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Decreasing terrorist attacks in Pakistan

So political murders also fall under terrorism according to you? Facepalm.

Terrorism is the methodology and not the ideology..

"With a total of at least 6,142 persons, including of 2,797 militants, 2,580 civilians and 765 Security Forces (SFs) personnel killed in 2011. However, even this worrying total constituted an improvement of 17.75 per cent over the preceding year. 7,435 persons, including 5,170 militants, 1,796 civilians and 469 SF personnel, had been killed in 2010."

So, number of fatalities decreased because of decline in the number of death of militants by a great extent and as the same time increase in deaths of soldiers and civilian. The figure only shows militants are getting stronger day by day.

exactly my point..
Why is Pakistan showing such soft corner to militant is because the bad memories of forgien meddling still haunts Pakistani army. They are reculant to take action given sensationalism of our people and fearing that it will be exploited by Afghanistan and India. After all history of Pakistan is full of foreign meddling from Russia, India to Iraq and Iran.
Terrorism is the methodology and not the ideology..

As Bilal said. Political killings cannot be considered as terrorism just like honor killings or other killings don't fall under this category.

You and other Indians desperation for violence inside Pakistan is inhumane to say the least.

There is total increase of 47.6% deaths of civilians and Soldiers combined when 2010 and 2011 are compared.

In 2010 Pak Army went for military offensive in Bajour, Kurram and Orakzai whereas there as no major military offensive in 2011. If Pakistan army goes for military offensive again in 2012 like they are planning for North Waziristan, then there would again be an upsurge in number of militants killed. 47.6% rise in number of deaths of soldiers and civilians in a single year shows militants are getting stronger and Pakistan Army avoiding direct confrontation with militants is keeping deaths of militants at low number but the militants are still strong.

Wrong. A more realistic conclusion would be that Militants are weak and aren't unable to conduct major terrorist activites in the major cities of Pakistan like they used to do two to three years before and are left with no choice but to conduct minor attacks on forces and civilians and that too in western borders of Pakistan. Far from Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi. Just like Maoists violence is limited to jungles of red corridor.
Wrong. A more realistic conclusion would be that Militants are weak and aren't unable to conduct major terrorist activites in the major cities of Pakistan like they used to do two to three years before and are left with no choice but to conduct minor attacks on forces and civilians and that too in western borders of Pakistan. Far from Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi. Just like Maoists violence is limited to jungles of red corridor.

If militants are so weak, how come number of deaths of civilians and soldiers upsurged by 47.6% in a single year.
As long as unnecessary hornet's nests are not stirred (by Pakistan or the US), I see a considerable decline in terrorism violence.

So what you are saying is as long as we let them what they want they wont attack us i agree plus we should be supplying arms to them as this will fix our fiscal problems and also terrorist attacks kill Mostly poor people so they will be helping us eliminate poverty its a win win situation.

main reason is terrorists wanted the supplies to halt and it was done ...... today they have again reopened Nato supplies

So we have officially lost to them and they will dictate our future policies excellent.

Here is my 2 cents Most sympathizers not all have been killed or captured plus financing sources have dried up
If militants are so weak, how come number of deaths of civilians and soldiers upsurged by 47.6% in a single year.

Because militants are attacking easy targets in the areas bordering Afghanistan unlike two years before when they used to attack even the GHQ in Rawalpindi.
Because militants are attacking easy targets in the areas bordering Afghanistan unlike two years before when they used to attack even the GHQ in Rawalpindi.

You missed one point, 765 security forces killed in 2011 compared to 469 in 2010 a rise of 63% in a single year.
If militants are so weak, how come number of deaths of civilians and soldiers upsurged by 47.6% in a single year.

The number of civilian deaths has significantly reduced over the years. Please refer to this graph again:


Untitled2-7.jpg picture by watashikoini2 - Photobucket

Also refer to the data in the tables:


Untitled3-4.jpg picture by watashikoini2 - Photobucket
Why is Pakistan showing such soft corner to militant is because the bad memories of foreign meddling still haunts Pakistani army. They are reluctant to take action given sensationalism of our people and fearing that it will be exploited by Afghanistan and India. After all history of Pakistan is full of foreign meddling from Russia, India to Iraq and Iran.

Yes The evidence clearly shows of foreign melding in Pakistan by India Iran Afghanistan Iraq and Russia, as all these states are Run by wahabis so they were in Pakistan supporting there ideology.

You can beat around the bush all you like as long as you are not willing to accept the reality and point fingers at the real supporters and creators of terrorist in Pakistan and actually do some thing about it terrorist aren't going any where.

Bad news is Pakistanis aren't waking up good news is they are the ones who are paying the price. capital plus brains have and continue to leave the country so keep living in de_Nial you are now only hurting yourself.
So what you are saying is as long as we let them what they want they wont attack us i agree plus we should be supplying arms to them as this will fix our fiscal problems and also terrorist attacks kill Mostly poor people so they will be helping us eliminate poverty its a win win situation.

You clearly do not understand what I am saying. To understand what I am saying, please refer to Post # 22:

Looks like the accountability of the intelligence agency by the Supreme Court in Balochistan is also yielding positive results. This also came at a time when Pakistan clamped on US influence inside Pakistan, closing the supply routes, & having very few drone strikes. As long as unnecessary hornet's nests are not stirred (by Pakistan or the US), I see a considerable decline in terrorism violence.

I would like the members here to analyze the statistics, & give suggestions on what should be done to further reduce terrorism violence inside Pakistan. The interesting thing to note is, this is the first time we are seeing a significant reduction in the number of attacks, as well as a significant decrease in civilians deaths & injuries.

In the past, we have seen more (or equal) number of attacks, & fewer number of casualties. This was a result of a large number of small militant attacks.

And in other times, we have seen fewer number of attacks, but larger number of casualties. This was a results of a large number of big attacks targeting "soft targets". It could also show the desperation of the militants in their failure against the establishment. Or it could show something else.

But this is a different trend. For lasting peace, Pakistan needs reduced number of attacks inside the country, as well as reduced number of casualties and injuries from terrorism. The good thing about this trend is, the reduced number of attacks have come when the Pakistan Army has expanded operations in the FATA (& drone attacks in Pakistan have decreased significantly), & there has been less meddling inside Balochistan. Militant infrastructure continues to be destroyed, & the reduced number of attacks and casualties/injuries shows that the militants are getting weakened, their power to launch attacks has been significantly abated. It also shows that the Pakistan "security establishment" is fighting the "right" battles.

Go through this post carefully, and try to understand what I am saying.
The number of civilian deaths has significantly reduced over the years. Please refer to this graph again:


Untitled2-7.jpg picture by watashikoini2 - Photobucket

Also refer to the data in the tables:


Untitled3-4.jpg picture by watashikoini2 - Photobucket

The graph only mentioned about the number of deaths and don't give separate data about militants, civilians and security forces. even I agree that number of deaths has decreased during the years but decrease in number of deaths is because of less militants were killed at the same time seeing huge rise in the number of civilians and security forces being killed.

It mostly seems Pakistan is avoiding agitating beehive.
As Bilal said. Political killings cannot be considered as terrorism just like honor killings or other killings don't fall under this category.
You and other Indians desperation for violence inside Pakistan is inhumane to say the least.

You are just copping out by using the victim card.. Is there a single Indian here who has wished for more violence in Pakistan in future.. I dont think so.. What some of us have said is that the numbers are being fudged by Pakistani establishment to show a decreasing trend in terrorist violence. There is a load of difference in the 2
The graph only mentioned about the number of deaths and don't give separate data about militants, civilians and security forces. even I agree that number of deaths has decreased during the years but decrease in number of deaths is because of less militants were killed at the same time seeing huge rise in the number of civilians and security forces being killed.

Let me put this in numbers because clearly, you're not very good at understanding graphs:

Civilian deaths from terrorism in 2010: 2911
Civilian deaths from terrorism in 2011: 2472
Civilian deaths from terrorism in 2012 (till April 30 2012): 659
Iterate and averaging the estimate number of deaths in 2012: 659 x 3 = 1977

Civilian deaths in 2010 (from January 1, 2010 till April 30, 2010): 1023
Civilian deaths in 2011 (from January 1, 2011 till April 30, 2011): 887
Civilian deaths in 2012 (from January 1, 2012 till April 30, 2012): 659

See the decreasing trend in violence? There is an even sharper decline in the civilian injuries over the years.

Here is the decreasing terrorist attacks inside Pakistan. It clearly shows that the militants have been destroyed in the operations by the military, & their activities are confined to remote parts of Pakistan (& there is a decline in terrorism violence in those regions as well). That is why less number of militants are killed now, because most of them have already been killed, and terrorist attacks inside Pakistan have decreased significantly:


Untitled2-7.jpg picture by watashikoini2 - Photobucket
It is very evident that since PA carried t the op in tribal areas the number of organized attacks has decreased considerably,now all we see are little dispersed attempts that result in a couple of casualties or more.The activities were always cell oriented so there is no head to cut off but their sources are being suffocated by Intel agencies and PA.

main reason is terrorists wanted the supplies to halt and it was done ...... today they have again reopened nato supplies
When did that happen...wait lemme turn on the news!!
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