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Dear Americans We DON'T hate your "Freedoms".


May 3, 2009
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Dear Americans We DON'T hate your "Freedoms", we hate the "freedom" OFF life you inflict on others.
when people fail to govern their land by the rule of law and become a nuisance for others then foreign powers will move in to protect their securities and when a forigen invader having boots on ground - such scenes will prevail. Dont blame others, blame yourself!
when people fail to govern their land by the rule of law and become a nuisance for others then foreign powers will move in to protect their securities and when a forigen invader having boots on ground - such scenes will prevail. Dont blame others, blame yourself!

Why don't you go jump in a lake "False Flagger".
when people fail to govern their land by the rule of law and become a nuisance for others then foreign powers will move in to protect their securities and when a forigen invader having boots on ground - such scenes will prevail. Dont blame others, blame yourself!

Valid statement for the middle-east but not for the Asia Pacific or S. America..
when people fail to govern their land by the rule of law and become a nuisance for others then foreign powers will move in to protect their securities and when a forigen invader having boots on ground - such scenes will prevail. Dont blame others, blame yourself!

Blame the lamb?
I'll presume the Vietnam picture is just added to exaggerate the reproach of Americans indulging in barbarism and to let people know it's a worldwide trend, not just a Muslim claim so that the resent is even more valid. In reality, the average Muslim who shouts "Death to America" on the street has little knowledge and absolutely no interest in the culture or history of non-Muslim countries like Vietnam or Native Americans. The smarter ones just use the Vietnam war and other past conflicts in their columns and articles as a pretext to bash Americans or inflame more anti-American sentiments. There is rarely genuine interest or profound knowledge beyond the brief statements of the mentioned atrocities, these memes just serve as opportunistic tools to lash out against the Americans.

That said, one propaganda picture cannot possibly give a good explanation why so many Muslims deeply hate America.
Many in the Arab world would blame the hatred on the complacency of American politics. Support to Israel, wars in the Middle East and all that. I think the way that many Muslims view the world is a more contributing factor than dirty politics. There is a more profound reason for this rage, that cannot be merely explained by American meddling in the Middle East.
A religious component that is often understated. A lot of Muslims considers themselves to be agents of the best faith, so how are they always be the ones that are so underdeveloped, poor and weak, how are they the ones who fall behind in everything? Even though they adhere the most superior religion?
Many radical Muslims see the West as an important factor in the decline of their own society. Hence they call America the great Satan - it is the Satan who tempts them and leads them astray from the right path, which is the reason why Muslim countries are so regressive according to them.
America as a symbol of power is a wonderful lightning rod for the mismanagement of the regimes and peoples in the Muslim world. Rather than to take responsibility for their dire conditions, it is easy to blame the outsider. Scapegoating the infidel non-Muslims. Closing the ranks, so that all negative energy can be directed outwards.
Even 'enlightened' and 'moderate' media outlets from the Muslim world like Al-Jazeera participate in this deceptive front. More than half of their opinion section is filled with one-side anti-American, anti-European and anti-Israel rants and diatribes. So what can you expect from the command man?
Dear Americans We DON'T hate your "Freedoms",...
Yes, you do. Those freedoms and rights? We have the gall to declare, not merely opined, that they made US superior to you, and for that, we are a threat to you. So yes, you do hate US for our way of life.

I'll presume the Vietnam picture is just added to exaggerate the reproach of Americans indulging in barbarism and to let people know it's a worldwide trend, not just a Muslim claim so that the resent is even more valid. In reality, the average Muslim who shouts "Death to America" on the street has little knowledge and absolutely no interest in the culture or history of non-Muslim countries like Vietnam or Native Americans. The smarter ones just use the Vietnam war and other past conflicts in their columns and articles as a pretext to bash Americans or inflame more anti-American sentiments. There is rarely genuine interest or profound knowledge beyond the brief statements of the mentioned atrocities, these memes just serve as opportunistic tools to lash out against the Americans.

That said, one propaganda picture cannot possibly give a good explanation why so many Muslims deeply hate America.
Many in the Arab world would blame the hatred on the complacency of American politics. Support to Israel, wars in the Middle East and all that. I think the way that many Muslims view the world is a more contributing factor than dirty politics. There is a more profound reason for this rage, that cannot be merely explained by American meddling in the Middle East.
A religious component that is often understated. A lot of Muslims considers themselves to be agents of the best faith, so how are they always be the ones that are so underdeveloped, poor and weak, how are they the ones who fall behind in everything? Even though they adhere the most superior religion?
Many radical Muslims see the West as an important factor in the decline of their own society. Hence they call America the great Satan - it is the Satan who tempts them and leads them astray from the right path, which is the reason why Muslim countries are so regressive according to them.
America as a symbol of power is a wonderful lightning rod for the mismanagement of the regimes and peoples in the Muslim world. Rather than to take responsibility for their dire conditions, it is easy to blame the outsider. Scapegoating the infidel non-Muslims. Closing the ranks, so that all negative energy can be directed outwards.
Even 'enlightened' and 'moderate' media outlets from the Muslim world like Al-Jazeera participate in this deceptive front. More than half of their opinion section is filled with one-side anti-American, anti-European and anti-Israel rants and diatribes. So what can you expect from the command man?
Very good, sir. Essentially, that is the intellectual 'gist' of this and other threads similar.
Well Ok, blame US. But lets look at few things.

1. When Saddam was using chemical weapons on Iran and his own people, no one said anything. Of course Security Council kept silent but why rest of the nations were silent ?

2. When Taliban was oppressing Afghan people, why other nations remained silent ?

3. When Muslims were murdered in Genocide, wasn't it US who came to rescue in Central Europe ?

4. When Rohingya Muslims were persecuted, only Turkey helped them, Obama told Myanmar its enough. Where were other nations ?

5. All cry for Palestinians, what other nations did for them except giving them weapons ?

6. When US helped to counter Soviet Forces and ensured freedom of Afghanistan and also of Pakistan, why you guys considered them as your allies ?

I can go on and on, I admit US has killed more innocent civilians in its War against Terror. but does anyone see that why other countries allowed Terrorism to flourish at the first place. Wasn't it Taliban who gave asylum to Osama ? If it wasn't for support to terrorists by many nations and Taliban, US won't have attacked Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan at the first place.

Terrorist elements were nurtured by other countries too and Mujhaheedins were raise by US too, but US paid the price and waged War against Terror, now when these terrorists came back to bite your a$$, you all blame US for that.

US is among those nations whose govt. and people give billions as Humanitarian aid for combating various ills. Bill Gates gave millions to India to combat AIDS (well the reason is considered different).

I know US has killed many people but why other countries fail to see at their own faults. Didn't you supported extremists, terrorist elements to flourish on your own soil and backyard to use them as proxies ?

Don't blame US alone. All are responsible. Get over with your Victim Mentality. Your hands are colored Red with blood of all these innocent people. We Indians accepted what we got when LTTE backfired at us. We agree our govt. oppressed people that led to internal insurgencies.

Isn't US looking out for its national interest, same way you looked at yours ?

Good Taliban, bad Taliban, haven't we learned the lessons from the past.

Lets become self-critical rather than creating one Boogeyman to run away from taking responsibility of death of millions of people.
I bet you can go on further.... let me help yoiuy a little

When Sikhs were mascared in india, didn't the thw whole world reamined silent?
When the christians are mascared in india, doesn't the whole world remain silent?
When muslims are mascared in india, doesn't the whole world remian silent?
When the babe girls are mercilessley murderd in india, doesn't the whole world remain silent?
When the Nexals are oppressed into inhumane poverty and killed mercilessly, doen't the whole world remian silent?
I bet you can go on further.... let me help yoiuy a little
When Sikhs were mascared in india, didn't the thw whole world reamined silent?
When the christians are mascared in india, doesn't the whole world remain silent?
When muslims are mascared in india, doesn't the whole world remian silent?
When the babe girls are mercilessley murderd in india, doesn't the whole world remain silent?
When the Nexals are oppressed into inhumane poverty and killed mercilessly, doen't the whole world remian silent?
Did you even read my post ?

I already said India has done many bad things and we are paying for it.

I openly said that Indian Govt. oppressed people which led to rise of internal insurgencies. That means cases like Naxalite,

I also said we have paid price for our involvement in riots. We lost our Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi because of it. But we are not happy as those Sikhs haven't got justice by Court of Law.

I also said we funded LTTE and when Rajiv Gandhi sent IPKF to fight against them, they killed him. We again paid the price.

I would like to say that Muslims started Godhara riots by burning Hindus in train. We had Muslims and Hindus killed in those riots. Court imprisoned Hindu leaders and Muslims in that case. Justice was served.

I can go on and on. My point is we accept our faults. Other people don't.

I am taking responsibility of all the mess in my country and I blame India and Indians only. So instead of bashing me, you should have tried to understand the purpose of my post.

Purpose is - Why just blame US ? Why not take some responsibility as we are also culpable in this mess.

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