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Debate: Should India be a permanent member of the UNSC?

It is the Indians who are living in denial !!!

You first said that US will not support when given sources you said that they have not given anything written when again given source you just fled with denial.

Accept that India is always haunting you. :lol:
You first said that US will not support when given sources you said that they have not given anything written when again given source you just fled with denial.

Accept that India is always haunting you. :lol:

It is time for Indians to wake up and smell the Coffee !!!

India abandons UN Security Council seat ambitions
India abandons UN Security Council seat ambitions – The Express Tribune

An intensive six-year campaign by India for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council finally fizzled out due to lack of support from other member states.

The collapse of the G-4, which includes Brazil, Germany and Japan along with India, indicated their resignation for a permanent membership on the world body’s high table after its recent letter to General Assembly President Joseph Deiss requesting him to resume the inter-governmental negotiations on reforming the 15-nation Council, a process they had abandoned and went on to circulate a resolution seeking expansion in permanent and non-permanent categories.

But the resolution, which the G-4 thought would be a short-cut to their goals, won—in their own words – 80 pledges of the support which is not even a simple majority in the 192-member Assembly when 128 votes, or two-thirds majority, is required.

Critics of G-4 pointed out that since the resolution has not been tested on the floor of the Assembly, even their claim of 80 member states, as mentioned in the G-4 letter, could be a bit of exaggeration.

“This (the claim of 80 pledges) is an admission of defeat, to say the very least, a shattering blow to their ambitions,” a European diplomat said.

“Obviously, the reform model advocated by G-4 is not acceptable to the member states.” Four months ago, the G-4 opted out of the inter-governmental negotiations, saying that the talks were not making any progress.

The G-4 emphasised the need for the Council’s reform, which they had virtually reduced to mere enlargement and categories—ignoring other important issues like working methods, question of veto, regional representation and relationship between the General Assembly and the Security Council.

During that period, representatives of the G-4 countries, especially India, went virtually door-to-door to lobby support for their resolution that would open the door to permanent and non-permanent categories.

The Security Council currently has five veto-wielding permanent members—Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States—and 10 non-permanent members elected for two-year terms.

Despite the general agreement on enlarging the council, as part of the UN reform process, member states remain sharply divided over the details, most of them sticking to their positions.

Indeed, the General Assembly president said there was little possibility of the Security Council reform in the near future unless different groups holding steadfast to their respective positions hammer out a compromise on the issue, at least a temporary one.

“Probably it is not possible actually to find a solution where one of these different groups will get the total of their aspirations,” President Deiss said.
LOL !!!

India can be tricked so easily !!!

USA gives India a Candy and Indians think Americans like them !!!

Oye chup kar oye tum logo ki izzat to amrica ne sare aam loota hai..they didnot even care about ur sovereignty while hunting osama..ha ha ha..

---------- Post added at 05:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------

Only in your dreams !!!

Uncle SAM has already made it clear that Americans don't want to enlarge the U.N. permanent club size !!!

How do u know?? Is uncle SAM ur Boy friend??
just a question as SAM's agents have openly endorsed india's inclusion into UN as a permanent member..
Oye chup kar oye tum logo ki izzat to amrica ne sare aam loota hai..they didnot even care about ur sovereignty while hunting osama..ha ha ha..

How do u know?? Is uncle SAM ur Boy friend??
just a question as SAM's agents have openly endorsed india's inclusion into UN as a permanent member..
I can understand that you use this sort of language at home but this isn't your home so refrain from it ... Shows how desperate you really are :rofl: ... Lets see when India can make its way into UNSC with China blocking every move to do that :P

China on Thursday joined Russia in vaguely backing India's quest for a permanent Security Council seat but there was no promise that Beijing would vote for New Delhi's inclusion on UN high table.

China backs India for UNSC seat, vaguely - Times Of India

On April 15, 2011, China officially expressed its support for an increased Indian role at the United Nations, without explicitly endorsing India's Security Council ambitions.


For your eyes only :


The UNSC, therefore, is not what its charter mandated it to be, because its history has proved that it has become a tool of the 5 permanent members interests at the expense of the other 187 weaker nations that just sit as spectators in the U.N. General Assembly. And recent efforts to revise the UNSC and enlarge it with more permanent members, namely India, Brazil, Germany and Japan, were sabotaged by the current permanent members. Surely, China doesn’t want India to have a veto on Asian Chinese interests, and the U.S. doesn’t want Brazil to have a veto on U.S. interests issues in Latin America.
China on Thursday joined Russia in vaguely backing India's quest for a permanent Security Council seat but there was no promise that Beijing would vote for New Delhi's inclusion on UN high table.

China backs India for UNSC seat, vaguely - Times Of India

On April 15, 2011, China officially expressed its support for an increased Indian role at the United Nations, without explicitly endorsing India's Security Council ambitions.

Reform of the United Nations Security Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moreover, that was in April and politics changes all the time. Lets see how well India behaves on the South China Sea issues first :lol:
Its just a matter of time, our time have come no matter how some people still live in time wrap.
Its just a matter of time, our time have come no matter how some people still live in time wrap.

How ???? The five permanent members don't want new members in the club so how will India's time come ????
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