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Diplomats warn of India-Pakistan nuclear exchange: WikiLeaks

the conflict is more ideological than military or psuedonational. Indian movies, culture (note Ms Shireen Rehman's repeated use of the word "ashirvaad" instead of "a'ghaz" or even the english "beginning" to name one!) are becoming dominant.
among those events / incidences suggesting Indian dominance -behavior: the rampant profiteering by petty businessmen by using indian trade without regard to pakistani markets...
putting the ground reality aside for a moment, some Indian laws are, on paper, more just - vide the indian version of freedom of information act; the laws against dowry (compare this with pakistani "politicians" [more like barbaric warlord relics of a uncivilized past] justifying quite literally throwing a lady to the dogs and burying her alive etc. even the tendency to deify humans (shaheed xyz etc.).
well that's not a new whistle or pandora box just opened..everyone knows the nuke deterrence is effective against numerically superior enemy as well enforces the belief that India is the forerunner of arms race and unstable in Asia through its secret expansionist and interference policies.
well that's not a new whistle or pandora box just opened..everyone knows the nuke deterrence is effective against numerically superior enemy as well enforces the belief that India is the forerunner of arms race and unstable in Asia through its secret expansionist and interference policies.

Plus dont blame PAK, it was india who started this race ... why cry now when we joined the race & are running faster than others :azn:
Come On , Its a Known Fact But Clinging On to that and Making that as an Excuse to develop Tactical Nukes Might Come Under the radars of International Community, We All Know what happened When Countries Used Chemical and Biological Weapon in the War front, It was Ultimately adjudged Against battle Ethics and It Has been Maintained as a Convention altogether.... Pakistan Is free to use it But it Would Still Be Considered a Nuclear Attack, Enough to Break our "No first Use policy"I Guess....

Tactical Nukes Are a Significant research In Terms Of Miniaturizing the Nukes...But if its to be used in a Battle field Then it could Take the battle to New Heights....
This comment has made by a Pakistani General not Indian Army,so why Pak bros trying to defend?
If a nation with less experience and low yield nukes boasts 86400 times a day about nukes nukes and nukes,then what must a country which has biological, chemical and more powerful nukes boast about?? Ill leave it to the wisdom of nuclear war maniacs.
If a nation with less experience and low yield nukes boasts 86400 times a day about nukes nukes and nukes,then what must a country which has biological, chemical and more powerful nukes boast about?? I\\\'ll leave it to the wisdom of nuclear war maniacs.

They are well Aware of the fact that we Have Tied Our hands By Signing "No First Use policy" This Gives them the License to Boast about there Nuke no Matter How Inferior they are to us....
I don't think India will do such an act because you have more to lose than us !

TN's are for a limited use and can cause a great damage to the incoming force , even nuclear tipped artillery can be used for that matter.

Of course we have everything to loose. But do you think that will stop the Govt from proceeding with the retaliatory strike ?? No.

Once Nukes are used,then its game on and frankly if the GoI thinks so,we would not have developed nukes in the first place as there are no winners or loosers in the nuke war -- only survivors.

If a nuclear war happens - its going to be limited in the beginning and i wont be convinced that Pakistan or India would ever decide to put a full powered Nuke on the other country because you might not know, because of the ultra close land border and supportive topography one nuke will do significant damage on both sides.

And there is nothing called limited use in a nuclear war -- how will you measure the quantity 'limited' ?? By the number of tanks destroyed ?? No. A 0.1 KT may be limited for Pak,whereas a 1KT will be for India

Nuke is a nuke and will be treated as such. And precisely because iof the topography Pakistan will think thirty times before launching a nuke whether its a small TN or the large TN.
They are well Aware of the fact that we Have Tied Our hands By Signing \\\"No First Use policy\\\" This Gives them the License to Boast about there Nuke no Matter How Inferior they are to us....

I have heard that the SO CALLED no first use policy can be withdrawn at any time if we wish :D. Dunno how far its true...
They are well Aware of the fact that we Have Tied Our hands By Signing "No First Use policy" This Gives them the License to Boast about there Nuke no Matter How Inferior they are to us....

Dont worry my friend, no one gonna use any nuke on you :) .. relax & enjoy :pop:

These leaks are nothing but a drama to satisfy american that obama is working on all fronts if u remember his popularity was really low so they needed a distraction :)
Of course we have everything to loose. But do you think that will stop the Govt from proceeding with the retaliatory strike ?? No.

Once Nukes are used,then its game on and frankly if the GoI thinks so,we would not have developed nukes in the first place as there are no winners or loosers in the nuke war -- only survivors.

And there is nothing called limited use in a nuclear war -- how will you measure the quantity 'limited' ?? By the number of tanks destroyed ?? No. A 0.1 KT may be limited for Pak,whereas a 1KT will be for India

Nuke is a nuke and will be treated as such. And precisely because iof the topography Pakistan will think thirty times before launching a nuke whether its a small TN or the large TN.

You are making a fuss out of nothing as usual - read my first post again - i have said that TNs "enable us" to do such and such and i haven't said anywhere that we WILL use them rather then thermos.
I have heard that the SO CALLED no first use policy can be withdrawn at any time if we wish :D. Dunno how far its true...

Not Until we are attacked with Nukes, or If there is a Hundred Percent Chance for a Nuke Strike on us.... But If We Violate this treaty then We Will have to Suffer Embargoes For the years to come...
Not Until we are attacked with Nukes, or If there is a Hundred Percent Chance for a Nuke Strike on us.... But If We Violate this treaty then We Will have to Suffer Embargoes For the years to come...
If you have nukes,still dont use them in the brink of a nuclear war,then,well my friend,you deserve to loose. :)
BTW...our policy makers are no saints :D
Dont worry my friend, no one gonna use any nuke on you :) .. relax & enjoy :pop:

These leaks are nothing but a drama to satisfy american that obama is working on all fronts if u remember his popularity was really low so they needed a distraction :)

Well, Do You Seriously Think We have to be really Worried About Your Nukes especially when we Have Interceptors Placed and an Active research for Better ABM's Underway???

We are Just debating Over those tactical nukes which would Be directly Involved in a Combat and if it Does Could It trigger Nuke war....

You cannot rubbish Wiki Leaks for Your Convenience Dear, U are supposed to Debate it out...
Pakistan army is ranked in the best armies of the world. how can some one say that Pakistan's army is inferior then India...
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