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Dhaka proposes Delhi use of non-lethal weapons for border guards

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you seem to be assuming that the only purpose of the BSF is to kill bangladeshis. it just shows how biased your views are.

the BSF exists for a reason. the reason is to police the borders. they do what is required to ensure that people dont cross the border illegaly.

instead of an agreement on using non lethal weapons, why not an agreement that no one is to enter the no man's land without a uniform. not on either side. what do the "innocent" bangladeshi civilians come so close to the border for? the most obvious reason is to cross over. the deaths of a few of the would be illegal immigrants makes the thousands others to think twice before attempting something stupid like it again.

Seems like you are still in breast feeding stage.. Will you yourself can guarantee us that no Indian will enter Bangladesh illegally? I bet you cant. Neither we could gurantee the same. Criminals are everywhere. What we are asking from you guys is to ensure that your BSF dont become itself a criminal and terrorist force. Arm them with shot gun, rubber bullet which are more effective than any assault rifles against un armed civilian who might tresspass the international border. Why is it so hard for you to digest??? Or is it becuase a second class country like BD is teaching you how to behave in a civilized manner in 21st century. There is nothing to be ashamed of yourself in learning. After all you are shooting yourself to be a civilized country in a century from now.. and good luck on that... :lol:
BSF will call..surrender or I'll throw it at you..:P

Talk to the Maoist and they will teach you some lesson and how to use non lethal weapons... :lol:
People in hundreds of villages in both side of border is involved in smuggling. There are villeges where primary occupation of people is smuggling. It is fact criminals in border areas also prefer to work in the other side of the border and come back as it easier to evade the Law. BSF not only shoots people of BD but also of India (if you follow online version of news papers from Kolkata you can find such news very often). In 100% cases villagers claim that persons got killed were innocent civilians which is not the fact at all. However only some concrete steps can stop such incidents.

Economic development of people in the villages along the border, revising trade policy between India and BD so that smuggling of goods become unnecesary and less attractive. Penulty for smuggling few things can not be death.

However, for BD and India- smuggling is not that much problem. Main problem is the recent activities of terrorists who use these smugglers and their routes.
It is the reason why BSF is so agressive nowadays. But acctual solution is only possible through cooperation between BSF-BDR and Police authority. Criminals operating in border areas should be tracked and information should be interchanged between the authorities. One criminal must be tried in his country for committing offence in other side of the border too.

PS: Never consider the criminal gangs operational in boder areas as harmless ones. If you enquire in those areas you can find out how dangerous and cruel they are.

@ Eastwatch

I always repect your views in different subject. But when you raise the issue that BD people do not go to poor India, I become little surprized. If you ever visit Mumbai and keep your eyes open you will find many of your countrymen yourelf. I hope it will not be problem for you to identify them, though Indians from other provinces can not differentiate between people of East and West Bengal. And why they come to poor India, only they can tell.
am not joking here..am a night watchman, and i know and am seeing daily the acute shortage of labor...this a luxury apartment and are occupied by couples and in most cases both work in IT field

So, talk to your govt about this shortage of labour in Kerala. We, basically, are of peasant and labour background. There will be many thousands of people who would like to go to your country if the salary is right, visa is given and working conditions are right. This is what our hard working people are doing. They go abroad, work hard and send money to their families.

This is how this generation of young men are struggling and are also sacrificing themselves. They have sent more than $10 billion last fiscal, and their remittance in the 11 months of this fiscal has surpassed $11billion. If India has shortage of labour, then we are ready to go and work there.

But, I must say about one drawback for our people to work India. That is the shortage of protiens in the daily food intakes of an average Indian. Indian society does not allow that much of and varieties of meats that our people are used to. This is how our people remain healthy and work hard. However, I have heard that Kerala people consume a lot of meats just like us.
What is intended by ' non lethal' weapons ?

Rubber bullets, spray, stun guns or what ? They cost money .

Fencing is an option , it has been done on the Western border after all. Wonder if joint patrolling or setting up joint border posts has been considered or is workable ?

Somewhere there are wheels within wheels. From the BD side border ' trade' is profitable not to mention crossing of people too. On the Indian side the local state Govts too have a hidden agenda in allowing illegals - they form a vote bank.
May be one binocular, one bi-cycle, one loudspeaker and one little bamboo stick for each of the members of BDR and BSF. BD govt people are very stupid, but they may have other weapons in their minds.

I am impressed by Hasina's focus on arming and equiping BD forces. She is nice to India but at the same time is making her forces strong. ..expect her to take BD towards prosperity, economic development and militarily strong too...she is more like Indra Gandhi,

I have the same feeling that Hasina is doing something, but saying something else after coming to power this time. Or may be she is doing so because of the Pilkhana revolt. Probably, she knows for sure who was behind this. So, she is trying to off-guard India with sweet talks.

Do some people remember that a few weeks before her visit to India, she changed the name of China-BD Convention Hall to something else. It must have encouraged the Chanakyas to think positive. But, then she goes to China and did whatever was necessary to woo the Chinese.

So, my gutt feeling is that this non-lethal proposal may also be just a little ploy to off-guard the Chanakyas while BDR is being strengthened again with more effective weapons.

But, we think Assam as not a part of India in the conventional sense. Our people have been their since 1205 AD, when the 1st Turkish Muslim Sultan of Bengal, Ikhtier-ud-Din Muhammad Bakhtier Khilji, tried to annex that region. People of Mymensing and Sylhet do regard Assam as their native country. It cannot be helped.

It is same as the Pathans of Afghanistan and Pakistan do not recognize the international border. But, your BSF are not able to kill any of these people. They kill mostly the cattle smugglers and some innocent civilians in our side of border.
I agree mate...you are just saying what is a normal human being wants..but the problem is in disguise of these immigrants and local civilians ,the smugglers and terrorist elements get involved and create problems for us..we have to protect our people from these elements..shouldnt we ??

India cannot solve the muslim terrorist problem unless it vacates Kashmir. This will continue for many centuries ahead. Muslims are not willing to accept this annexation by India.
But, we think Assam as not a part of India in the conventional sense. Our people have been their since 1205 AD, when the 1st Turkish Muslim Sultan of Bengal, Ikhtier-ud-Din Muhammad Bakhtier Khilji, tried to annex that region. People of Mymensing and Sylhet do regard Assam as their native country. It cannot be helped.

It is same as the Pathans of Afghanistan and Pakistan do not recognize the international border. But, your BSF are not able to kill any of these people. They kill mostly the cattle smugglers and some innocent civilians in our side of border.

delhi is not even part of india,it was occupied by australia 4 yrs before,now they returned it back.:woot::woot:
guys even bangladesh was the part of india,then pak,then divided as a free country.do live in present and accept the present condition.i dont know how much in past u will go......:azn::azn:
actually india should build fences across the border to prevent illegal immigration. that's a best idea to reduce conflict between india and bangladesh.

You probably cannot build fence across the mighty rivers and our people near Assam are good swimmers.
building electrical gizmo-shizmo fences looks to be the best idea...but the Indo-BD border is not like your ordinary border..it has houses built right on it!
the no-man's land virtually doesn't exist at most places...and it's not anybody's fault...manning the broder is a bithch job for both the BSF and the BDR...
so I am of the opinion that this is a splendid idea...and should be implemented...
till the time we get most fenceable area fenced...

Eventually the border will be completely fenced just like the western border..most of the BD border is already fenced. It will also be electrified in future..there is no way around that.
But, we think Assam as not a part of India in the conventional sense. Our people have been their since 1205 AD, when the 1st Turkish Muslim Sultan of Bengal, Ikhtier-ud-Din Muhammad Bakhtier Khilji, tried to annex that region. People of Mymensing and Sylhet do regard Assam as their native country. It cannot be helped.

It is same as the Pathans of Afghanistan and Pakistan do not recognize the international border. But, your BSF are not able to kill any of these people. They kill mostly the cattle smugglers and some innocent civilians in our side of border.

It really does not matter what Bangladeshi's think..Assam is a part of India and if BD's try to get there then they cannot blame it if the BSF shoots.
It really does not matter what Bangladeshi's think..Assam is a part of India and if BD's try to get there then they cannot blame it if the BSF shoots.

Yes, somehow Assam has become part of India. So, our Mullahs are actively trying to undo it. BD govt has no say about Assam, because it has been recognized as a part of India long time ago.

However, many people just cannot forget that even in 1905, the British India govt joined Assam with the present day BD to form an unitary Province.

It was undone by the Calcutta Hindu elites, who wanted to suck east Bengal. It was producing wealth for them, which they were spending lavishly in Calcutta. Look what has happened to west bengal without east bengal being attached to it.
well if these so called "Innocent civilians" try to cross the border into India, the use of lethal weapons is the only way. They have no business trying to cross the border in the first place. You cannot get killed while trying to cross into India and then be called innocent. The use of non-lethal weapons will only increase such incidents.
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