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Demolition of the Babri Mosque

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But you see Makkah's mosque is documented, its in videos we know it exists. The fact that there was a temple that was destroyed by Babur has been disproved, its a lame duck theory.

The temple wasn't there. The sinister act was carried out by BJP to shoot itself to fame which was previously in no competition to the congress.

That is what I am saying.

Evidence have been found that there was temple. Rocks and material used in temples where found under the land nearby mosque and some of its rock inside the wall of mosque itself. Moreover, this flame is not the recent, even British were force to close the mosque in the late 1930's. So the heat is not by BJP or someone else, but it already present from centuries.

You are not reading the history, let me tell you some truth.

This masjid was called "masjid-e-janamstha" (mosque of the birthplace) . It self says masjid was built on the Birth place of Rama which we celebrate as Janam sthal. Also, abar, whose general Mir Baqi allegedly destroyed this temple at Ayodhya, built by the Hindus to commemorate their king Samrat Ramchandra. Mir Baqi built a mosque at the site of the destroyed temple. Name of Masjid was changed by J. Nehru in 1950-60's to its present name Babri Masjid.

Babri Masjid is not the single claim of building of mosque on temple but its just one of the biggest. Other areas where it has been build are varansi and Mathura.

Even area where I live, Jain temple was demolished in place of that Mosque was build. It would be right to reclaim those done forcefully.
I think if Indians got off this, superiority complex vs the Muslims then there is only one solution left. Rebuild the mosque, the temple never existed.

The ideal thing would be for Indians of all communities to sit together and reach an amicable settlement, after having properly understood the historical evidence.

After all, a large majority of Muslims in the subcontinent are descendants of followers of Indic religions, and many of them have a regard for the culture and traditions of their own ancestors.
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What is published in the Daily Express is nothing new; most Muslims have known it from the day Babri mosque was destroyed. I have always believed that BJP is the party of bigoted Hinduvta followers, whose aim is to convert all Indians into Hindus and those who don’t convert, are either killed off or hounded out. Those who still remain should receive the same treatment as the untouchables. BJP/Hidvuta preachers want to emulate the following historical precedent.

Despie the fact that persecution of the Buddhists started with the Sungas (circa 150 BC); until Guptas (4th Century AD) nearly half the population of Indian subcontinent was Buddhist. Buddhists continued to flourish until Harshavardhana (7th Century AD). However ,within a couple of hundred years (9th to 11th century AD); Buddhism had all but disappeared from its north Indian homeland. Hinduvta movement has a similar aim.

No matter what façade BJP puts on, when you scratch the surface, you would find BJP a high caste anti Muslim party. All that has happened is that what was heretofore an open secret is now a well publicized fact.

Instead of blaming back. It would have been a good idea to accept it.

The reality of India is that it is not a secular country no matter how many Indians cry that it is.

Pakistan is not a secular country, neither is Saudi Arabia.

The behaviour of fanatic hindus can be seen in the video clearly, while the second video clearly shows how the sub-continental Muslims kept India together, until there was no hope.

Indeed, it is a bad thing, even if it occurs in Pakistan, but such acts of the public dont occur. I hope you have seen the video.

Dear Web master,

I joined this discussion late.

I agree that many Indians are not very secular but still India is a Secular Country by LAW and CONSTITUTION.

Every one as equal rights by law. And many hindus do not like it because they feel that muslims got there own country so we shoould get our own too/ atleast we should get a upper hand than muslims. this may partly be due to the muslim rule prior to british.

I am quite secular by nature but still some times the devil takes over slightly, BUT in my mind only.

Just wanted to say this it is upto you to interpret it in wichever manner u like.

Anyway just out of curiosity i want to ask that if it was proven that Babri masjid was built by demolishing a temple what will your reaction be?

I personally feel that it should not have been demolished. two wrongs do not make a right.
India was secular, maybe still in books. The truth is systamatically the establishment (read Brahmin/bania) have conner all the resources and pushed all other in the backdrop. we can further read about this topic on forextradingevo.com this informative web site covers all the matters related to this topic I hope this type of informative thread will come again and again.
India was secular, maybe still in books. The truth is systamatically the establishment (read Brahmin/bania) have conner all the resources and pushed all other in the backdrop. we can further read about this topic on forextradingevo.com this informative web site covers all the matters related to this topic I hope this type of informative thread will come again and again.

India still is secular. The constitution, the law doesn't discriminate between religious affiliations. Its only when mobs abetted by political bigwigs take control, does the problem arise.

You would have heard it countless times from many Indians on this forum, Babri was a national shame. The publishing of the findings of the Liberhan commission is a step in the right direction, hope justice is delivered.
India was secular, maybe still in books. The truth is systamatically the establishment (read Brahmin/bania) have conner all the resources and pushed all other in the backdrop. we can further read about this topic on forextradingevo.com this informative web site covers all the matters related to this topic I hope this type of informative thread will come again and again.

i agree the mentality of indians has changed since independence bo so has that of pakistanis.

even pakistan was not so full of islamic extremism prior to zia ul haq. it was he who injected this venom in your blood.

in india the credit goes to BJP. they found there oppurtunity in the hurt pride of the hindus.
i agree the mentality of indians has changed since independence bo so has that of pakistanis.

even pakistan was not so full of islamic extremism prior to zia ul haq. it was he who injected this venom in your blood.

in india the credit goes to BJP. they found there oppurtunity in the hurt pride of the hindus.

Well agreed to some extent.

Only think is, these so called all saffron & green parties are getting cornered by each election. First BJP lost in 2004 when they are supposed to win. And then they lost badly in 2009. So you can see the change. The same can not be said about the others though they are offtopic here.

My point is, education is the driving factor for progress. I hope one day we would be what we should be.:cheers:
My Two Cents:

The BJP has been saying that there was a temple at the exact spot where the Babri Masjid stood, and this was going against the emotions of Hindus, which led to the demolition. Well, in my opinion they need to do some serious introspection.

They should ask themselves whether Lord Ram would have approved of this act. They should ask themselves whether Muslims are creation of some "other" God. They should know better that God is not confined to a single place, it does not matter to Him whether you worship Him in your home or His birth place. God would not ask to demolish the mosque, create communal discord and build a temple there to prove your devotion to Him.

All the people involved in this act need to have proper understanding of their faith.

Now the question is whether there should be a temple there or a mosque. I see two very simple solutions: Either take the opinion of the people of Ayodhya through ballot voting or even better create a structure there that becomes a symbol of harmony between Hindus and Muslims of India, which would remind us that peace and national integrity is paramount. After all, you would be ignorant if you expect people to realize their spiritual goal if there is no peace in the society they live in.
My Two Cents:

The BJP has been saying that there was a temple at the exact spot where the Babri Masjid stood, and this was going against the emotions of Hindus, which led to the demolition. Well, in my opinion they need to do some serious introspection.

They should ask themselves whether Lord Ram would have approved of this act. They should ask themselves whether Muslims are creation of some "other" God. They should know better that God is not confined to a single place, it does not matter to Him whether you worship Him in your home or His birth place. God would not ask to demolish the mosque, create communal discord and build a temple there to prove your devotion to Him.

All the people involved in this act need to have proper understanding of their faith.

Now the question is whether there should be a temple there or a mosque. I see two very simple solutions: Either take the opinion of the people of Ayodhya through ballot voting or even better create a structure there that becomes a symbol of harmony between Hindus and Muslims of India, which would remind us that peace and national integrity is paramount. After all, you would be ignorant if you expect people to realize their spiritual goal if there is no peace in the society they live in.

Few points I would like to mention.

During the first Kar Seva hundreds of Karsevak's were shot by Police on orders of then PM Mr.V.P.Singh.

Second Kar Seva was done under the patronage of Mr.P.V.Narsimha Rao who was a Prime Minister then who didnot take any precautionary or pre emptive measures to stop the Kar Sevak's.

Don't blame BJP alone. The policies and politics of Congress are equally responsible for such acts.

Off Course Lord Rama wouldn't have approved such act.

However when the same Congress lead Government gives affidavite in the court that Lord Rama never existed and Ramayana is a myth then obviosuly one is hurting people's emotion's and the whole argument of what Lord Rama would have approved gets invalid.

Opinion only from People of Ayodhya is not enough just because the disputed structure was/is in Ayodhya.

The matter is in court I would wait for the court verdict and accept it.

Few points I would like to mention.

During the first Kar Seva hundreds of Karsevak's were shot by Police on orders of then PM Mr.V.P.Singh.

Second Kar Seva was done under the patronage of Mr.P.V.Narsimha Rao who was a Prime Minister then who didnot take any precautionary or pre emptive measures to stop the Kar Sevak's.

Don't blame BJP alone. The policies and politics of Congress are equally responsible for such acts.

Off Course Lord Rama wouldn't have approved such act.

However when the same Congress lead Government gives affidavite in the court that Lord Rama never existed and Ramayana is a myth then obviosuly one is hurting people's emotion's and the whole argument of what Lord Rama would have approved gets invalid.

Opinion only from People of Ayodhya is not enough just because the disputed structure was/is in Ayodhya.

The matter is in court I would wait for the court verdict and accept it.


I know the role of Congress in everything they have done in this country. I know they are spineless. But here it was BJP and not Congress that was directly involved. If the BJP has so much faith in Hinduism, they should be aware that sentiments of ownership, revenge, and unjustified and unprovoked violence are to be relinquished. If the matter is in court, they should have waited for the verdict.

A true leader is one that takes you to the right path, not to the path of revenge. The BJP, leading the masses there, should have guided them to the real values of Hinduism.
very sad moment of the muslim history ..
very sad moment of the muslim history ..
Saheen, You must be aware that its a fact that many Muslim invaders came to india, destroyed and looted the wealth of temples and used the idols and parts of temples to build steps back in their kingdom. Do you support it?
I personally dont support babri masjid demolition. now since it has happned, i think that place should become a pulic place with park or something. it is not that significant a event to say that its a sad day for muslim history. maybe indian history, but not muslim history.
I think an IPL team called ayodhya kar sevaks should be formed, build a stadium over it, and form a team with hindu and muslim players in it. I think that will be best option :)
Why was my last post deleted ?
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