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Deadly attack on Pakistan convoy


Aug 23, 2006
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A suicide bomber has attacked a military convoy killing at least 15 security personnel in a tribal region of northwest Pakistan, police have said.

Fifteen more people were injured in the attack, which was carried out near a checkpoint in the town of Kohat.

Fareed Khan, a senior police officer, said on Saturday: "The bomber was driving a pick-up truck which he rammed into a convoy passing by a security checkpost."

The checkpoint is near the Orakzai tribal region in Pakistan, which has emerged in
recent months as a base for pro-Taliban fighters who have stepped up their battle against the government.

Western nations are pressing Pakistan to take greater action against pro-Taliban forces and al-Qaeda elements in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan.

Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Deadly attack on Pakistan convoy

Peace deals pay back :hitwall:
Respect to those who died serving their nation by following orders.

Love and respect to their families.

And "Damn You to Hell!" to the "maggot-minded, starved, fanatic crew" who kills a soldier of his own country for no bigger crime than following lawfully given orders by senior officers and, ultimately, that country's politicians. To you and your crew I say rot in hell and may it be soon!

And more love and respect to the fallen soldier's families and loved ones.
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May these honored sons of Pakistan find everlasting peace and reward for trying to keep their country secure from the enemy.
We shall always honor the memories of our martyrs.
Shalom, peace, salaam to Cheetah786!

I see the Maggot-minded-starved-fanatic-crew have not managed to ban the use of 786 because of its unorthodox Sufi associations. Yet. I could tell you how may Fundies have patiently explained in so many different ways how counting the letters of the Bishmillah is Haram, Shirk, etc. BUt I'll spare you. You'll have heard it all before.

Keep up the fight!
May I thank everybody on this thread, all in this, one, post?

Even those who I might differ with on some points if I had time. It was better to read than to write. Thank you again for all three pages of posts of different viewpoints, common sense and even profound wisdom on the topic.

For making me feel that my previous viewpoint was not intolerant or extreme - it was merely in need of reading educated people who had reached that viewpoint long before I got there - and, now, have more refined views to share.

And to everyone on this thread, for sharing it with me.
Respect to those who died serving their nation.

Is Pakistani Govt. doing something for their families ???
They are always compensated though not as much as the suicide bomber's family.

1 Major and 2 Captains along with 14 soldiers died in triple suicide bombing.. I knew the Major who died. he was going back on leave to his wife and 7 month old son.

Sad day, have been sad all day, eyes numb and heart wrenched...
May Allah Bless the departed Souls, Ameen!

And may you burn in hell you extremist bas***


Thank you West!!
God bless to the families and friends of these fine men and may their souls rest in peace.
"Thank you West!!"

Can't you show more respect to your comrades than to save your rant for a separate post. Finally, as an army officer are you comfortable with this being an appropriate reaction?

I suppose all attacks on Pakistan are the product of hidden hands as no Pakistani would ever do such.

You'd better wake up. You're an army officer and should be more circumspect in your assessment. It makes me wonder what traffic control measures you employ for force protection and their effectiveness?

It makes you blame the west.:lol:
Force protection is still a big issue in my mind. Recently the Army announced that when a convoy is moving, all vehicles have to move off the road. However as all things Pakistani, I doubt if its being forcefully enforced.

On the issue of blaming the West, S-2, the common perception is that the suicide bombing phenomena in Pakistan started with the US invasion of Afghanistan. I have very many reasons to attribute a part of the blame on to the invasion as it deserves it, for the rest we need to protect ourselves better and think about what kind of future we want for Pakistan (although I suspect the course is already set).

I suppose all attacks on Pakistan are the product of hidden hands as no Pakistani would ever do such.

I do not think anyone is attributing these attacks to the hidden hand. A part of the Pakistani populace has turned its guns against the Pakistani state, because of the support the Pakistani government is giving to the ISAF (and in turn prolonging the occupation of Afghanistan).

Pakistan is screwed by both the Taliban and the US. This is the real deal. ill-conceived tactical and strategic policies, getting used by others, and an occupation of Afghanistan are among the primary reasons for the mess Pakistan finds herself in.

Get ready for another 2 decades (this is an optimistic view) of massive instability in the entire South and Central Asian region.
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