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Featured Delhi Muslims fear they will never see justice for religious riot atrocities

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Aap tension na lo, we'll just genocide and eliminate the lot of them.. they'll be neither our problem nor yours, these unwanted people. Just let us do this genocide quietly, don't make noise, ok ?

deal ? :enjoy:

That's what partition is for and why Indian Muslims understand that freedom, AZAADI is the only way

How can they live in or tolerate a hindutva extremist communal shithole like India???

The country is turning into a toxic cess pit
Some of what you say is very sensible, refreshing to hear from an Indian Hindu even.

However, I dispute your remark that civil war isn't a solution for Indian Muslims. It is rapidly becoming the only solution. Modi has initiated a self-fulfilling prophecy. If Indian Muslims muster up a leader from somewhere, anywhere, then India is in trouble.

"I do not fear an army of lions led by a sheep. I fear an army of sheep led by a lion". Alexander of Macedon.
Thank you for your kind words.

Civil war will lead to annihilation of Indian muslims. How is that a solution for them? Dont think of an imaginary scenario where somehow 200 million Muslims can over-power 1 billion Hindus.
Hindus and Muslims are like HIndus and Muslims. This is the actual comparision.
Civil war will lead to annihilation of Indian muslims. How is that a solution for them? Dont think of an imaginary scenario where somehow 200 million Muslims can over-power 1 billion Hindus.
Muslims dominated India for over a millenia and never had numerical superiority. So don't underestimate the power of Muslim mindset. You cannot break the Muslim mindset, the message of our religion is too strong!

But yes, if you want to live in peace you may have to kill all the Muslims left in your country, but you know, easier said than done! This is the reason I like @Protest_again, at least he is honest and is a good representation for the fact that Hindu-Muslim-Bhai-Bhai is the ugliest lie ever told to men.
Dont think of an imaginary scenario where somehow 200 million Muslims can over-power 1 billion Hindus.

happened before. muslims didnt rule all of india by fluke. hindus didnt survive and remain the majority by fluke. 1 billion hindus arent going to answer the hindutva call. but as things get worse, muslims need to start living close to each other to protect themselves. eventually the states will become a muslim majority and then they are safe.
Thank you for your kind words.

Civil war will lead to annihilation of Indian muslims. How is that a solution for them? Dont think of an imaginary scenario where somehow 200 million Muslims can over-power 1 billion Hindus.

200 million is enough to defend themselves

If the Muslims move to areas and establish areas of Muslim majority (which is happening now)

The problem arises when small numbers of Muslims are completely outnumbered in small areas or villages

The the police and state will at best do nothing at worse join hindutva extremist mobs like in Gujrat or Delhi

At the moment Kashmir is the only Muslim majority area

But Malabar coast and parts of Kerala
Western UP
Eastern Bengal/border areas of Assam etc

Do you understand, they can make extended areas of Muslim majority, consisting of tens of millions of not more

Enough population to take on any hindutva extremist mob simply because those areas will have large Muslim populations

At the same time areas of Muslim majority can create local Muslim economies, ie Muslim lawyer's, Muslim stores, Muslim doctors so they don't have to deal with or suffer from hindutva extremism

It's upto Indian Muslims to move to these areas now from isolated communities

They can have a state within a state within India

It is the only way as hindutva poison spreads
You are pretty naive and I'll reply later with detail. Check this space.

But for now, I'll leave this for you to ponder.

What Ghar wapsi? Muslims can live as muslims, no one cares. But they wouldn't get special rights in this country like separate personal law board.
I am not advocating any special rights either. I want them to be treated as equal citizens, not having to constantly apologize for acts of Islamic invaders or Pakistan.
I support UCC as well.

Hindus believe it to be Ram Janma Bhoomi. It is not Islamic land. It was a mosque built on temple ruins. Even if it is not so, supreme court ruled it as a Hindu land. I am not going to be apologetic even after supreme court ruling.
Is Lord Ram happy now that thousands died trying to 'reclaim' the land in the name of Ram? Remember, 1992 Bombay riots, 1993 bombings etc were a direct consequence of Babri demolition.
Supreme court dragged its feet for 3 decades and wanted parties to do out-of-court settlement. When that did not happen, it was forced to finally give a ruling. I am surprised that the court did not find anyone guilty of the demolition. Did the structure fall on its own?

Court didn't acquit her. Disha Ravi Joseph was granted bail for now. Court didn't quash the case, lol. Let police work on the case.
Read the court's comments while granting her bail. It literally scolded GOI for filing sedition charge on her.

Lol. Obviously I don't mean all Muslims. Duh. There are muslims who give preference to their religion than to the country, they are anti national. You are naive if you don't know the difference. Abdul Kalam? BJP renamed Aurangazeb road to Abdul Kalam road in the honour of the patriot. What are you talking about? Who made Mohamad Arif Khan, governor of Kerala? We need nationalist Muslims who understand Hindutva. I don't understand the objection to Hindutava though. India is a land where Hindus (people beyond sindhu river) live. And that include all religions. I am not responsible for your or someone else naivety.
Then the same yardstick should apply to any religion. If a Hindu gives preference to a temple over national unity, then I would call him 'anti-national'.
BJP and RSS know full well that the term 'Hindutva' needlessly pricks other religions. We can be patriots without using that term. We can just say 'Hindustani' or 'Bhartiya' or 'Indian'. That is enough.
Then the same yardstick should apply to any religion. If a Hindu gives preference to a temple over national unity, then I would call him 'anti-national'.
He is a funny guy. Reminds me of that German priest who said that "Christmas is for everybody" and Muslims and Jews should celebrate it too in order to have unity. Hindutva is for everybody, right? :D
you can do the same in indian forums. no need to be at PDF.
go ask the MODs to ban me if you are so scared of me.

they were leaderless because they believed in the hindu-muslim bhai bhai nonsense and rejected Pakistan. they ignored the RSS threat and now they are paying the price. Pakistanis are actually doing very well considering how many wars and imperialist neighbours we have had to deal with, and the future is looking bright. India on the other hand is descending into the hindu-muslim civil war situation that was predicted would happen one day when RSS gained enough power.

is that so? were you listening to Pakistan then when we were ahead of you a few decades back in GDP per capita? no, you werent. munafiq.
be thankful that not all muslims went to Pakistan, else you would have had a demographic disaster due to over-population.
Pakistan is choosing to be constantly at war and hence it is facing all this trouble. Bangladesh was left a basket case in 1971, but has leapfrogged you since it made a sensible choice to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

At partition, Pakistan got disproportionately more land (and fertile land at that) than its population. Plus, you were darling of the west getting constant support. It took India a few decades to overtake you but now you can never come close to us.
Pakistan is only for Pakistani citizens

If Indians hate each other then partition India

then stop crying about Indian citizen muslims... and if pakistan cant offer them CAA type easy immigration then stop complaining about India
The hatred within India is too much, the poison is everywhere

Indian Muslims were first but now even Sikhs and Christians are becoming agitated
no they're not, but as far as Indian muslims are concerned, they're viewed just as suspiciously as they've always been.
Muslims dominated India for over a millenia and never had numerical superiority. So don't underestimate the power of Muslim mindset. You cannot break the Muslim mindset, the message of our religion is too strong!

More like 600 years - Delhi Sultanate began in late 12th century and Marathas overpowered Mughals by 18th century.
Those never ruled as merely Muslims. They co-opted Hindus. Many Mughal emperors married Hindu princesses and formed alliances with Hindu kingdoms.
Similarly, the only way for Indian muslims today is to unite with secular minded Hindus. They cant win on their own.

But yes, if you want to live in peace you may have to kill all the Muslims left in your country, but you know, easier said than done! This is the reason I like @Protest_again, at least he is honest and is a good representation for the fact that Hindu-Muslim-Bhai-Bhai is the ugliest lie ever told to men.
Your dream of a civil war in India will never come true.
That's what partition is for and why Indian Muslims understand that freedom, AZAADI is the only way

How can they live in or tolerate a hindutva extremist communal shithole like India???

The country is turning into a toxic cess pit
ultimate Azadi is to be one with the maker.

Modi Ji is handing out free tickets
then stop crying about Indian citizen muslims... and if pakistan cant offer them CAA type easy immigration then stop complaining about India

India is our enemy, why would we stop?
no they're not, but as far as Indian muslims are concerned, they're viewed just as suspiciously as they've always been.

Just like Jinnah predicted and warned Indian Muslims

Now it's upto Indian Muslims to understand that Jinnah was RIGHT, they can't trust Hindus and a communal India and need to care about their own community and not India

They need to start preparations for their defence
200 million is enough to defend themselves

If the Muslims move to areas and establish areas of Muslim majority (which is happening now)

The problem arises when small numbers of Muslims are completely outnumbered in small areas or villages

The the police and state will at best do nothing at worse join hindutva extremist mobs like in Gujrat or Delhi

At the moment Kashmir is the only Muslim majority area

But Malabar coast and parts of Kerala
Western UP
Eastern Bengal/border areas of Assam etc

Do you understand, they can make extended areas of Muslim majority, consisting of tens of millions of not more

Enough population to take on any hindutva extremist mob simply because those areas will have large Muslim populations

At the same time areas of Muslim majority can create local Muslim economies, ie Muslim lawyer's, Muslim stores, Muslim doctors so they don't have to deal with or suffer from hindutva extremism

It's upto Indian Muslims to move to these areas now from isolated communities

They can have a state within a state within India

It is the only way as hindutva poison spreads
I can understand your sentiment. However, in long term, creating ghettos will make them poorer not more prosperous. The govt can easily discriminate against Muslim majority regions by allocating less funds, doing less development work in these regions.
Aap tension na lo, we'll just genocide and eliminate the lot of them.. they'll be neither our problem nor yours, these unwanted people. Just let us do this genocide quietly, don't make noise, ok ?

deal ? :enjoy:

Many Indian muslims and muslims everywhere are seeing through political nature of islam and slowly getting turned away from Islam

check out few ex Pakistani muslims like

Tareh Fatah
Arif Ajakia

these guys are much more proud of their Sanatani roots
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