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Dialogue offer: Taliban offer ceasefire to new government

what about the poll then,in which majority pak people wanted sharia??:what:

What about the polling results in the 2013 general elections ? :D What " majority people " gave their decision in that so what survey which God knows was conducted where and under what circumstances who couldn't vote for religious parties in the elections ?

You tell me that , I will walk away .
If the answer is no , then I think Pakistanis have given their decision regarding the system of governance that they want and now they would not be left hostage to a couple thousand religious psychopaths who want to shove down their barbaric , medieval and intolerant interpretation of Islam on the silent majority . Otherwise these militants wouldn't have taken arms to enforce their brand of Sharia , they would have contested in the elections but they know they stand no chance of even winning a single seat anywhere .

Astagfirullah. this is how you speak about the only nizam e adl, the divine law and order of Allah swt? you need to re examine who we are and what this country was made for. ask forgiveness aur panj waqt namaz parya karr.

and just because some mercenaries and corrupt parties are the only ones asking for shariah, doesnt mean you can attack and brandish it as 'barbaric, medieval' etc. have sense of shame
Astagfirullah. this is how you speak about the only nizam e adl, the divine law and order of Allah swt? you need to re examine who we are and what this country was made for. ask forgiveness aur panj waqt namaz parya karr.

and just because some mercenaries and corrupt parties are the only ones asking for shariah, doesnt mean you can attack and brandish it as 'barbaric, medieval' etc. have sense of shame

Sharia as a governance model sadly does not work as explained in my post.
Astagfirullah. this is how you speak about the only nizam e adl, the divine law and order of Allah swt? you need to re examine who we are and what this country was made for. ask forgiveness aur panj waqt namaz parya karr.

and just because some mercenaries and corrupt parties are the only ones asking for shariah, doesnt mean you can attack and brandish it as 'barbaric, medieval' etc. have sense of shame

There wont be any need for this " Astagfirullah " or anything . None at all . Learn to read posts in the right context - I clearly said that I was referring to a " certain interpretation " followed by the militants and tried to enforce on the whole population of the country . Nowhere , have I said anything about the Sharia being good or bad as a governance model nor have I mentioned anything blasphemous about the religion of Islam . The religion in essentials asks for tolerance and moderation . Because I know my religion doesn't ask us to kill people who agree not with us either ideologically or culturally - leave alone that even uprooting of trees isn't allowed that too during the war - killing of innocents is just another thing , doesn't permit suicide , doesn't permit enslavement of women to the extent that they are treated as little kids who cant make decisions , doesn't stop us from studying , doesn't allow trade of weapons or drugs , doesn't allow blowing up mosques , CD shops , shrines , educational institutions etc and doesn't ask us to engage in pedophilia and rape . You start doing that , the Nizam Adal becomes the Lucifer's role model for the society .

I can attack it as being " barbaric and medieval " because what they practice , is essentially that . If the majority of the Pakistanis vote for the religious parties in the general elections ( actually they never have in the whole history ) and they get the required numbers in the Central to legislate , they can enforce whatever they want and people will accept it because it will be their choice . Not someone's elses being shoved down their throats like in a few regions of Pakistan today .

Thanks for your advice , maam . But I still think that the matter of my faith is between my God and me :)
Astagfirullah. this is how you speak about the only nizam e adl, the divine law and order of Allah swt? you need to re examine who we are and what this country was made for. ask forgiveness aur panj waqt namaz parya karr.

and just because some mercenaries and corrupt parties are the only ones asking for shariah, doesnt mean you can attack and brandish it as 'barbaric, medieval' etc. have sense of shame
Sharia doesn't belong in 21st century, get over it, sorry if i offended you or your belief but thats just how see it, peace.
The Sharia idealistic society is the same dream the communists had about creating their own utopia.

In reality it just does not work.

Communism failed with the Soviets, and Sharia failed with the Afghan Taliban.
Sharia doesn't belong in 21st century, get over it, sorry if i offended you or your belief but thats just how see it, peace.

Khan laraiii ho jaiii giiii teriii aur meriii ! :pissed:

I want the Shariah in Pakistan ! :)

With me as the Caliph, of course ! :D

But I still think that the matter of my faith is between my God and me :)

No it isn't - I'm the interlocutor baby....! :smokin:
Maybe , my friend , it wasn't the Sharia they were practicing after all .

The problem with Sharia is that it can easily drift into fascism. And in the connected globalized world we live in right now, apart from North Korea, it can alienate a lot of people and can cause a breakdown in society.

Pakistan is in enough anarchy as it is, we need solid forward thinking technocratic governance with Islamic values and principles at heart. Let the people make their own decisions when its comes to how they live their lives.

People are happy as they feel more in control and in return the state is more secure, makes life easier for everyone.
Why not kill you , Caliph Armstrong ? :P

Cut the middlemen , as it were ? :D

Dunno @SHAMK9 even tried voodoo magic to wish me away but a celestial spirit like me just went - Haters gonna Hate & jinxed him... ! :yay:
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We cannot have peace with bearded barbarians known as the Taliban. The militants have destroyed everything we hold dear. Having peace with the killers of thousands of Pakistanis is not a good option. I still have hopes with Imran Khan because he is a Burki from his mothers side and knows FATA better than most because of this. I hope Imran Khan really has the power to change things.

The Roman's also had hopes Arminius would crush the rebellion in Germania, they were wrong.
The Roman's also had hopes Arminius would crush the rebellion in Germania, they were wrong.

Should we shake hands with the people who have killed 50,000 of our brethren , then ?
The problem with Sharia is that it can easily drift into fascism. And in the connected globalized world we live in right now, apart from North Korea, it can alienate a lot of people and can cause a breakdown in society.

Pakistan is in enough anarchy as it is, we need solid forward thinking technocratic governance with Islamic values and principles at heart. Let the people make their own decisions when its comes to how they live their lives.

People are happy as they feel more in control and in return the state is more secure, makes life easier for everyone.

Unfortunately yes , from the example from history and even present day Saudi Arabia and Iran analysis , that is what seems to happen when Sharia is enforced on the society by the state , the problem being that there is no one single universal interpretation acceptable to all the sects . Count the " religious than thou " attitude and " personality cult " and you have a problem , Houston !

I know the state of my country , I know about the failed Zia experiment of making people pray forcibly despite it being of no use to the God and I certainly think that a tolerant , liberal Pakistan is the way forward without alienating anyone and adopting the " live and let live " policy . Let those who want to practice any interpretation of Islam , do it freely without any fear or danger of violence as long as it doesn't harm anybody .
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