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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

Turkish Airforce has E7-T AEWC + KC-135 Tankers + F-16s armed with LGK , KGK and SOM with day and night large scale operation capability to destroy LNA's airfields , PANTSIR air Defense Systems , etc

also Qatari Airforce - Turkish Airforce C-17 and A400M strategic Transport Aircrafts to deploy most modern T-155 Howitzers and T-122/T300 MLRSs to protect Tripoli and Mısrata from lapdog HAFTAR

btw Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs were very effective

No more tolerance to bandit Countries and their lapdogs

Turkey blocks Israeli vessel conducting research off eastern Cyprus

an Israeli vessel conducting research activity on the Turkish continental shelf off the coast of Cyprus was blocked by the Turkish Navy two weeks ago, Israeli sources reported on Saturday

The unilaterally declared its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Greek Cypriot administration violates part of Turkey's shelf particularly in Blocks 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7

According to the Turkish media close to the government, the Turkish soldiers could land in Tripoli any moment!!! As far as the Turkish policy makers are concerned, failure to defend Libya is equivalent to getting imprisoned in the Mediterranean!! It’s an utmost National security concern in line with crushing the Terror Corridor in the Northern Syria bordering Turkey. All dies are cast...

May Allah-u Azimushshan protect the Turkish Army and grant them victory....
100 years later we are back!!!
According to the Turkish media close to the government, the Turkish soldiers could land in Tripoli any moment!!! As far as the Turkish policy makers are concerned, failure to defend Libya is equivalent to getting imprisoned in the Mediterranean!! It’s an utmost National security concern in line with crushing the Terror Corridor in the Northern Syria bordering Turkey. All dies are cast...

May Allah-u Azimushshan protect the Turkish Army and grant them victory....
Wow, the sultan Erdogan started two-front war both in Suriye and Libya. After a century Libya will be back under the influence of Istanbul, but personally I like this.
It's amazing to hear that Wing Loong played such an important role in Libya, why don't Turkiye send ANKA to GNA? I remember that ANKA have anti-drone A2A missile equipped?

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