Thank you.
You are correct. Many "kattar Musalmaan" types tend not to apply sensibility and context.
I have tried to convince
@PakistaniAtBahrain and one or two others here that progressive Muslim researchers and leaders in the past and now have tried to understand the context in which Islamic scripts were written and how to apply them in current situation.
For example, an Egyptian woman by name Amna Nosseir who was member of parliament and also a teacher researched and found that the burqa was really a Jewish culture garment that somehow found place in certain Muslim societies and got propagated to current time. The burqa has nothing to do with Islam.
Another example which I quoted to PakistaniAtBahrain was of Muammar Gaddafi who was a 'Hafiz', meaning one who has memorized the Quran and has understood it. And he was a socialist ( though not a communist ). There is no contradiction in being a Hafiz and being a modern socialist because Islam was a progressive movement in a line of progressive movements and thought, before Islam and after Islam.
If anything, PakistaniAtBahrain can find himself courted by Western intelligence agencies who want to subvert progressive Muslim movements and individuals. This has happened for decades, whether it was the in-Egypt-started Muslim Brotherhood or the FSA in Syria now.
So you don't want to go to any proposed "Homeland of the Zoroastrians" ? At least enclaves which are composed of emigrated Zoroastrians and reverted Kurds and Yazidis ?
What exactly went on in those Zoroastrian functions you hosted ?
Hmm, will have to ponder on that.
Yes, different streams then using different slogans. Like I said earlier that it was an officer in the INA who thought up of "Jai Hind".