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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

I think India govt should ask these pharma companies either decrease the cost according to the income of the patients or ask the companies to leave India. I know these monoclonal antibodies takes a lot of money to develop, but not in the range of 2-3 lakh. this is simply robbing the patient.pharma companies have a mean profit range of 500-600 percent.
what say @halupridol
That's true and they conduct stage 3 clinical trials in developing countries since no takers for clinical trials in west and europe, but will sell it high priced when the drug is proven effective.
Why is novartis and other companies investing big in India? and clinical research?

The trouble is that if the money incentive did not exist, then nobody would do the research needed to invent new medicines. It's not a clear cut issue, there are ethical questions on both sides of the argument.
They get sufficient money to cover the cost of everything they did 3 times over if they sold normally, but these drugs are priced 30-40 times over. Now tell me is it profit or outright looting a person afflicted with disease ?
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That's true and they conduct stage 3 clinical trials in developing countries since no takers for clinical trials in west and europe, but will sell it high priced when the drug is proven effective.
Why is novartis and other companies investing big in India? and clinical research?

They get sufficient money to cover the cost of everything they did 3 times over if they sold normally, but these drugs are priced 30-40 times over. Now tell me is it profit or outright looting a person afflicted with disease ?
Why don´t you install a functional healthcare system like we have in europe`?
How about you people do some research and help the world....instead of waiting for your betters to do it and stealing.
We dont steal it every patent has a expiry date,
Why don´t you install a functional healthcare system like we have in europe`?
That is because you europeans looted us and other nations continously! You built your nation on our loot, now you have the gall the ask why dont you do like us? in 60+ years we already sent a space probe to moon and mars ,we got science that makes you want to collaborate with us.So don't tell us what we can do or what we cannot do.
Everything has a expiry date, The west expiry date is approaching fast, be prepared to be bossed around by asian nations in future.
We dont steal it every patent has a expiry date,

That is because you europeans looted us and other nations continously! You built your nation on our loot, now you have the gall the ask why dont you do like us? in 60+ years we already sent a space probe to moon and mars ,we got science that makes you want to collaborate with us.So don't tell us what we can do or what we cannot do.
Italy never looted india in any way.
Why don´t you install a functional healthcare system like we have in europe`?
BTW your functional healthcare system is a mess, We give free ARV therapy for HIV patients and free and cheap anti-cancer chemotherapy for patients, i do know how many people die because they cannot afford anti-cancer drug therapy.

"To hell with copyright......make any medicine you need to make to save the people"-seems to be a good healthcare system to me!
Putting profit over human right is not medical ethics, the west taught or the Hippocrates oath taught the Medical folk.They only stand for profit and they talk ethics only on some occasion which suits them.
Why don´t you install a functional healthcare system like we have in europe`?

What do u ve in NL? and how much it costs to their citizen ...I am talking abt well developed european nation and not "ok come, you too join us in EU" type of nation...
I live in El Paso, TX. When I need expensive drugs I go to Mexico. I don't deny that the cost of development is huge...but most who need the meds can't afford it. A way must be found to cover development cost while providing affordable health care to those who need it.

The recent Hollywood Movie "ELYSIUM" depicts exactly the thing this german guy said and how elites can afford while the rest should die a slow and painful death!You should watch it :)

many of my chinese friends have asked me to buy them one or other anti cancer medicines from here. the medicines are 10 times cheaper than in china.
That's right, the chinese government allows the Pharma companies to sell at normal rates as they do in USA and europe.But many people cannot afford it, the professors there ask for the anti-cancer drugs made in india to be brought there so that they can save people who cannot afford.
This is a humanitarian issue not rich vs poor thing, i believe in this world everyone should be eligible to have life saving medicines free or affordable and cheap.No one should die since they cannot afford that treatment.
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"To hell with copyright......make any medicine you need to make to save the people"-seems to be a good healthcare system to me!
that means no new medicine is developed and this will mean death to millions.

The recent Hollywood Movie "ELYSIUM" depicts exactly the thing this german guy said and how elites can afford while the rest should die a slow and painful death!You should watch it :)

That's right, the chinese government allows the Pharma companies to sell at normal rates as they do in USA and europe.But many people cannot afford it, the professors there ask for the anti-cancer drugs made in india to be brought there so that they can save people who cannot afford.
This is a humanitarian issue not rich vs poor thing, i believe in this world everyone should be eligible to have life saving medicines free or affordable and cheap.No one should die since they cannot afford that treatment.

So who pays the research and new development then?
that means no new medicine is developed and this will mean death to millions.
Do you have a ethics committee in your nation,What do they place first? Human life or profit first?
If they place profit first then they violate their own ethics.So can we clone humans for body parts to be replaced in future since there is no ethics committee?
People in olden times discovered medicine without such funding so please dont tell me no new medicine is developed in future.
Do you have a ethics committee in your nation,What do they place first? Human life or profit first?
If they place profit first then they violate their own ethics.So can we clone humans for body parts to be replaced in future since there is no ethics committee?
People in olden times discovered medicine without such funding so please dont tell me no new medicine is developed in future.

you are kidding me now? people in old times died with 30 years old. A new cancer med costs around 11billion € in development and research. you must at least get that money in to make the research. we are talking about absolute high tech here.
that means no new medicine is developed and this will mean death to millions.

So who pays the research and new development then?
Watch that movie and tell me who pays the R&D. As i said before the profit for research and development are already recovered, please understand stage 3 are human clinical trials(where the drugs get FDA and other boards approved) and stage 4 are life long observations of the effects on long run some drugs were banned because of stage 4 studies.
"What is good for you right now,might not be good on long term" So tell me Where and When does the Research and Development of a drug stop? Stage 3 where they sell it at high price?
Or stage 4 where they say OOPSS! we did a mistake in our research we are banning this drug.:rofl:

you are kidding me now? people in old times died with 30 years old. A new cancer med costs around 11billion € in development and research. you must at least get that money in to make the research. we are talking about absolute high tech here.
Meh how was Penicillin discovered? (ACCIDENTALLY):o: How were Vaccines Developed:o:?If you know the history of medicine, then please comment if not Shhhhh..........:sleep:
Watch that movie and tell me who pays the R&D. As i said before the profit for research and development are already recovered, please understand stage 3 are human clinical trials(where the drugs get FDA and other boards approved) and stage 4 are life long observations of the effects on long run some drugs were banned because of stage 4 studies.
"What is good for you right now,might not be good on long term" So tell me Where and When does the Research and Development of a drug stop? Stage 3 where they sell it at high price?
Or stage 4 where they say OOPSS! we did a mistake in our research we are banning this drug.:rofl:

Meh how was Penicillin discovered? (ACCIDENTALLY):o: How were Vaccines Developed:o:?If you know the history of medicine, then please comment if not Shhhhh..........:sleep:
You know zero about R and D, dont you? Admit it there is no shame
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