing he says can be taken seriously and theres no point responding to him, It will just encourage him to continue trolling with his delusions and false information.
The guy actually believes that he is some sort of big powerful person who is friends with vladimir putin, and that he is friends with Australian politicians. He is a nutcase

He is also a previously banned member too, and despite repeated requests to admins and mods, they will not do anything about him.

Thanks to the British , Aboriginal population in Australia went from 100% to 3%. :rolleyes:

It's the other way around.

There is more Aboriginals now than there was when the european arrived on the continent. They are also the single biggest land owners.
Australian land reforms are a great step forward , i hope Australia keeps it reform process up and set up an example.
The effect of British colonisation on Aboriginal people

Between 1788 and 1900, the Aboriginal population was reduced by 90%. Three main reasons for this were the introduction of new diseases, loss of land and loss of people through direct fighting with the colonisers.

Introduced diseases

The most immediate consequence of British settlement was the appearance of European diseases. Most were epidemic diseases such as chickenpox, smallpox, influenza and measles. As these diseases were infectious, they spread very quickly and killed many people. In large Aboriginal communities, the diseases spread even more quickly.

Loss of land

Another consequence of British settlement was the reduction of access to land and water resources. The settlers took the view that Aboriginal people, with a nomadic lifestyle, could easily be driven away from their lands. By the 1870s all the fertile areas of Australia had been taken from Aboriginal people and given to the white settlers. The loss of land and other essential resources such as food and water posed great danger to Aboriginal people who were left with no place to live and nowhere to hunt food. Already weakened by the new diseases spread by the new settlers, Aboriginal people had dramatically reduced chances for survival.

See image 3

The British settlers also introduced alcohol to Aboriginal people which affected them very badly.

When the Europeans started raising stock in ranches, several changes took place. Many Aboriginal people lost their land. The spread of European livestock over vast areas also restricted the nomadic lifestyle of Aboriginal people.

From these ranches, Aboriginal people had a new supply of fresh meat, which changed their nutrition, their eating habits and ways of finding food. As a consequence, Aboriginal people started to depend on European settlers for their food and livelihood.

In the later 19th century, new settlers took vital parts of the land in the north, such as waterholes or soaks, for their own use. They also introduced sheep, rabbits and cattle. These animals took over fertile areas and fouled the land. Consequently, the native animals that Aboriginal people depended on to hunt began to disappear. Aboriginal people started to hunt sheep and cattle as they could no longer rely on hunting native animals.

During the 1850s, gold was found in south-eastern Australia. Many white pastoral workers left their stock farms or ranches to search for gold. Many Aboriginal men, women and children were hired to work in cattle stations and in other less popular industries, such as diving for pearls. Instead of being paid, Aboriginal people received food, clothing and other basic necessities.

Christian missions often provided food and clothing for Aboriginal communities and opened schools and orphanages for Aboriginal children. In some places, colonial governments also provided some resources.

In remote areas, some Aboriginal communities managed to retain their traditional lifestyles as late as the 1930s.

In general, at the beginning, the British colonisers were welcomed, or at least not opposed by Aboriginal people. With time, however, when the impact of the British settlement increased, there were more and more conflicts between the white settlers and Aboriginal people, which often resulted in massacre.

In the Northern Territory until as late as the 1930s, Europeans travellers were sometimes speared to death.In retaliation, some European settlers shot Aboriginal people. The most severe series of killings in the Northern Territory occurred at Caledon Bay, which became a turning point in the relationship between Aboriginal people and the white settlers.

Consequences of British colonisation for Aboriginal People, British colonisation of Australia, Colonisation: resources, power and exploration, SOSE Year 6, QLD | Online Education Home Schooling Skwirk Australia
The effect of British colonisation on Aboriginal people

Between 1788 and 1900, the Aboriginal population was reduced by 90%. Three main reasons for this were the introduction of new diseases, loss of land and loss of people through direct fighting with the colonisers.


this is interesting that there is a part of the world, Australia, where 90% of the indigenous people were killed by the British government so that British Boat People could be settled there. and even right now, these aboriginals keeps burning Australian flag even on the Australia Day with doing riot on that day. while British just want to make sure their people may keep migrating to Australia through the easy point system...........
Everyone acknowledges that historical wrongs were perpetrated on the Aborigines, however the core problem in those communities now is a psychological one. Despite all the material concessions by the Australian government -- and there are many -- these communities lack the will to make the most of those concessions and pull themselves out of the pit.

It is not an easy problem to solve, and it plagues the native peoples of North America as well.
Everyone acknowledges that historical wrongs were perpetrated on the Aborigines, however the core problem in those communities now is a psychological one. Despite all the material concessions by the Australian government -- and there are many -- these communities lack the will to make the most of those concessions and pull themselves out of the pit.

It is not an easy problem to solve, and it plagues the native peoples of North America as well.

if you have a look on the current state of aboriginals in AUstralia, then they have 13 times higher imprisonment rate. many times i have to believe that they simply dont want to follow laws as they find it to enslave them. like, they dont want British Queen to be Head of State of Australia, which is the symbol of enslaving this land by british? and then they see, every system of AUstralia is infused to make the aboriginals accept that its the British who still feed them. and here is the conflict...... common environment of AUstralia is not like India where people study hard/perform good on business and get progress :no:. the common environment there is, who born in australia have fun in life and who rule, rest migrants are coming to fulfill skill shortage. :meeting:

the society where criterion of getting progress in life is not education, people are more willing to commit crimes to have luxury life. and a clear sense of it, exists in australian society. when you start working in australia after your studies, you will see that local people do get the feeling that a migrant is doing while collar job and twice paid, sitting on top floor, while the local whites in Work Shop are general labor. british origin whites want to rule like Nawabs who used to have luxury life without any credibility and aboriginals dont want this, and in fact, they also want to rule australia like Nawabs and hence they want to kick british dominance from australia........:meeting:
Everyone acknowledges that historical wrongs were perpetrated on the Aborigines, however the core problem in those communities now is a psychological one. Despite all the material concessions by the Australian government -- and there are many -- these communities lack the will to make the most of those concessions and pull themselves out of the pit.

It is not an easy problem to solve, and it plagues the native peoples of North America as well.

Yep exactly, agree 100%

Psychological problems which results in abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs which then results in crime problems.

I don't know why hello_10 bothers posting, everyone knows he is a racist troll and nothing he says is correct.
Yep exactly, agree 100%

Psychological problems which results in abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs which then results in crime problems.

I don't know why hello_10 bothers posting, everyone knows he is a racist troll and nothing he says is correct.

it is said in australia, if someone hasn't taken drugs in his life at least once, then it simply means he was not born in australia :no:. aboriginals had to adopt the culture which they were given, see my previous post#19 :agree:

(go to the parliament in Canberra and ask them, who is this man :wave:)
Don't bother responding to my posts, i don't read your posts nor responses.

Racist trolls are boring.
hello is one of the chinese false accounts.. they just raising this issue again to try to get at me because i correctly state china is a bunch of cheats at pretty much everything they do
What is the current opinion of the Natives, do they seek seperation?

Are there reservations for natives in Australia Govt jobs etc, to better integrate them among the larger population?
What is the current opinion of the Natives, do they seek seperation?

Are there reservations for natives in Australia Govt jobs etc, to better integrate them among the larger population?
Natives get their fair share, actually they have better prospects however it's a different matter that most of them don't use it wisely. They are encouraged to work in Gov and Priv sector.

Australia is worse country in world.... (very shiny clean country but with dark shadow heart). The natures punishment for australia is planet Sun.... Skin cancer are common in Australia. To the world brits are worse and to brits the aussies are worse because world knows how australia was born (thanks to the brits).... Crime is normal in australia. Australia is soft on Criminals and we know why (due to their history).... Aussie people are most misbehaving people on planet. Racist are found around world including in india but in australia question is which aussie is not racist.... The biggest proof is australian cricket team themself.... while in CWG in india the Aussie mens and womens when heard sachin scored century they got drunk and thrown every furniture out of room below tower.... Rape is normal in australia. Even recent IPL its been seen that.... Australian scientists are the most briliant scientists for wrong things.... The worse aussies are the Teens whos hormones bubbles and they even wont mind murdering anyone. BINGI is favorite for many Aussies. Drugs are normal in Australia (china teached Australian good lession when aussie got caught.) the only drug taking few people will get caught is indians, pakistanis, bangladesi, africans etc etc. Recently indian got caught but question is was they alone? Not really. Australians are worse people. They talk too alot similar to what we see in american, brits jail.... 'Mate' is favorite word in australia and so does in jail. Australia is most negative energy producer.... The frequency on australia set by Reptilians are alot negative. Watch any aussie movie and u will see murder, rape and gettin away with it.... The worse bad words are invented in Australia. For world britishers are worse and Australians are spoiled Brit blood.... If indians dies in australia then i blame on that indian.... Just to save bit money indians risking their life.... Humanoids never fly over Australia. We only see Greys disk ship or Reptilian cigar ships. We never see beamships because humanoids cant stand negative energy....

What do you smoke? Can i have some


it is said in australia, if someone hasn't taken drugs in his life at least once, then it simply means he was not born in australia :no:. aboriginals had to adopt the culture which they were given, see my previous post#19 :agree:

(go to the parliament in Canberra and ask them, who is this man :wave:)

Oh no, lots of my friends are wrong to think they were born here :hitwall:

This thread should be closed
it is said in australia, if someone hasn't taken drugs in his life at least once, then it simply means he was not born in australia :no:. aboriginals had to adopt the culture which they were given, see my previous post#19 :agree:

(go to the parliament in Canberra and ask them, who is this man :wave:)

You mean there was a Social Engineering of the Aborigines by the White Convicts? They have been given Opium like the Chinese were given and The were Raped even without them knowing it.
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