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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

You know zero about R and D, dont you? Admit it there is no shame
he wont admit anything, He believes extremly specialized zytostatica would be found my accident. Its lauaghable. He basicly want the entire world in. 3rd world stage and stuck in 19th century.

Why is that?

you compare high advanced zytostatica with old stuff like penicilin. Btw the development of new vaccines also costs billions. There is still no vaccine against HIV despise the investment in tjis research. You want the end of modern science.
he wont admit anything, He believes extremly specialized zytostatica would be found my accident. Its lauaghable. He basicly want the entire world in. 3rd world stage and stuck in 19th century.
Do you know the history of how Penicillin was accidentally found?
Why is that?
Because there will be no discover without cash incentive. Penicillin is an outlier and elysium is a stupid money. Bro tell me why will pharma industry do research if there is no money to be made? And government cant pump money into pharma R and D as they have a lot of other stuff to do. As a result eventually the patient will suffer.

The best option is for indian government to buy medicines at international prices and then subsidize them.
Because there will be no discover without cash incentive. Penicillin is an outlier and elysium is a stupid money. Bro tell me why will pharma industry do research if there is no money to be made? And government cant pump money into pharma R and D as they have a lot of other stuff to do. As a result eventually the patient will suffer.
Well bro,do you think only the best paid people get to invent stuff?or others without funding cannot invent anything?Einstein was clerk in patent office in germany,he made E=MC2 and atomic bomb which brought Nazis to their knees.
I know we are not in that age, but these people need test subjects,for stage 3 clinical research on human,I dont care how many rats, rabbits you killed in other stages Are you taking into account the frustration of a failed experiment and saying it should be reimbursed for the hours they spent in?
The people researching it joined it because they liked it, if it was all about Money they shouldn't have joined the medical stream.Although i agree its human nature to expect money, but to what extent let a million people die so you can profit from your patent?

lol as i said, laughable. you want a science based on accident? You get stupid idea behind that?
You are a moron:crazy: i don't need to talk with you, Until you know about history of medicine, Don't talk Bull shit here on things which you don't have any understanding about.:closed:
Well bro,do you think only the best paid people get to invent stuff?or others without funding cannot invent anything?Einstein was clerk in patent office in germany,he made E=MC2 and atomic bomb which brought Nazis to their knees.
I know we are not in that age, but these people need test subjects,for stage 3 clinical research on human,I dont care how many rats, rabbits you killed in other stages Are you taking into account the frustration of a failed experiment and saying it should be reimbursed for the hours they spent in?
The people researching it joined it because they liked it, if it was all about Money they shouldn't have joined the medical stream.Although i agree its human nature to expect money, but to what extent let a million people die so you can profit from your patent?

what are you talking about? thats all nonsense. do you even have a clue what the equipment costs? And Einstein was a millionaire later. he earned enormous profits with his research. And your atomic bomb comment was funny..."nazis" were never target of the bomb. You know edward teller? one of the fathers of the bomb? teller said it would have never been used against germans, since they are same race as americans...japan was a better target for racist reasons.
that means no new medicine is developed and this will mean death to millions.

So who pays the research and new development then?
Nope......Bayer still has their target market as stated by their Rep.....Rich westerners will pay for their profit....as they were not targeting India as their market whatever happens in India won't affect them....Indians are not planning to sell the drug in Europe and thus won't affect Bayer's business.And Governments can and do fund research everywhere(even in uber capitalist USA)....you seem to hold a belief that only private companies do R and D.....ever heard of the NIH in the US....they are responsible huge breakthroughs in medical science and they do it for zero profit!Ever heard of NASA??And besides Bayer(IG Farben) should be last company in the world to talk about ethics and morality!Nexvar is their intellectual property.....you know what else is??Zyklon B!
Well bro,do you think only the best paid people get to invent stuff?or others without funding cannot invent anything?Einstein was clerk in patent office in germany,he made E=MC2 and atomic bomb which brought Nazis to their knees.
I know we are not in that age, but these people need test subjects,for stage 3 clinical research on human,I dont care how many rats, rabbits you killed in other stages Are you taking into account the frustration of a failed experiment and saying it should be reimbursed for the hours they spent in?
The people researching it joined it because they liked it, if it was all about Money they shouldn't have joined the medical stream.Although i agree its human nature to expect money, but to what extent let a million people die so you can profit from your patent?

You are a moron:crazy: i don't need to talk with you, Until you know about history of medicine, Don't talk Bull shit here on things which you don't have any understanding about.:closed:

you are the moron, explain me how you want develop zytostatica on accident?

Nope......Bayer still has their target market as stated by their Rep.....Rich westerners will pay for their profit....as they were not targeting India as their market whatever happens in India won't affect them....Indians are not planning to sell the drug in Europe and thus won't affect Bayer's business.And Governments can and do fund research everywhere(even in uber capitalist USA)....you seem to hold a belief that only private companies do R and D.....ever heard of the NIH in the US....they are responsible huge breakthroughs in medical science and they do it for zero profit!Ever heard of NASA??And besides Bayer(IG Farben) should be last company in the world to talk about ethics and morality!Nexvar is their intellectual property.....you know what else is??Zyklon B!
zyklon B brought its development costs in and was an ecomomic sucess. You want the patent for it? :)
you are the moron, explain me how you want develop zytostatica on accident?

zyklon B brought its development costs in and was an ecomomic sucess. You want the patent for it? :)
That is the difference between you and me.....you put profit over morality while I do the opposite.
Why don´t you install a functional healthcare system like we have in europe`?

You cannot expect the quality of European healthcare system to be replicated in a developing country. Indian healthcare is plagued by many problems, but given the constraints, still serves the country well. Unfortunately govt cannot afford too many freebies, hence certain medicines/facilities have, albeit small, a cost.
what are you talking about? thats all nonsense. do you even have a clue what the equipment costs? And Einstein was a millionaire later. he earned enormous profits with his research. And your atomic bomb comment was funny..."nazis" were never target of the bomb. You know edward teller? one of the fathers of the bomb? teller said it would have never been used against germans, since they are same race as americans...japan was a better target for racist reasons.
That was a millionaire later moron, he was hounded out of germany cos he was a jew scientist.
LoL Nazis weren't the targets but they wanted to bomb germany with a nuke, before that you lost the war, but Japan kept on continuing the war .
Whatever same race really? The head of the team Robert Oppenheimer was a jew, lol and he quoted our "
Bhagwad gita"

The first atomic bomb was detonated on July 16, 1945, in the Trinity test in New Mexico; Oppenheimer remarked later that it brought to mind words from theBhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."[4][note 2]
And i am sure if your hitler didnt shoot himself in his wolfshcanze and asked your Hitlerjung to fight till the last man, i think you would have seen a fat boy on germany.Please don't tell me about the fathers of the bomb!
That was a millionaire later moron, he was hounded out of germany cos he was a jew scientist.
LoL Nazis weren't the targets but they wanted to bomb germany with a nuke, before that you lost the war, but Japan kept on continuing the war .
Whatever same race really? The head of the team Robert Oppenheimer was a jew, lol and he quoted our "
Bhagwad gita"

The first atomic bomb was detonated on July 16, 1945, in the Trinity test in New Mexico; Oppenheimer remarked later that it brought to mind words from theBhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."[4][note 2]
And i am sure if your hitler didnt shoot himself in his wolfshcanze and asked your Hitlerjung to fight till the last man, i think you would have seen a fat boy on germany.Please don't tell me about the fathers of the bomb!

you are jealous about our power and living standards i guess? admit it. :D it drives you crazy,

That is the difference between you and me.....you put profit over morality while I do the opposite.
i have very much morality for my own people.
you are jealous about our power and living standards i guess? admit it. :D it drives you crazy,
Like i said you are moron and its not worth to talk with you, read my reply about fathers of nukes!
You cannot expect the quality of European healthcare system to be replicated in a developing country. Indian healthcare is plagued by many problems, but given the constraints, still serves the country well. Unfortunately govt cannot afford too many freebies, hence certain medicines/facilities have, albeit small, a cost.
but you can try to start a functional system.

Like i said you are moron and its not worth to talk with you, read my reply about fathers of nukes!

I'm a moron? why use personal insult now? :) because im right.

We rule europe simply because we are the best. we got our empire now. nobods can do what germany can and i'm proud for that.
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