Bhai, These people have not died out of heart attacks, high-blood pressure, diabetes and strokes.
- How can two young and mature scientists suicide on railway track at the same time??
- What about the veteran Mr. Singh the LCA test pilot who was used to take on pressure as he was from IAF and fighter pilots are selected after tough physical, specially psychological tests.
- Then the fishy car accident of Arjun creator.
Exactly. Don't forget such medical info of high value targets is greatly utilized for sinsiter purposes such as murder made to look like an accident. I never forget when Mossad almost assissinated a high value PLO target with a spray that induced symotpoms of a heart attack. Only under immense foriegn political pressure, the antidote was given.
Bloody hell......whatever happened to the Chanukyas and the mental prowress/aptitude we had when it comes to security related issues? Oh yea I forgot...NON VIOLENCE.....which is great if the entire world was on the same page, till then you just made yourself a sitting duck