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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

It's not necessary since they already have Nord Stream and working on Nord Stream 2 and now with Ras Lanuf oil port under control they can directly export oil to southern Europe via Libya.

I am not talking about Oil export ..... I am talking about natural gas export
and Nord Stream 2 project is for only Germany

TURKSTREAM Gas Pipeline Project via Turkiye to southern and southeastern Europe ( Bulgaria,Serbia,Hungary, Slovakia, and Austria )

and Libya is nothing to do with Russia's natural gas export
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They only way they can stop Russian ships and subs is by sinking them and that only happen if there is war.

I am saying again , Turkiye has right by agreements to block Bosphorus against Russian Navy even in a possible Russian threat to Turkish People

but Turkish Politicans will apply this decision ....... yes or not
I am saying again , Turkiye has right by agreements to block Bosphorus against Russian Navy even in a possible Russian threat to Turkish People

but Turkish Politicans will apply this decision ....... yes or not

Russia fighting war against Turkey in Libya or Syria is not a threat to the Turkish people who live in Turkey. On that basis Turkey cannot block Russian warships transiting Bosporos. Unless Turkey officially annexes Libya and Syria the way Russia annexed Crimea, at which point Turkey can justify threat to Turkish people who live in Libya or Syria.
Russia fighting war against Turkey in Libya or Syria is not a threat to the Turkish people who live in Turkey. On that basis Turkey cannot block Russian warships transiting Bosporos.

also in Azerbaijan .... Russia uses proxies Assad Regime , Armenia , HAFTAR , WAGNER , etc to fight Turkiye in Syria,Libya,Caucasia

but not directly threat to Turkish People who live in Turkiye
also in Azerbaijan .... Russia uses proxies Assad Regime , Armenia , HAFTAR , WAGNER , etc to fight Turkiye in Syria,Libya,Caucasia

but not directly threat to Turkish People who live in Turkiye

That's why Turkey can't close Bosporos to Russian warships even when Russian warships supply arms to Assad to fight Turkish army in Syria because it is not a threat to Turkish people who live in Turkey.
That's why Turkey can't close Bosporos to Russian warships even when Russian warships supply arms to Assad to fight Turkish army in Syria because it is not a threat to Turkish people who live in Turkey.
if Turkey closes it, thats either a response to a declaration of war by Russia, OR that in itself is a declaration of war....so basically that only happens if there's already war btwn Russia and TUrkey...

Libyan conflict now seems to still be in a stalemate situation...if this is incorrect, please let me know....i think this conflict is about to be either "boring"(little military action and just attrition warfare) or there will be a showdown of some sort...
That's why Turkey can't close Bosporos to Russian warships even when Russian warships supply arms to Assad to fight Turkish army in Syria because it is not a threat to Turkish people who live in Turkey.

Russia was become a lapdog of Israel to fight Turkiye everywhere
even France,KSA,The Uae and Egypt use Russia against Turkiye in Libya

no problem ... Turkiye will stop buying natural gas from Russia year by year

every year Turkiye pays $45-50 billion to buy oil/gas ( over %50 of them was always from Russia )
that means 10 years x $20-25 billion = $200-250 billion to Russia from Turkiye for buying oil/gas

Turkey’s purchase of Russian gas drops by 62% year on year

no more gas imports from Russia and Iran
We TURKS never will forget about how Russia and Iran betyared Turkiye in Idlib
and now in Libya

We TURKS have brothers to buy oil/gas from Azerbaijan,Kazakhstan,Qatar and soon Libya
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Russia was become a lapdog of Israel to fight Turkiye everywhere
even France,KSA,The Uae and Egypt use Russia against Turkiye in Libya
For a long time i am thinking of why dont we hit UAE as they deserve .I think it is because of their politics serving too much to us.It is early to stop them.
We entered to many countries which we cant in normal conditions.
Turkey uses fear of UAE's and SA's threatening politics to other arab countries and some African countries and Russia uses fear of Turkey to enter some countries.
Turkey and Russia too big powers to fight each other and why will they want to fight?
They are at the winning side .
For a long time i am thinking of why dont we hit UAE as they deserve .

now the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Russia and France support for the coup in Libya
The Uae also financed coup in Egypt and Sudan
even The Uae financed failed coup attempt by FETO terror organization in Turkiye
and The Uae tried to make coup in Tunusia
also The Uae support PKK/YPG terror organization against Turkiye and Turkish People
also The Uae support Al Shabaab terror organization in Somalia against Turkiye
also The Uae tried to give $3 billion to Assad to attack Turkish forces in Idlib/Syria

a few days ago even HULUSI AKAR ( Turkish Minister of Defense ) warned The Uae and He said that we will hold the Uae accountable for its crimes and to spread sedition and corruption

The Uae is a functional country that serves others politically or militarily and is used remotely by Israel
even Israelis said that Muhammed bin Zayed ( The Uae ) is working for Israel for more than 20 years

in the next a few years when Turkish long range Ballistic and Cruise Missiles will be ready , then we will give a big lesson to little insect The Uae and puppet dictator SISI who did many hostile actions against Turkiye and Turkish People in Syria,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

-- 1.000 km BORA Ballistic Missile
-- 800km GEZGIN land and naval based Cruise Missile
-- 500+ km SOM-ER air launched Cruise Missile
-- 1500-2.000 km KARGI anti radiation Drone
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