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DI Khan central jail under attack !

They deserve to be embarrassed. If you really want to defend these guys, then please do answer the question that we have raised in this thread. Who knows if those answers are logical we might agree with you.

im just saying they have too much local support .. why do we blame PA only? Go in street and Talk to the people.. they think TTP is not even real, US is doing it ...how ever bring up the religion in discussion, people start following them blindly ...just go through the stats how many terrorist killed in last decade ..it is around 20000+ ..so im trying to say there is too much local support .. secondly, we as a nation are confused about the issue ..we should first have zero tolerance policy against them ..like Isreal... It is hard to find the our own people...we need to fix our law , it is inefficient even against small criminals .....IT is time we as a nation unite against them, we should stop hating US and take their help as well, we should not be fooled by their beard again
I still feel there is a larger game behind all this and the low ranking soldiers of PA and people of Pakistan are just pawns in this whole war. PA and its generals don't want to beat TTP. There is something bigger behind the curtains. They are sacrificing the soldiers and the people for something else. Something we don't know.

Let me tell you what is something behind

"AMREEKA NAY INKO APNA KARAAAN KYA HUWA HEY..... in generals aur hukmaranoo kay accounts, inke properties.... inkay business..... inke uladain sab Amreeka may pharti hain"
im just saying they have too much local support .. why do we blame PA only? Go in street and Talk to the people.. they think TTP is not even real, US is doing it ...how ever bring up the religion in discussion, people start following them blindly ...just go through the stats how many terrorist killed in last decade ..it is around 20000+ ..so im trying to say there is too much local support .. secondly, we as a nation are confused about the issue ..we should first have zero tolerance policy against them ..like Isreal... It is hard to find the our own people...we need to fix our law , it is inefficient even against small criminals .....IT is time we as a nation unite against them, we should stop hating US and take their help as well, we should not be fooled by their beard again

People are confused because the establishment(army/agencies) are following a confused policy towards TTP. On one hand they condemn drones. But on the other it is the drones who killed the most important leaders of TTP. Why didn't our army killed those leaders. On one hand they are fighting with one group, while shaking hands with another group. They say militants are getting support from Afghanistan but we don't see any will by them to stop that support and supply from Afghanistan. They don't want to take action against terrorists like LeJ while they are busy massacring shias of Pakistan.

It is army itself who is responsible for this confusion among the people regarding TTP. Show us that you can beat TTP and we will support you against them or else just accept that those jahil barbarians are much better than you and you can't beat them.

Let me tell you what is something behind

"AMREEKA NAY INKO APNA KARAAAN KYA HUWA HEY..... in generals aur hukmaranoo kay accounts, inke properties.... inkay business..... inke uladain sab Amreeka may pharti hain"

Whatever. I don't think Pa can beat TTP unless some heads role in PA and its policies of hypocrisy and lies change on this whole issue.
I still feel there is a larger game behind all this and the low ranking soldiers of PA and people of Pakistan are just pawns in this whole war. PA and its generals don't want to beat TTP. There is something bigger behind the curtains. They are sacrificing the soldiers and the people for something else. Something we don't know.

The only thing that comes to mind is the report of American weapons being sold to Pak that was posted here last week. The report said the Americans are afraid to withdraw their heavy weaponry from Afghanistan through these badlands and will be selling such weapon system to Pakistan.

Paks general could be thinking if we defeat the ttp and give the impression that Americans are safe to withdraw then they (Pak) won't get those weapons so desired. And so we have this ttp in its current form operating with impunity and in large numbers.
The only thing that comes to mind is the report of American weapons being sold to Pak that was posted here last week. The report said the Americans are afraid to withdraw their heavy weaponry from Afghanistan through these badlands and will be selling such weapon system to Pakistan.

Paks general could be thinking if we defeat the ttp and give the impression that Americans are safe to withdraw then they (Pak) won't get those weapons so desired. And so we have this ttp in its current form operating with impunity and in large numbers.

May be. Or may be they think they can strike some kind of deal with them after American withdrawal and can use them against someone else.
People are confused because the establishment(army/agencies) are following a confused policy towards TTP. On one hand they condemn drones. But on the other it is the drones who killed the most important leaders of TTP. Why didn't our army killed those leaders. On one hand they are fighting with one group, while shaking hands with another group. They say militants are getting support from Afghanistan but we don't see any will by them to stop that support and supply from Afghanistan. They don't want to take action against terrorists like LeJ while they are busy massacring shias of Pakistan.

It is army itself who is responsible for this confusion among the people regarding TTP. Show us that you can beat TTP and we will support you against them or else just accept that those jahil barbarians are much better than you and you can't beat them.

You supported them in Swat they did performed well .. but as i said our people welcomed taliban with open arms, when they came in Swat... Dont blame only army, why cant politians come and make the mind of people against the operation ..like we did in swat , we provided support and they did performed ...
If I may ask a question to the Pakistani members here :

This attack is also presented in our local media, and one particular thing stands out, that it was ongoing for 4 + hours.
If this is true, why hasn't the army moved in full force? Aren't any army bases around? In that amount of time you can bring a full motorized regiment from barracks, if you have to + a couple of thousands policemen

I find it incredible that they made it out alive after that much time,...or there is something that I don;t know?
You supported them in Swat they did performed well .. but as i said our people welcomed taliban with open arms, when they came in Swat... Dont blame only army, why cant politians come and make the mind of people against the operation ..like we did in swat , we provided support and they did performed ...

Yaar swat was another episode. People or no people what stopped ISI and PA from avoiding last night attack. What stopped them from avoiding of 250 criminals. What stopped them from taking action on dozens of terrorists present inside the jail. What stopped them from stopping the terrorists entering into DI khan.

People don't support PA because they don't have trust in them. And why they don't trust them. The reasons that I have mentioned in my previous post.

If I may ask a question to the Pakistani members here :

This attack is also presented in our local media, and one particular thing stands out, that it was ongoing for 4 + hours.
If this is true, why hasn't the army moved in full force? Aren't any army bases around? In that amount of time you can bring a full motorized regiment from barracks, if you have to + a couple of thousands policemen

I find it incredible that they made it out alive after that much time,...or there is something that I don;t know?

can't answer you. Even we don't know what the hell is going in this country. Lets wait and watch.
If I may ask a question to the Pakistani members here :

This attack is also presented in our local media, and one particular thing stands out, that it was ongoing for 4 + hours.
If this is true, why hasn't the army moved in full force? Aren't any army bases around? In that amount of time you can bring a full motorized regiment from barracks, if you have to + a couple of thousands policemen

I find it incredible that they made it out alive after that much time,...or there is something that I don;t know?

I don't know if there is any army camp located nearby but it was reported that when the terrorists came, they put roadblocks all along the road leading to the prison. When the police reinforcement cleared the roadblocks and reached near the jail, they were attacked by suicide bombers & insurgents armed with RPG's . Several policemen including a DSP were seriously wounded and the attackers managed to escape ...
A big blow to the efforts that Pakistani security forces put to catch these terrorists!! They must ensure such incidents won't happen in future!!
If I may ask a question to the Pakistani members here :

This attack is also presented in our local media, and one particular thing stands out, that it was ongoing for 4 + hours.
If this is true, why hasn't the army moved in full force? Aren't any army bases around? In that amount of time you can bring a full motorized regiment from barracks, if you have to + a couple of thousands policemen

I find it incredible that they made it out alive after that much time,...or there is something that I don;t know?

Almost over 100 terrorists poured in from tribal lawless areas bordering DI Khan district and they attacked the jail.

The jail police is illequiped , they dont have proper proetction neither proper weapons.

The Army was called by the govt so late. And i guess the same old procedural delays are inflicting losses on us as a nation.

I am afraid the dreaded terrorists freed by their fellows will explode more bombs during coming days specially my city Peshawar

A big blow to the efforts that Pakistani security forces put to catch these terrorists!! They must ensure such incidents won't happen in future!!

civilian govts dealing with cases of these terrorists are big blow to efforts by Pakistani security forces.

The Govt should give legal permission for neutralising such terrorists upon arrest
The first unspoken deals were started by the establishment.. so beating around the bush wont help.

What was that about common sense again?
here we go, quaid e azam was poisoned, gen zia,s plane got hit by a SAM, story goes on ?
last of special ops done by PAKARMY against terrorists, u need to get the details?
it was dam damocrazy which gave, whole of dam SAWAT to fazul ullha ?
it was PAKARMY which took it, back!
no pakistan doesnt need the bushes of political crouption , of which these bastered politicians are hidding, & were still unndecidable against terrror?
instead they keep atendding royal buffets in england?

Almost over 100 terrorists poured in from tribal lawless areas bordering DI Khan district and they attacked the jail.

The jail police is illequiped , they dont have proper proetction neither proper weapons.

The Army was called by the govt so late. And i guess the same old procedural delays are inflicting losses on us as a nation.

I am afraid the dreaded terrorists freed by their fellows will explode more bombs during coming days specially my city Peshawar

civilian govts dealing with cases of these terrorists are big blow to efforts by Pakistani security forces.

The Govt should give legal permission for neutralising such terrorists upon arrest
be affraid & enjoy damocrazy!
well come to naya KPK?
Very troubling ....150 terrorists, few dozen car bombs with explosives and RPG's ....working in perfect unison and coordination they go in free inmates and most of them leave before the early morning hours .... They are working more like an army/spec ops ... who the hell trains them and gives them such weapons and manages their logistics .....

That is the question...

And a bigger question is, why they are gathering criminals all around the Pakistan, for what?


Sad news, Army needs to enter tribal area again and identify what is being hatched. My doubts are on BLA.

here we go, quaid e azam was poisoned, gen zia,s plane got hit by a SAM, story goes on ?
last of special ops done by PAKARMY against terrorists, u need to get the details?
it was dam damocrazy which gave, whole of dam SAWAT to fazul ullha ?
it was PAKARMY which took it, back!
no pakistan doesnt need the bushes of political crouption , of which these bastered politicians are hidding, & were still unndecidable against terrror?
instead they keep atendding royal buffets in england?

be affraid & enjoy damocrazy!
well come to naya KPK?

PA and Civilian governments need to join hands.. It's high time to unite before it's too late.. and wake up!!
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Yaar swat was another episode. People or no people what stopped ISI and PA from avoiding last night attack. What stopped them from avoiding of 250 criminals. What stopped them from taking action on dozens of terrorists present inside the jail. What stopped them from stopping the terrorists entering into DI khan.

People don't support PA because they don't have trust in them. And why they don't trust them. The reasons that I have mentioned in my previous post.

can't answer you. Even we don't know what the hell is going in this country. Lets wait and watch.

stop blaming ISI & PA? they are not the ones you stopping a dedicated war against terror?
call your CM , & tell him to announce a non-stop anti-terrorist action in KPK, everything else will be taken care by PA?
instead tell playboy to stop atending free royal wine buffets in london?

That is the question...

And a bigger question is, why they are gathering criminals all around the Pakistan, for what?


Sad news, Army needs to enter tribal area again and identify what is being hatched. My doubts are on BLA.

PA and Civilian governments need to join hands.. It's high time to unite before it's too late.. and wake up!!

its all comes back on the will of political leadership against terrorists, which cant be decided by attending royal wine buffets in london?
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Almost over 100 terrorists poured in from tribal lawless areas bordering DI Khan district and they attacked the jail.

The jail police is illequiped , they dont have proper proetction neither proper weapons.

The Army was called by the govt so late. And i guess the same old procedural delays are inflicting losses on us as a nation.

I understand that they were that many, but it's 4 hours..even if the army is unable to get in, for whatever reasons...in that much time you can get all the cops in the city to the area, with Ak's, if nothing heavier. You can even call all the guys that are off shift from home and redirect them towards the prison. That should mean thousands of men, right? I understood from our media that the jail is in a big town..

This is cynical, but the casualties are also very light on both sides, to me it seems that there wasn't much of a fight going on.

Very weird, from an outsiders point of view..
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