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Devyani Khobragade gets full diplomatic immunity after transfer

I don't get this. I see an outrage for the way she was treated though it is as per the procedures verified and published by Hindu. She has clearly bent the law(especially ridiculous if she is perceived as her representing the country) and clearly not entitled to immunity(else this thread wouldn't have existed) but she and her father are hiding behind representing India crap defense and everyone is going ballistic the way she was treated. The system here in US is tough but fair as seen and realized by even common person like me.

Why does she needs to be treated differently and that system compromised? Isn't it what many in India oppose wrt politicians' and elites' treatment?

@Sashan; you can be quite dumb.
You are confusing issues here. The issue between the maid and her employer is a matter of breach of contract that can be prosecuted as such.
The question is of the Vienna Convention which insists that all Diplomatic Staff including Consular Staff have to be treated with Dignity as befitting their Status.
Now it seems that American Officials are asinine enough to treat Terrorists in GITMO and Diplomats alike by MANACLING them; regardless of charges and regardless of threat levels.

Amreekans (maybe you are one too) love to crow from the roof-tops about how aware and sensitive they are to Human Dignity and Human Rights.
Now let me tell you that even the "primitive aboriginal" Police forces in "third-world" India cannot and do not manacle any person in custody unless they can demonstrate that the person apprehended is/was armed and dangerous, a flight risk, or was resisting/evading apprehension. That is the Law in India.
But "Advanced Amreeka" has no such understanding of such niceties! Or did Devyani Khobragade resist/evade arrest, was she armed and dangerous, was she a flight risk?

These are the issues that are primary to the unfolding dipomatic row between the two countries; if you have not understood that yet.

Not the irrelevant Guff that you are talking about.
Not going to defend either side. But my problem with the whole issue is, not much information is out there. She has not been proven guilty so I am not going to go down that road. My problem is why arrest her is such manner in front of the kids school. Is she a flight risk? Or some kind of danger? If the whole issue was so serious why let her go on bail? How did the maid family suddenly get an emergency visa and leave the country just days before the arrest (If the news is true about her family leaving the country)?

Rediff has mentioned that the issue was cooking since June/July when the nanny ran to the NY DA office and would not return even after 4 consulate officers tried to talk to her. In Sept department of state brought it to GOI notice. What was India doing for long? They had time to resolve the issue diplomatically but they did not and why cry a river now? Also the timing of court case against the maid filed in India - not sure when it was filed but everything smacks of suspicion.
How can such a transfer take place without US approval? I think a compromise must have been reached behind the scenes. Either way, I would love to see such outrage(or even a tiny percentage of it) when it comes to the Chinese or even when it takes place to ordinary Indian citizens and not elitist babus.

Such outrages are common on both sides when it comes to China and India or even Pakistan - there's no respect or courtesy both ways, so we don't expect anything, that's not the case when it comes to other countries.

US approval is required for inter consulate transfers?
I really hope USA to do more of such things from time to time. Atleast It will remind India and its people that we can't rely USA ever considering what they have done to us in past. I really hope that they contnue with their arrogance of power and treat so called 'strategic ally' like this. This is a slap on the mouth of those fool Indians who ignore Russia for USA. But it really feels good watching Indian people's responces here in India that we still have dignity left.
@Indo-guy @Janmejay - personal attacks are the defense of losers. If you can't take alternate viewpoint, drink some water and cool off and stay off responding to me.

Oh what a quotable quote ???

I am going to carve it in golden latters and hang in my bedroom for rest of my life ....

Thanks for such a great insight ...!

Yesterday , since you had nothing left to say ....you quietly left my post unanswered !!!

If you are so much meant for constructive dialogue and you think you are correct why didn't you refute....

I will tell you why you ran away ....

Everything I said was correct ....and you had nothing to counter it with ....
Rediff has mentioned that the issue was cooking since June/July when the nanny ran to the NY DA office and would not return even after 4 consulate officers tried to talk to her. In Sept department of state brought it to GOI notice. What was India doing for long? They had time to resolve the issue diplomatically but they did not and why cry a river now? Also the timing of court case against the maid filed in India - not sure when it was filed but everything smacks of suspicion.
They asked for her arrest and return to which NYPD, and US government ignored, she was a Indian citizen then and had an Indian passport. and you are telling me her family gets a free emergency VISA for such a small case. Come on man, there are too many weird thing about this whole case.
Rediff has mentioned that the issue was cooking since June/July when the nanny ran to the NY DA office and would not return even after 4 consulate officers tried to talk to her. In Sept department of state brought it to GOI notice. What was India doing for long? They had time to resolve the issue diplomatically but they did not and why cry a river now? Also the timing of court case against the maid filed in India - not sure when it was filed but everything smacks of suspicion.

Irrelevant. What was India doing for long doesn't mean diplomatic staff can be suddenly jailed.
HELL NO. Its been done to thumb our noses at American Official Asininity. To show em' "The Finger".
If you wanna play too smart; then two can play at that game

Indians are so easily offended :lol:.
How can such a transfer take place without US approval? I think a compromise must have been reached behind the scenes. Either way, I would love to see such outrage(or even a tiny percentage of it) when it comes to handling the Chinese or as a reaction to ordinary Indian citizens being detained. Netas will protect their own kind, there's nothing new about it.

No such approval is required .

United Nations is not some subordinate agency to United states .....

She is in permanent mission to UN....

US government or US court can't touch her now ....

It 's the best move by Indian government ....
I don't get this. I see an outrage for the way she was treated though it is as per the procedures verified and published by Hindu. She has clearly bent the law(especially ridiculous if she is perceived as her representing the country) and clearly not entitled to immunity(else this thread wouldn't have existed) but she and her father are hiding behind representing India crap defense and everyone is going ballistic the way she was treated. The system here in US is tough but fair as seen and realized by even common person like me.

Why does she needs to be treated differently and that system compromised? Isn't it what many in India oppose wrt politicians' and elites' treatment?

That she has 'bent the law' is only a unproven charge. She is innocent UNLESS PROVEN GUILTY. But the fact that she is a very senior diplomat who was also a Consular General of the Indian mission was clearly established.

She is most certainly entitled to immunity from arrest unless he is accused of a very GRAVE crime. It is already established that the crime she is ACCUSED of IS NOT GRAVE. That is why she was granted bail immediately and released by the US courts.

She IS representing India and any disrespect shown to her is an disrespect shown to the 1.2 Billion Indians. There is NO two thoughts about it.

It is easy to see this was an conspiracy by the US to humiliate her and India for above mentioned reasons. Hence any outrage expressed is clearly NOT enough.

She needs to be treated differently BECAUSE she is a DEPUTY CONSUL GENERAL and is ENTITLED to all the courtisies extend to Diplomats and Sr. Consulate officers.

You have NO right to speak about what Indians want or oppose, so you better stick to the issue at hand.
What was India doing for long?

According to some reports, India was busy arresting the nanny's husband and child. No wonder the nanny didn't want to come into contact with Indian officials and requested a NYPD escort.

As for absconding and Indian court injunctions against her, they can be ignored if the US authorities believe the nanny was fleeing indentured servitude and forced to work under conditions violating US labor laws. Once (if) she applied for asylum, the whole game changed.

P.S. I am not defending the diplomatic protocol violations. However, the question of who is the real victim in all this remains open.
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