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Disappointed Pakistanis

There exists no such animal. There is the less misinformed & the grossly misinformed & everything in between.
Good rule of thumb: Never take the wisdom of your fellow voters for granted - and they should have the same opinion about you.
While we all claim to be democratic or pro-democratic but as soon as the results are not as per our liking, we display the same behaviour as our democratically elected non-democratic politicians.

Although I am totally disappointed with the outcome, but I also see a positive change, a slow one, but definitely a positive change, and I guess democratic process is a slow process it takes several transitions to become mature.

Instead of cribbing and crying and bashing the not so favourite political parties, we should respect the decision of the majority, that is what a democratic system is. and we should also analyse what actually happened, here is my brief analysis, you don't have to agree with it.

After his return from exile, NS supported Zardari for presidency who was riding the sympathy wave after murder of BB and then quietly watched Zardari/PPP commit a political suicide without interfering or doing any political drama bazi to send him home prematurely (why not get rid of him permanently while he committed political suicide himself).

While the Zardari was busy doing what he is known for, PMLN worked and delivered where they had government.

The positive thing I see is that PPP, the largest political party, which won elections 5 years ago is now nowhere and is replaced by a totally new and inexperienced party PTI. Sop there is a change people rejected PPP due to poor performance, the elected PMLN because of their experience and prior work, and people also showed more confidence on PTI giving it a chance to make a provincial government, if they deliver, they will win the next elections, if PMLN perform they will remain on the political scene or join zardari and team next time around.

Lets wait and let the new government chance to show how capable they are, instead of start bashing them from day one and disrespecting majority vote.
It seems to have been, overall, the fairest election Pakistani has had since the 1970s. Can't "believe" your fellow-citizens choice? It sounds to me that you didn't work hard enough to persuade them of your point of view and didn't listen to them tell you what they really cared about.

Yes @Solomon2, you would know better than us as to how fair the elections were sitting in the YOU ESSS AAA right?

1. On what basis could one think that this election would bring something new? The signs were clear that facebook likes (for Gen Musharraf) or huge rallies full of young people (for PTI) would not mean any change at the ballot box.

2. In spite of these issues which are typical of any developing country, we are still growing our economy at a significant pace. The growth of our GDP is steady. Similarly, the WoT won't last forever. Once the Americans leave, things should improve slowly, if not rapidly.

3. To consider Pakistan a mistake is merely an emotional over-reaction brought on by the recent elections. We should never call Pakistan a mistake, lest others be tempted to rectify it.

So when do we see you coming back to Pakistan, Mr.CryingAboutMyVisaPerputually? You don't even have the integrity to put the correct location and country flags, dont talk about affairs that dont affect you.

As for the growth of our GDP is steady, and the Americans withdrawing will bring peace to the region - you sound like a Jamaat-e-Islami crony. Good for us there are less of you here!
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After his return from exile, NS supported Zardari for presidency who was riding the sympathy wave after murder of BB and then quietly watched Zardari/PPP commit a political suicide without interfering or doing any political drama bazi to send him home prematurely (why not get rid of him permanently while he committed political suicide himself).

Are you forgetting that NS will probably join up with PPP in Sindh?
you always lived in denial and illusions and you did same in current elections. You did it. righ

YOU GET LOST, THIS IS PAKISTANS INTERNAL MATTER SO STFU & yes bastard Nawaz the kuta is responsible to Kargil war defeat when Pakistan was winning. "A Military success was turned into political defeat " - Gen. Musharraf.
Are you forgetting that NS will probably join up with PPP in Sindh?

It will happen, PPP & PML-N had agreed to support each other after corrupt 2008 Elections, they both are married.
YOU GET LOST, THIS IS PAKISTANS INTERNAL MATTER SO STFU & yes bastard Nawaz the kuta is responsible to Kargil war defeat when Pakistan was winning. "A Military success was turned into political defeat " - Gen. Musharraf.

Which is why Commandu Musharraff is in Jail and Nawaz Sharif is Prime Minister. What a paradox!
Woke up this morning thinking it was just a bad dream.
Couldn't imagine that people of Pakistan have selected PML(N) or rather Nawas Sharif as the countries next PM. Admittedly unlike some on this forum, I'm not too emotional about the political set up in Pakistan, but in all earnest in the wildest imagination, i never expected NS to return to the power seat neither did i envisaged that Pakistani public, after repeatedly being let down by this party, have such short memory. How can one forget how this man managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the Kargil conflict, how he was playing musical chairs with the army high command, the attack on supreme court, the scandalous misadventures of his side kick the diabolical Saif brothers, his Ilford plaza and other properties in London not to mention other scams in UK and above all the freezing of foreign currency accounts.
Indeed people were fed up with PPP and were desperate for a change hence one would understand even if God forbid, some Islamic party was voted into power, but choosing damaged goods over some fresh change like Imran Khan is just beyond belief. Having said that, credit should be given where it's due and I'm all for Shabaz Sharif as he's time and again proved himself to be a good administrator but Nawas Sharif once again representing and leading Pakistan......the stuff what nightmares are made of. God help Pakistan.

Elmo edit: Have edited the thread title to, "The disappointed Pakistanis thread!" Let's air our grievances here

These people forget things very easily. They forgot that bastard Nawaz was not in the favor of Nuke tests, chota kuta Shahbaz said "We are negotiating package with US & if the package is good then we will not touch the nukes", during all this crap by Kuta Nawaz & co., Pakistan Army & the Scientists acted & they tested the Nukes.

Now the famous Kargil war "Military success was turned into political defeat" - Gen. Musharraf his statements says it all that kuta Nawaz sold Kargil war out.

He also made situation bad in Balochistan province worse by starting this slogan in Punjab "Jag Punjabi jag........."

This bastard did it all & he harmed Pakistan in every possible way but today all the crap eating people have forgotten all this & PML-N is back in power by all CORRUPT means & ultimate rigging.
YOU GET LOST, THIS IS PAKISTANS INTERNAL MATTER SO STFU & yes bastard Nawaz the kuta is responsible to Kargil war defeat when Pakistan was winning. "A Military success was turned into political defeat " - Gen. Musharraf.

Yes @Solomon2, you would know better than us as to how fair the elections were sitting in the YOU ESSS AAA right?

So when do we see you coming back to Pakistan, Mr.CryingAboutMyVisaPerputually? You don't even have the integrity to put the correct location and country flags, dont talk about affairs that dont affect you.

As for the growth of our GDP is steady, and the Americans withdrawing will bring peace to the region - you sound like a Jamaat-e-Islami crony. Good for us there are less of you here!

So what do your guesses about my visa and my political views have to do with your answering the three simple questions I posed, in the interests of having a mature discussion?

Would you care to answer them or just engage in personal attacks?

To reiterate and to keep the thread on track with the topic and not the posters:

1. On what basis could one think that this election would bring something new? The signs were clear that facebook likes (for Gen Musharraf) or huge rallies full of young people (for PTI) would not mean any change at the ballot box.

2. In spite of these issues which are typical of any developing country, we are still growing our economy at a significant pace. The growth of our GDP is steady. Similarly, the WoT won't last forever. Once the Americans leave, things should improve slowly, if not rapidly.

3. To consider Pakistan a mistake is merely an emotional over-reaction brought on by the recent elections. We should never call Pakistan a mistake, lest others be tempted to rectify it.
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People changing flags and throwing tantrums.....like that will make any difference :rolleyes1:
This proof that most of people in Pakistan think different from what we have seen in PDF or social media.
denial and illusions as always, you really had to throw in the bit about the "victory in Kargil", how about you focus on Pakistan for a change rather than your delusions.

One should make an effort to utilise their grey matter rather than copy pasting others blabbering.
Apart from others, petering out of inevitable Kargil victory was his major down fall hence, hardly anyone protested when he was kicked out of office. Why else was Silent Savitri quick to extend him an invitation to visit India.....his actions saved India's face. !!
One should make an effort to utilise their grey matter rather than copy pasting others blabbering.
Apart from others, petering out of inevitable Kargil victory was his major down fall hence, hardly anyone protested when he was kicked out of office. Why else was Silent Savitri quick to extend him an invitation to visit India.....his actions saved India's face. !!

You really believe this?? It's one thing to use it to pull the legs of some of my countrymen but if you seriously believe it.....seems like grey matter is at a premium..!
no man aakhir pakistani hi hayn jinhon ne vote diya hai.............im with PTI all the way.....ubb 20 sall baad dekhte hayn woh kya karta hai warna army hai dont worry

I heard that late Pir Saen Pagara VII said before his death.
1. I will not be experiencing the elections 2013.
2. Nawaz Sharif will win in election 2013.
3. Nawaz Sharif will die after one year of elections.:nana::rofl:

I don't know if its true, or going to happened.
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