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Deported from Israel for being a Muslim who visited


Sep 10, 2011
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Purpose: To visit Jerusalem and everything within it which ‘drives men mad.’

I had spent months preparing for my trip to the country with the primary aim of visiting Jerusalem and seeing the great historical landmarks such as the Al Aqsa mosque and Wailing Wall. I had purchased clothes appropriate for the sweltering heat of the Middle East, booked my flight well in advance and converted almost all of my remaining savings to Israeli Shekels in an almost hyperactive state of eagerness. It was in this mood that I reached Ben Gurion airport on the morning of the 24th of June.

The early warning signs should have been clear at passport control when the woman there rifled through my passport, asked “You’ve been to Pakistan?” and quickly sifted me through to the interrogation room where everyone incidentally was either Arab or Muslim. My fears of racial and religious discrimination, instead of being proven overblown and hyped up as I had hoped, were quickly justified.

The “guilty until proven innocent” ordeal began with a brief period of questioning about my personal details and motives in visiting and lasted for ten hours in which I was questioned four times. The perpetrator was a blond woman who seemed eager to prove right all the stereotypes I had ever held about Israelis. Indeed on this occasion, I would like to quote from “Naughty Nomad”, an infamous traveller whose advice I quite closely follow:

“The worst thing were the attitudes. Israeli women are forced into the army for two years and many come out the other end as little monsters…”

If you would be so kind as to type “Israelis are..” into Google, the first option on this list (unsurprisingly) is “Israelis are rude”.

The interrogators read all my WhatsApp and text messages in a blatant violation of privacy while they repeatedly insisted they knew I was up to something untoward and threatened me with severe consequences if I didn’t inform them of my hitherto unknown plan. Of course, these claims were made with no evidence whatsoever, and despite my calm exterior, left me incredibly flustered. As expected, exactly what I feared transpired and I was told that I would be denied entry to the state of Israel upon a “security risk”.

My luggage was put through an “explosion detection” machine and after an uncomfortably thorough body search, I was hounded into a van with two security guards. They drove me for five minutes into a gated, white building surrounded by huge fences that one would only accord to a jail or a police station. The doors in our cells were without knobs, the windows were double barred and the rooms incredibly humid and damp – a fact made worse by the presence of six individuals in mine. We all had to make do on small bunk beds covered by furry grey blankets. And thus, it was like this that we were left that night – hungry, thirsty and worried without any fresh water, without any food and unable to sleep a wink due to the heat.

The others in my cell included the British Pakistani and French Arab guys who had come in with me as well as a middle aged Ukrainian man, a Palestinian who had been refused entry despite being a citizen of the state of Israel and a 70-year-old Tajik guy who had been hoping to fulfil his dream of praying at Al-Aqsa mosque. It was this person that I felt for the most; when he wasn’t touching his head to the ground in prayer, he was anxiously walking around the room saying “Y’Allah Rehem” (Oh Allah, mercy).

If only our captors had a semblance of this quality in them – a fact which seemed rather unlikely given how well versed they were in Israeli state propaganda and their hounding laughter when sometimes, fatigued by the heat and bored by inactivity, we banged against the door attempting to earn a precious five minutes of fresh air.

The messages previous “visitors” had enshrined on the walls, occasionally by famous persons such as Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire, were interesting and indeed provided a source of inspiration as the day dragged along.

At around 4pm, I received a visit from a rather pleasant man from the British embassy who helpfully booked me an Easy Jet flight home early on the morning of the next day. In response to my demands that something be done about the violations of privacy and degrading treatment I had been subjected to, I was given a fairly standard explanation:

“We cannot disrespect Israeli sovereignty- it is their country and they can do as they wish.”

My next question left him dumbfounded and he quickly fell silent when I asked:

“Would you be saying the same thing if I was locked up in an Iranian facility?”

The amount of frustration I inwardly felt was immense and my sheer naivety that a British passport would exempt me from these kinds of experiences – particularly in a self-proclaimed democracy – was quickly shattered.

I was driven up on to the runway and straight on the steps of the plane before my flight. The agents escorting me refused to hand over my passport and I only managed to retrieve it from the captain after landing at Luton airport.

Israel today has become what one would call an anachronism. The very idea of a Jewish state where minorities are subjected to inferior treatment is an idea the roots of which lie in centuries past. This ethno-religious criteria used to denominate and rank citizens is hardly the hallmark of a liberal democracy. The Zionist state is the only developed country on the planet which undertakes the policy of ethnic cleansing and encroachment of foreign land with such arrogant gusto and in doing so has forever became an international pariah. With American support, the Israelis have continuously flouted UN security resolutions, became the only country in the Middle East to possess deployable nuclear weapons of mass destruction and slowly leeched into Palestinian territory with the intention of creating a greater Israel. What is more these policies and the sheer indifference of the Israeli political elite to the wretched fate of the Palestinians has now become the best recruiting tool for terrorists all over the globe.

At times during my brief stay, the calls of “hanzeer” (pigs) by the Arabs holed up with me in reference to the Jewish race almost resonated with me and yet, if a solution is to be found to this conflict, the rational amongst us must ensure that we don’t fall blindly into the same category of bigotry and hatred of which the Israelis are guilty.

@Jew @OtherJew

Nice to see some Israeli hospitality :chilli: :disagree:
@Hyperion @Talon
Real truth of these Israelis.

For the Jews, here's something to think about
Hello fellow Jews, today we’re gonna talk about the most serious threat against our people, anti-Semitism, and what can we do to fight against it, we did a lot of research to try to understand it’s causes and we came up with the following plan:

#1 Don’t lie

First we’re gonna have to stop lying, I know it’s very hard for us but we’re a really great people so we could… sorry, I was lying again, it’s hard, but people really don’t like us when we lie, so let’s stop lying. We evolved trading so evolution favored the liars, it’s not out fault, let’s stop.

#2 Don’t rule

In Japan people look at their government and media and they see Japanese, in China they see Chinese, in India they see Indians, in Arab nations they see Arabs, they all see people like them, maybe the Japanese in the Japanese government and media or the Arabs in the Arabs ones have more money and power but they are still Japanese or Arab and nothing else, but in America, Canada, all of Europe including all of Russia and Australia people see their governments and media dominated by us, they really don’t like us because we rule over them, we need to stop dominating.

#3 Accept criticism

Many people feel in an intellectual prison because if they dare to disagree with us we usually attack them, we need to listen more to criticism and be less sensitive and aggressive.

#4 Stop promoting egalitarianism

We see whites as oppressors and blacks as victims, men as oppressors and women as victims, heterosexuals as oppressors and homosexuals as victims, a century ago we saw businessmen as oppressors and workers as victims, we tried to be good people by achieving equality which caused communism ruining half of Europe and tens of millions of deaths, racial equality and multiculturalism which is ruining the other half and America, Canada, Australia, South Africa, also feminism which destroyed the traditional family making everyone miserable, some say that we do this things to rule over nations, but we know it’s not true, homosexuals have no power at all but we promote them over the entire society making everyone hate us, it’s just our nature, let’s stop promoting equality to help those supposed victims telling each other how good people we are.

#5 Forgive and forget

There were hundreds of wars in Europe in the last 2000 years and around 50 Jewish expulsions, after hundreds of wars they all forgave each other and forgot and live now in peace, but we are very intelligent so we never forgive nor forget, we tell our children that the Europeans have always been antisemitic, 50 conflicts between us and them and they forgave and forgot but we didn’t, so they have peace between them but we always have conflict, we must forgive and forget to live in peace.

#6 Be less paranoid

So we’re the chosen, anyone who disagrees is against us and may destroy us so we must destroy them first, we need to calm down a bit.

#7 Stop causing world wars

We’re trying to cause a 3rd world war to make the Middle East safe for Israel but people are becoming aware that we caused the 1st one to create democracies in Europe so we could rule them and because Britain promised Palestine to us and also we caused communism killing tens of millions of Russians and Ukrainians that refused to submit to our will and when we tried to do the same to all of Europe that guy Hitler tried to stop us so we blamed him even for the goyim that we killed and we also made sure that no country would allow jews in so they would have to go to Palestine and we could have our own state, now because we demolished building 7 in the middle of the day when we could have done it at night everyone knows that we did it and already a lot of people died in Afghanistan and Iraq so if we nuke Iran then all that will come out, let’s stop lying by misquoting Ahmadinejhad about wiping Israel off the map and let’s not cause WW3.

#8 give Russia back

When Communism fell we divided the Russian economy among ourselves, we should give them their economy back and return everything we gained without labor.

#9 Kosher tax

We really need to end it.

#10 Federal Reserve

Let’s end it and stop lying about any need for a gold standard, we should allow the US government to print it’s money and as long as each dollar printed matches it’s own value in work it will be no inflation and no need for gold.

#11 Stop promoting decadence

The 100 movies that made the most life… I mean money, didn’t have any sexuality but we promote decadence non-stop, the pornographers are almost all jewish, we need to stop that.

#12 Stop lying about the Holocaust(TM)

We lied so much about it that we need to send people to prison in Europe if they disagree, the small chambers for clothes are perfectly designed with valves and everything while the big rooms that we show as gas chambers are ridiculous, in 10 years no one will believe in that story anymore, maybe we should apologize for having lied so much.

#13 Reparations

We should stop receiving reparations from Germany, it would be much cheaper than paying reparations to Russia for communism.

#14 Don’t whine

Whining is really annoying, let’s stop.

#15 Stop the genocide of the white race

We use our media to try to mix races in all the nations that have a white majority, we’re trying to make America, Canada, Europe, Russia, Australia and all the White nations become like Egypt or India or Portugal in which races mixed, promoting race-mixing while we reduce birth rates with feminism and homosexuality it’s genocide, we’re trying to destroy their genes with lies like telling them that races don’t matter while we keep Israel for ethnic jews only, White Americans have been nothing but nice to us, maybe we should stop trying to destroy them.

#16 Respect

What other people want is more important that what we want for them.

People like it when they feel respected, when they are not told how to think, but our nature it to tell everybody how to think and try to control everything, we need to start respecting people. Let’s stop thinking only about “what’s good for jews”

#17 Be likable

That’s the key. The so called “anti-Semites” don’t like Jews, if we attack them then more people dislike us because we are forcing them to like us, they don’t like it when we force them to like us, a better strategy to get rid of the people who don’t like us is to be liked by them, that’s the key to end anti-Semitism forever, we should be likable.
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Causing Holocausts
1) Lazar Kaganovich: Stalin’s political figurehead of the Central Committee. In 1928, Kaganovich led the implementation in the Ukraine of Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan.

~ The aim of Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan in the Ukraine was to destroy family farms through starvation making the peasants “landless” and thereby introducing “collectivization” by which the Ukrainian peasants were forced to become employees of the state. This forced-famine reached its crises point in 1932.

2) Genrikh Yagoda: Founder of the NKVD (Soviet Secret Police). Assisted in the first Five-Year Plan of starving Ukrainian peasants.

3) Nikolai Yezhov: Appointed by Yagoda as Head of the NKVD. Assisted in the first Five-Year Plan of starving Ukrainian peasants. (Yezhov took on a “Russian” name like most Bolshevik Jews. His wife was an active Jew).

These Bolshevik Jews seized livestock, crops, grain, and farm implements from the Ukrainian peasants. Any Ukrainian citizen who resisted them was shot. Desperate Ukrainian clergy and peasants ate anything to survive: bugs, grass, and leather shoes.

See: “Jewish Journalist Exposes Jewish Murderers” Here

“Fresh from the controversy over shifting positions on the Armenian genocide, the Jews could be caught up in another controversy over Ukrainian-genocide recognition,” reports the Baltimore Times Here.

Yushchenko has pressed the genocide issue since taking office in 2005. In 2007 more than two dozen countries recognized the Holodomor as genocide. Yet the Jews of the Ukraine and around the world refuse to recognize it!

Ukraine’s chief Rabbi Yakov Dov Bleich said:

— “We can’t equate the Holocaust of the Jews in Germany with the Holodomor in Ukraine. Ukrainian Jewish leaders do not support recognizing the Holodomor as genocide.” — Baltimore Jewish Times, Nov 14 2007.

I GREW UP AS A JEW. Jews want a monopoly on the world’s “sympathy.” But the Jews do not deserve the world’s sympathy as the Ukrainian Christian clergy and peasants deserve it. For they were *innocent victims* of the forced famine.

JEWS HAVE *NEVER* been the innocent victims of any “holocaust.” I have proved this by my many articles such as HERE backed up with historical facts!
That's very strange. Even as a Muslim, it was very easy for me to get an Israeli visa at the border. All they asked for, was my Indian passport. There were no uncomfortable questions nor any "rudeness" as mentioned. It was a good experience for me. After al-aqsa i ventured to visit the wall...the synagogues....everything.

Maybe the author was too prejudiced and maybe had an agenda of some sort.
That's very strange. Even as a Muslim, it was very easy for me to get an Israeli visa at the border. All they asked for, was my Indian passport. There were no uncomfortable questions nor any "rudeness" as mentioned. It was a good experience for me. After al-aqsa i ventured to visit the wall...the synagogues....everything.

Maybe the author was too prejudiced and maybe had an agenda of some sort.

Can you prove you've been to Israel?
Personally, i believe the author went through what he did purely because of his Pakistani origin or something like that. I did see some Arabs being taken for strip search at the border. The immigration control was generally quite nice. They asked if i wanted a separate paper with the entry stamp instead of stamping my passport (I was employed in the UAE at the time). I was quite surprised by their care and understanding.
Personally, i believe the author went through what he did purely because of his Pakistani origin or something like that. I did see some Arabs being taken for strip search at the border. The immigration control was generally quite nice. They asked if i wanted a separate paper with the entry stamp instead of stamping my passport (I was employed in the UAE at the time). I was quite surprised by their care and understanding.

India is a Zionist Ally!
That's very strange. Even as a Muslim, it was very easy for me to get an Israeli visa at the border. All they asked for, was my Indian passport. There were no uncomfortable questions nor any "rudeness" as mentioned. It was a good experience for me. After al-aqsa i ventured to visit the wall...the synagogues....everything.

Maybe the author was too prejudiced and maybe had an agenda of some sort.

You are an Indian in Israel. I was once stopped a few years ago by a police officer in Birmingham(immediately after immigration-my flight was from Dubai) who asked to see my passport. He lost interest (that's the way it seemed to me) on seeing it was an Indian one but did still ask me a couple of standard questions on my travels. When none of the countries that I mentioned interested him, he did ask me directly whether I had ever been to Pakistan or Afghanistan. I was so startled that I laughed loudly & reminded him that I was Indian & asked what on earth would I do in Pakistan...Got an immediate smile & my passport..end of story
For the thread starter, Let me tell yo something, Israelis , Arabs and Muslims live side by side, and Muslims make up more than 20pc of Israeli population. Trust me, there is no bigotry towards their minority, and they all live happily inside the state of Israel. Even "some" muslim nations can learn from Israel on how they treat their minority.
One experience is not the way the whole country works. Israel is the most targeted nation on earth right now by muslim fundamendalist, and they are taking every right step towards making their nation safe.

And obviously, the country doesnt have a good name in international arena, as Pakistan dont have diplomatic relationship with Isreal
You are an Indian in Israel. I was once stopped a few years ago by a police officer in Birmingham(immediately after immigration-my flight was from Dubai) who asked to see my passport. He lost interest (that's the way it seemed to me) on seeing it was an Indian one but did still ask me a couple of standard questions on my travels. When none of the countries that I mentioned interested him, he did ask me directly whether I had ever been to Pakistan or Afghanistan. I was so startled that I laughed loudly & reminded him that I was Indian & asked what on earth would I do in Pakistan...Got an immediate smile & my passport..end of story

This is a story i think many Indians can relate with :D.

I was actually quite apprehensive about going to Israel considering my religious affiliation and my name: Shahabas.

But i could never have been more wrong in my life !

I was actually quite apprehensive about going to Israel considering my religious affiliation and my name: Shahabas.

But i could never have been more wrong in my life !
For the thread starter, Let me tell yo something, Israelis , Arabs and Muslims live side by side, and Muslims make up more than 20pc of Israeli population. Trust me, there is no bigotry towards their minority, and they all live happily inside the state of Israel. Even "some" muslim nations can learn from Israel on how they treat their minority.
One experience is not the way the whole country works. Israel is the most targeted nation on earth right now by muslim fundamendalist, and they are taking every right step towards making their nation safe.

And obviously, the country doesnt have a good name in international arena, as Pakistan dont have diplomatic relationship with Isreal

And for treating minorities question then there are no mosque in israel just like taliban blows up statue of Buddha in Bamiyan.
What really surprised me was my chance meeting with two mallu Muslim students. They were research students in TAU -Tel aviv university !

As usual, the Zionist worshipping people from the nation of rapists have to defend Israel

I didn't try to defend. I only gave you my experience which was the exact opposite of what this unfortunate soul (author) went through.
As usual, the Zionist worshipping people from the nation of rapists have to defend Israel

thats little uncalled for..you're a senior member here and you know the rules..but even then,you're badmouthing and that can send this thread into a troll spree...I'm going to report your post..
thats little uncalled for..you're a senior member here and you know the rules..but even then,you're badmouthing and that can send this thread into a troll spree...I'm going to report your post..

Who're you quoting? Unless you're saying I can hard-delete posts....
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