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Dead bodies of Islamic State fighters dumped with trash: Nineveh official

if they (locals actually) wanna throw them in the trash it'll happen, nothing you can do about it, keep crying.
No matter how many lame excuses you bring, you disrespect bodies of human then you are not human.
You two groups are at same low level

wahabi daesh or shia mukhtar force, hizbullah, mehdi force all are same kind of terrorists. There's no difference.

Sorry friend but I dont see it that way as its not a simple black and white matter.

just for example:

I just wont pray & respect dead bodies of known killers of my mother, father, brothers

whom these dead human bodies which were alive just a moment ago, killed for no reason at all, with no crime.

As I said, Will Families of Fallen Solders Pay Tribute to their Killers Dead Bodies. No.

Does that make me a bad person, then fine.

They have been sent to hell, then the trash, and they can go to hell with their God, Abdul Wahab.

I want to ask you something, This is our region, this is what we are going to do to those who cause us trouble. How does this affect you and what are you going to do about it as an individual?
I don't what is religion of iranian mulla or daesh mulla. But no civil human being disrespect deads of others.

Sorry friend but I dont see it that way as its not a simple black and white matter. just for example.

I just wont pray or respect the dead bodies of killers of my mother, father, brothers

whom these dead human bodies which were alive just a moment ago, killed for no reason at all, with no crime.

As I said, Will Families of Fallen Solders Pay Tribute to their Killers Dead Bodies. No.

Does that make me a bad person, then fine.

They have been sent to hell, then the trash, and they can go to hell with their God, Abdul Wahab.

I want to ask you something, This is our region, this is what we are going to do to those who cause us trouble. How does this affect you and what are you going to do about it as an individual?

It's either you (iranian group) crying or daesh crying, rest is just watching. It's like fight of mad dogs.

if they (locals actually) wanna throw them in the trash it'll happen, nothing you can do about it, keep crying.
It's either you (iranian group) crying or daesh crying, rest is just watching. It's like fight of mad dogs.

All important countries are on our side in this fight(cjtf-oir), russia and their allies, china, japan etc., they aren't watching. we aren't iranians either, though then i can call you indians, what's the difference?

i cant believe people make a problem out of this news lol.

dogs are dogs, some have more value than others but in the end they all remain dogs.

dogs are valuable, k9 dogs for example who save people's life by finding terrorwahabistani bombs.
All important countries are on our side in this fight(cjtf-oir), russia and their allies, china, japan etc., they aren't watching. we aren't iranians either, though then i can call you indians, what's the difference?

i cant believe people make a problem out of this news lol.

Dogs do have owners, Russians are owner of iranian group and US is owner of daesh.
I don't what is religion of iranian mulla or daesh mulla. But no civil human being disrespect deads of others.

alright, I have 1 more question.

But before that Alright, As I said, Most of us will refuse, this includes civilians. We just cant get ourselves to do this, we feel they have severely wronged us, we feel they have invaded and destroyed our homes, killed our people, we did not invite them, they mostly are from outside our lands and we wont treat them the same as any other dead body regardless of what islam or anybody has to say. we just cant get ourselvs to pray over them or bury them or anything, we will in the future have animals cannibalize them.

And tomorrow what we are doing, all europeans may do to people like you.on that day, I will be laughing.

We are just bad, ok.

Now question. What does praying over the dead bodies of ISIS achive and how does that help you?

It's either you crying or daesh crying, rest is just watching.

Well, Its you who is crying and telling us how bad we are for dumping them into trash instead of praying over & burring them.

it is our region, we will live, die, born some more, but daesh wont last, but slowly thin out till there is nothing left and in a decade you will see us running our show while all your prayers and attempts went astray. .
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It is either daesh, who loose men and you burn them, or you loose your men to daesh. Rest don't have to loose and hence nothing to cry. we are just telling the both not to do that.

alright, I have 1 more question.

But before that Alright, As I said, Most of us will refuse, this includes civilians. We just cant get ourselves to do this, we feel they have severely wronged us, we feel they have invaded and destroyed our homes, killed our people, we did not invite them, they mostly are from outside our lands and we wont treat them the same as any other dead body regardless of what islam or anybody has to say. we just cant get ourselvs to pray over them or bury them or anything, we will in the future have animals cannibalize them.

And tomorrow what we are doing, all europeans may do to people like you.on that day, I will be laughing.

Now question. What does praying over the dead bodies of ISIS achive and how does that help you?

Well, Its you who is crying and telling us how bad we are for dumping them into trash instead of praying over & burring them.

it is our region, we will live, die, born some more, but daesh wont last, but slowly thin out till there is nothing left and in a decade you will see us running out show while all your prayers and attempts went astray. .

do you personally want to carry stinking dead isis bodies and give them a nice burial? risking getting a disease from it. Do it then, don't tell others to do it.

That aside, more areas in Mosul have been liberated today by the CTS.
Dogs do have owners, Russians are owner of iranian group and US is owner of daesh.

You need to learn a thing or two about Ownership & Partnership

By that logic,

China, USA & Saudi is the Owner of Pakistan.

Let me ask.

Azad Pakistan a 70 Year old - Depends on American Aids Millions of Dollars a Year.

Yet "Ghulam" Iran 7000 year old - Not Get US/Russian Aids but Buys weapons with our own Money!

While Russia has an Interest & Alliance with Iran, as it has with China against NATO

Daesh are the only party thats owned jointly by Saudi & USA & God. All of whom they make happy

You know there is nothing you can do, and never can you even reach the shoes of Iranian Civilization or Achievements throughout thousands of years. So now you have to resort to insult Iran as a Dog Owned by Russia. Yet you can never even equal this Dogs feces. Your ancestors were slaves of english men till a Parsi / Persian Shiah Mohammad Ali Jinnah came to found your nation.and today you are a slave owned by Germany and whatever mosque shouts allahu akbar.

do you personally want to carry stinking dead isis bodies and give them a nice burial? risking getting a disease from it. Do it then, don't tell others to do it.

That aside, more areas in Mosul have been liberated today by the CTS.
Kindly you and your opponent group keep doing yourselves a favor by carrying bodies of your love ones and keep crying.

You need to learn a thing or two about Ownership & Partnership

By that logic,

China, USA & Saudi is the Owner of Pakistan.

Let me ask.

Azad Pakistan a 70 Year old - Depends on American Aids Millions of Dollars a Year.

Yet "Ghulam" Iran 7000 year old - Not Get US/Russian Aids but Buys weapons with our own Money!

While Russia has an Interest & Alliance with Iran, as it has with China against NATO

Daesh are the only party thats owned jointly by Saudi & USA & God. All of whom they make happy

You know there is nothing you can do, and never can you even reach the shoes of Iranian Civilization or Achievements throughout thousands of years. So now you have to resort to insult Iran as a Dog Owned by Russia. Yet you can never even equal this Dogs feces. Your ancestors were slaves of english men till a Parsi / Persian Shiah Mohammad Ali Jinnah came to found your nation.and today you are a slave owned by Germany and whatever mosque shouts allahu akbar.

Still dogs do have owners, Russia is owner of Iranian group dogs and US is owner of daesh. You can disagree but that will remain a reality.
Russian and American dogs are fighting like real dogs, human don't fight in that way.
Kindly you and your opponent group keep doing yourselves a favor by carrying bodies of your love ones and keep crying.

So you don't wanna carry eh?

Kindly you and the TTP keep doing yourself a favor by carrying bodies of you loved ones and keep crying.

i was talking to someone without a brain, let me drop this.
They cleared the mess, and we don't have any TTP. Look my flags if you have eyes or brain or something similar to that.

So you don't wanna carry eh?

Kindly you and the TTP keep doing yourself a favor by carrying bodies of you loved ones and keep crying.

i was talking to someone without a brain, let me drop this.
They cleared the mess, and we don't have any TTP. Look my flags if you have eyes or brain or something similar to that.

Ye u got TTP, every now and then they blow something up, it's not over. heard before that they're over only to hear about a massive attack a few days later.
Overall, the report notes, there has been a decline of 28% in terrorist attacks in 2016: 441 terrorist attacks took place in 57 districts/regions across Pakistan, claiming 908 lives. While suicide bombings have been receding, the reports note, 50% of the attacks in 2016 were targeted killing or shooting.

Now bye
Ye u got TTP, every now and then they blow something up, it's not over. heard before that they're over only to hear about a massive attack a few days later.
Now bye

Baby camel! Germany don't have any TTP, mulla gave you wrong info.
Kindly you and your opponent group keep doing yourselves a favor by carrying bodies of your love ones and keep crying.

Still dogs do have owners, Russia is owner of Iranian group dogs and US is owner of daesh. You can disagree but that will remain a reality.
Russian and American dogs are fighting like real dogs, human don't fight in that way.

No Muslim begger in Germany,

Unlike Daesh, Iran Doesn't get funding from America (or Russia). We buy.

So Only Dogs here are Daesh, You and maybe Pakistan Administration.

All three of Rely on $$$ from your owners America, Saudi & Europe.

Even if Iran was Dogs, You could never even compare to our feet, how pathetic is that?

As I said, You are the slave, so were your ancestors. Thank Pakistans Founding Father a Persian Mohammad Ali Jinnah For Freeing You from Slavery.

Ye u got TTP, every now and then they blow something up, it's not over. heard before that they're over only to hear about a massive attack a few days later.

Now bye

I Swear brother, if this kid was infront of me, allah would not save him from being beat down to a pulp.

hes fuming out of his mouth how his isis sunnah super salafis have lost and lay in trash.

these pathetic "muslim peace preechers from europe" are the utter secterian isis scum, stain on the creed of islam and cowards, no brains to begin with.

And here is the best part.. There is NOTHING he can do about it, we will clean house, isis will be gone and his adventure of conquring the world and implementing his laws in our lands will be over.

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