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Did Americans stage 9/11?

i give especial emphesis to this question also

9) i dont see american democracy in saudi arabia, behrain but american democracy was forced on libya(a welfare state became lawless state after that), iraq(military power became a lawless state) somalia(a progressing state is in stone age after introduction of american democracy) and afghanistan( drugs were non existant but after that even karzai brother was a drug lord), whats the reason behind it?
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3484634 said:
simple question i wanna ask any american out there

1) 9/11 was one by osama and his saudi fellows, america said it has come to get osama, but the afghan war yet remains unfinished
The two are separate issues.

[QUOTE='[:::~Spartacus~:::]2) american president obama said he will retreat all the american forces if he got elected, so who is pressurising him to stay back at the commetments he promised??[/quote]
No one is applying any pressure. If there are any pressure, it is the situation in Afghanistan.

[QUOTE='[:::~Spartacus~:::]3) if osama was capable of 9/11 why wasnt another attack launched like 9/11 on american soil again?[/quote]
Because we have been proactive enough to pursue al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and to make things more difficult for al-Qaeda to commit another '9/11'.

[QUOTE='[:::~Spartacus~:::]4) its been known that america was planning afghan war even before the 9/11 so why the pretext of 9/11 was used to attack afghanistan when it was even been planned before 9/11[/quote]
A plan does not mean it will be executed. The US was attacked by al-Qaeda in the past. Did you forget the WTC underground bomb truck back in 1993? We could have invaded Afghanistan back then.

[QUOTE='[:::~Spartacus~:::]5) OK we accept 9/11 was the cause for afghan war, but what the hell was the reason behind attacking iraq and its chemical weapons thingy??[/quote]
Because of Iraq's WMD program. This is a different issue and wrongly associated.

[QUOTE='[:::~Spartacus~:::]6) Osama was the known CIA asset during soviet war, whats the prove he wasnt working for the CIA till he was dead??[/QUOTE]
This myth has been debunked a long time ago, by bin Laden himself...

Robert Fisk Interviews, Usama bin Ladin
"Personally neither I nor my brothers saw evidence of American help...
EzioAltaïr;3484644 said:
Ouch, I was just trying to help. If you really hate it so much I won't respond any more.

BTW, reading a book may be time consuming, but is certainly better than asking questions to a member on a forum right?

i need straight forward answers, i cant read a book because i wont expect direct answers from there, i dont need to read a book for straight forward answers
Because of Iraq's WMD program. This is a different issue and wrongly associated.

It should be noted that just before the invasion, much to his generals' and ministers' surprise, denied any WMD program. He used to have chemical weapons, but they had been long disposed off. He had not allowed UN surveys only to maintain suspense, without which, Iran would have attacked him.

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3484650 said:
i need straight forward answers, i cant read a book because i wont expect direct answers from there, i dont need to read a book for straight forward answers

Ok peace.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3484650 said:
i need straight forward answers, i cant read a book because i wont expect direct answers from there, i dont need to read a book for straight forward answers
No book? You mean you already made up your mind. This is the most disturbing thing I see with youth today: the disdain for books.

EzioAltaïr;3484654 said:
It should be noted that just before the invasion, much to his generals' and ministers' surprise, denied any WMD program. He used to have chemical weapons, but they had been long disposed off. He had not allowed UN surveys only to maintain suspense, without which, Iran would have attacked him.
Regardless of reason, Saddam's recalcitrance only reinforced suspicion. This miscalculation sealed his fate.
Regardless of reason, Saddam's recalcitrance only reinforced suspicion. This miscalculation sealed his fate.

He was stuck. If he declared earlier that he had nothing, Iran would have attacked him for sure, and he might not have fared well without chemical weapons.

But he didn't declare early enough, and gave US and excuse to finish him off. He really hadn't expected the US to attack.
EzioAltaïr;3484676 said:
He was stuck. If he declared earlier that he had nothing, Iran would have attacked him for sure, and he might not have fared well without chemical weapons.

But he didn't declare early enough, and gave US and excuse to finish him off. He really hadn't expected the US to attack.
Unlikely. The Iranians were not that foolish. Iraq was under intense UN scrutiny with inspectors demanding to go here and there without permission and notice. There was strong American military presence in the region, if not in Iraq, and that we do not need to launch from Iraq to retaliate.
Unlikely. The Iranians were not that foolish. Iraq was under intense UN scrutiny with inspectors demanding to go here and there without permission and notice. There was strong American military presence in the region, if not in Iraq, and that we do not need to launch from Iraq to retaliate.

I'm telling you what he was supposedly afraid of. It needn't necessarily make sense right?
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3484634 said:
simple question i wanna ask any american out there

1) 9/11 was one by osama and his saudi fellows, america said it has come to get osama, but the afghan war yet remains unfinished

We got Osama unless your head was in the sand. He was in Pakistan. Your country.

2) american president obama said he will retreat all the american forces if he got elected, so who is pressurising him to stay back at the commetments he promised??

He says he pull troops out of Iraq not Afghanistan. Politics says he has to help Afghanistan prevent being another Al Qaeda safe haven. A failed country is a rich country for Al Qaeda.

3) if osama was capable of 9/11 why wasnt another attack launched like 9/11 on american soil again?

Thats a good question, done a couple of times and has failed. Anybody attempts to hijack a airliner is asking to be gang banged by the passengers in belief they be dead anyways.

4) its been known that america was planning afghan war even before the 9/11 so why the pretext of 9/11 was used to attack afghanistan when it was even been planned before 9/11

It has been known? How about providing proof?

5) OK we accept 9/11 was the cause for afghan war, but what the hell was the reason behind attacking iraq and its chemical weapons thingy??

Offense is the best defense. Be proactive. Never let the enemy attack you first. Pearl Harbor anybody?

6) Osama was the known CIA asset during soviet war, whats the prove he wasnt working for the CIA till he was dead??

He was a known agent of the ISI since he trained in Pakistan. Does that prove anything?

7) i want to see the dead osama body in the compound of abbottabad like all americans, i firmly believe americans have videos and pictures of that operation

You want to see a video of Osama being alive and well to debunk American claims hes dead.

8) was osama firing his weapon or not firing his weapon when the seals attacked the abbottabad house?

Read the book.

9) i dont see american democracy in saudi arabia, behrain but american democracy was forced on libya(a welfare state became lawless state after that), iraq(military power became a lawless state) somalia(a progressing state is in stone age after introduction of american democracy) and afghanistan( drugs were non existant but after that even karzai brother was a drug lord), whats the reason behind it?

American democracy was never forced on Libya. People demand change.
As mentioned earlier by one poster, why do we have to discuss the reality of 9/11 ? Same happens with 26/11 in India.

Should we apply conspiracy theories at every terrorist incident ? Should we say Abu Gharib prison images were morphed or doctored one ?

Is it so hard to follow Occam's Razor especially in these cases ?
Interesting read:

Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods was a series of false-flag proposals that originated in 1962 within the United States government, and which the Kennedy administration rejected. [2] The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro.[3] One part of Operation Northwoods was to "develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington."
Operation Northwoods proposals included hijackings and bombings followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. It stated:
"The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere."
Several other proposals were included within Operation Northwoods, including real or simulated actions against various U.S. military and civilian targets. The plan was drafted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, signed by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer and sent to the Secretary of Defense. Although part of the U.S. government's Cuban Project anti-communist initiative, Operation Northwoods was never officially accepted; it was authorized by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but then rejected by President John F. Kennedy.
According to currently released documentation, none of the operations became active under the auspices of the Operation Northwoods proposals.


Could the US have attacked their own people? Why not?
Yes! American agencies did stage the 9/11 and they are getting ready to do more like that in future....There is no doubt about it. Anybody who is doubting that is their paid agent.....no questions asked.........
EzioAltaïr;3484563 said:
While I'm all for imagination, it really is an insult to the victims of terrorism, to believe that USA kills it's own people to attack oil-rich countries........ On second thoughts, it really isn't that far-fetched is it? :)

Food for thought : If they indeed staged a false flag for oil, why did they not attack Saudi which is the biggest producer of oil especially given the fact that 15 out of 19 terrorists were Saudis and instead went for utter barren Afghanistan ?

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