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Diplomats warn of India-Pakistan nuclear exchange: WikiLeaks

The U.S. said in a cable that it doubted the Indian army was capable of doing so: “It is the collective judgment of the mission that India would likely encounter very mixed results. Indian forces could have significant problems consolidating initial gains due to logistical difficulties and slow reinforcement.”

There is your reason...for the cold water spilling on whatever!
nothing that the pakistani army would be responsible for...
'Pak army no match for India's so we want more nukes'

Despite "pending economic catastrophe," Pakistan is producing nuclear weapons at a "faster rate" than any other country in the world, according to a stunning American appraisal that forms part of the cables relating to US-Pakistan relations leaked by the whistleblower organization wikileaks.

The assessment was conveyed by US National Intelligence Officer for South Asia Dr Peter Lavoy to NATO representatives in November 2008 amid widespread, and continuing, apprehensions among major powers, recorded in separate cables, about the security of the weapons and its possible heist by terrorists, extremists and fundamentalists, including those in the government.

Among those expressing concern about the safety of Pakistani nukes are British and Russian officials, even as American and Chinese interlocutors mull over how to address Pakistan's fear of India that is ostensibly leading it to crank out nuclear weapons rapidly even it stalls a treaty to end production of fissile material (FMCT).

In one particularly startling cable, a high ranking Chinese official, vice foreign minister He Yafei, is quoted as hearing from a Pakistan general that Pakistan needs nuclear weapons because of its inferior army. "Indeed, a Pakistani military leader said his army was no match for the Indian army," the cable records Yafei as saying.

But the most elaborate scenario of a nuclear heist in Pakistan comes in a heavily redacted cable which cites an unnamed Russian official questioning the security measures Islamabad claims to have established, and which is frequently accepted as secure by Washington, and suggesting that the Pakistan's growing Islamization constitutes an imminent nuclear danger.

"Russia is aware that Pakistani authorities, with help from the US, have created a well-structured system of security for protecting nuclear facilities, which includes physical protection. However, there are 120,000-130,000 people directly involved in Pakistan's nuclear and missile programs... there is no way to guarantee that all are 100% loyal and reliable," the cable. conveying the Russian view, reads

"In addition to the Islamist interest in these facilities," the cable continues, "Russia also is aware that Pakistan has had to hire people to protect nuclear facilities that have especially strict religious beliefs, and recently the general educational and cultural levels in Pakistan has been falling. Due to these facts, extremist organizations have more opportunities to recruit people working in the nuclear and missile programs... Russia thinks Pakistan should also be a particular focus of discussion."

Showing little trust in their much-touted ally, US officials offer a slightly different take in another cable, saying, "Our major concern is not having an Islamic militant steal an entire weapon but rather the chance someone working in Government of Pakistan facilities could gradually smuggle enough material out to eventually make a weapon.

A lengthy cable discussing Pakistan's opposition to the fissile material cut off treaty also notes the trauma inflicted on Islamabad by the US-India nuclear deal, which Pakistan believes has "unshackled" India's nuclear weapons program by freeing up domestic uranium to make more bombs, hence necessitating Pakistan stalling FMCT as it ramps up its arsenal.

"Islamabad has chafed over the US-India 123 Agreement, arguing it also needs civilian nuclear power to meet energy demand; we have repeatedly advised the GOP that it should not expect a similar agreement because of AQ Khan's proliferation activities," notes another cable.

'Pak army no match for India's so we want more nukes' - The Times of India
how many time you indians people will post the same news again and again....
this is being second thread with same source

well as this is indian source no one will trust it ..

and for your information Pakistan army dont need any thing to prove its capabilities its just indian army who need something to say that they are ahead of Pakistan :)

where as world know Pakistani army capabilities.... and they admit ...
how many time you indians people will post the same news again and again....
this is being second thread with same source

well as this is indian source no one will trust it ..

and for your information Pakistan army dont need any thing to prove its capabilities its just indian army who need something to say that they are ahead of Pakistan :)

where as world know Pakistani army capabilities.... and they admit ...

woooh wooh cool down buddy you are giving away your true identity ;) ....

Ps : It was Sri Lankan who have posted this thread.
woooh wooh cool down buddy you are giving away your true identity ;) ....

Ps : It was Sri Lankan who have posted this thread.

Freashy go and read my intro and you will my true identity :)
We are producing more TNs (Tactical Nukes) rather than high yield Nukes which means it enables us to bomb Indian armed forces anywhere we want and at anytime and leave an irreversible damage. For example the TN's allow us to destroy all incoming tanks and armored vehicles in a single attack !

Conventionally we are able to defend ourselves effectively and if indians dont think this way then they are lunatics or too stupid to admit it.
We are producing more TNs (Tactical Nukes) rather than high yield Nukes which means it enables us to bomb Indian armed forces anywhere we want and at anytime and leave an irreversible damage. For example the TN's allow us to destroy all incoming tanks and armored vehicles in a single attack !

Conventionally we are able to defend ourselves effectively and if indians dont think this way then they are lunatics or too stupid to admit it.

Does the Pak Army strategists know TN (Tactical nuke) or the other TN (Thermo Nuclear weapon) will be considered the same - Nuclear attack - and there will be a massive and dis-proportionate retaliatory attack. (stated Indian policy is NFU, but in case of being attacked fist,there will be a massive and dis-proportionate second attack)

So If I were in Pakistan's shoes I would rather use Thermo nuclear wepons and get nuked back,rather than just destroying tanks and getting nuked back massively :lol:
Does the Pak Army strategists know TN (Tactical nuke) or the other TN (Thermo Nuclear weapon) will be considered the same - Nuclear attack - and there will be a massive and dis-proportionate retaliatory attack. (stated Indian policy is NFU, but in case of being attacked fist,there will be a massive and dis-proportionate second attack)

So If I were in Pakistan's shoes I would rather use Thermo nuclear wepons and get nuked back,rather than just destroying tanks and getting nuked back massively :lol:

Do u seriously believe that the Military establishment dont know this or they dont have a strategy in place :)
Does the Pak Army strategists know TN (Tactical nuke) or the other TN (Thermo Nuclear weapon) will be considered the same - Nuclear attack - and there will be a massive and dis-proportionate retaliatory attack. (stated Indian policy is NFU, but in case of being attacked fist,there will be a massive and dis-proportionate second attack)

So If I were in Pakistan's shoes I would rather use Thermo nuclear wepons and get nuked back,rather than just destroying tanks and getting nuked back massively :lol:

I don't think India will do such an act because you have more to lose than us !

TN's are for a limited use and can cause a great damage to the incoming force , even nuclear tipped artillery can be used for that matter.

If a nuclear war happens - its going to be limited in the beginning and i wont be convinced that Pakistan or India would ever decide to put a full powered Nuke on the other country because you might not know, because of the ultra close land border and supportive topography one nuke will do significant damage on both sides.

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