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Japan WWII 'comfort women' were 'necessary' - Hashimoto


(I can't post links yet sorry)

Anyone seen this yet? How can it be resolved peacefully when Major politicians in Japan still publicly declare things like this up till this day? What do you expect China, Korea and SEA countries to think of Japan when the Mayor of Osaka goes one step further by openly claiming Japan's wartime crimes are 'necessary' and 'justified'? Reconciliation and cooperation requires humility and understanding, not poking at sore spots of those who were wounded in the past.

I expect trolls on PDF to come up with things like this, not a prominent politician.
Japan WWII 'comfort women' were 'necessary' - Hashimoto


Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto said the "comfort women" gave soldiers putting their lives at risk a chance "to rest".

He acknowledged that the women had been acting "against their will".

Some 200,000 women in territories occupied by Japan during WWII are estimated to have been forced into becoming sex slaves for troops.

Many of the women came from China and South Korea, but also from the Philippines, Indonesia and Taiwan.

Japan's treatment of its wartime role has been a frequent source of tension with its neighbours.

Mr Hashimoto, the co-founder of the nationalist Japanese Restoration Party, was the youngest governor in Japanese history before becoming mayor of Osaka.

He said last year that Japan needed "a dictatorship".

In his latest controversial comments, quoted by Japanese media, he said: "In the circumstances in which bullets are flying like rain and wind, the soldiers are running around at the risk of losing their lives,"

"If you want them to have a rest in such a situation, a comfort women system is necessary. Anyone can understand that."

He also claimed that Japan was not the only country to use the system, though it was responsible for its actions.

He said he backed a 1995 statement by Japan's then-PM Tomiichi Murayama, in which he apologised for its wartime actions in Asia.

"It is a result of the tragedy of the war that they became comfort women against their will. The responsibility for the war also lies with Japan. We have to politely offer kind words to [former] comfort women."

BBC News - Japan WWII 'comfort women' were 'necessary' - Hashimoto

It seems these Japanese right wingers are keep shooting themselves on the feet, keep it up!
Those Japanese right wingers should have their teeth kicked in for spewing such bull...
It's time for us to take Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto out to the woods and turn him into our sex slave and lets see how necessary he thinks it is after were done with his booty.
Chinese army general says Okinawa not Japan's

BEIJING - A senior Chinese military officer has said the Ryukyu Islands -- which include Okinawa and its US military bases -- "do not belong to Japan", as a territorial row mounts between the Asian powers.

The comments by People's Liberation Army Major General Luo Yuan were published by the China News Service website Tuesday, after the country's leading newspaper last week carried a call to review Tokyo's sovereignty over the chain.

Luo emphasised that the islands were historically in a vassal relationship with imperial Chinese dynasties.

Those ties did not necessarily mean they were part of China, he said, adding: "But we can be certain of one point. The Ryukyus don't belong to Japan."

"(If) the Ryukyus don't belong to you," he said, referring to Tokyo, "how can you talk about the Diaoyus?"

China and Japan have been in a long-running dispute over islands in the East China Sea that Tokyo administers as the Senkakus, but Beijing claims as the Diaoyus.

The row intensified last year after Japan purchased islands in the chain it did not already own, sparking outrage in China, with anti-Japanese demonstrations taking place in Chinese cities.

Chinese vessels regularly enter waters around the islands and Japan has scrambled jets to ward off Chinese flights in the area, stoking fears of armed conflict.

Analysts have said questions in China about the Ryukyus' status are probably aimed at pressuring Japan to make concessions in the dispute over the islands, which are administratively part of Okinawa prefecture.

Luo seemed to back up such a view, saying that by raising the issue of the Ryukyus, China struck a blow at Japan's "soft spot".

Last Wednesday, the People's Daily, China's most-circulated newspaper and the mouthpiece of the ruling Communist party, carried an article by scholars arguing that the country may have rights to the Ryukyus.

Japan says the islands are its territory and are accepted as such internationally.

Before being annexed into Japan in the late 19th century, the independent Ryukyu kingdom, centred on Okinawa, paid tribute to China for centuries -- as did numerous other traditional Asian states -- often receiving favourable trading rights in return.

Okinawa hosts major US air force and marine bases and is home to 1.3 million people. The US military occupied Okinawa and some other islands in the Ryukyu chain for 27 years after the end of World War II, returning them to Japan on May 15, 1972.

Chinese army general says Okinawa not Japan's - Channel NewsAsia

First Chinese official to argue Okinawa does not belong to Japan after scholars published the same opinion in People Daily last week.
Japan must increase the current defence spending as soon as possible. Every percentage point means $60bn. To be on par with China, Mr Abe needs to add 1.5 point at least.

Japan must increase the current defence spending as soon as possible. Every percentage point means $60bn. To be on par with China, Mr Abe needs to add 1.5 point at least.

I agree that Japan must increase the current defence spending as soon as possible, but for now, I think they still hold enough cards to play. Sometime, number and military power are not only way to solve problems.
If Japan increase their defence spending so will China, and it legitimises the increase.

Geopolitics 101, both countries don't lack the money.
Japan should double the military personnel as well, to 500,000.

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