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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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I think IAF might not going to go for it. As they might ended up buying the FAF 150 Mirage-2000s with upgrade.
I think IAF might not going to go for it. As they might ended up buying the FAF 150 Mirage-2000s with upgrade.

when you want 6 th generation capabilities in jf 17,

why can't you spare us Rafale in your thoughts?
Rafale fighter jet transfer talks put on fast track: Richier

...Negotiations regarding the transfer of Rafale fighter jets from France to India have made good progress and have been put on fast track, Ambassador of France to India, Francois Richier, said in Kolkata on Wednesday.
Voicing satisfaction over the talks, Mr. Richier, who was on a three-day visit to Kolkata told journalists that the talks, which started in early 2012, have taken three years due to the "importance and complexity" of the deal.
We have decided to finish the negotiations quickly, to put negotiation on fast track. To complete that there is no date fixed but conclusion of negotiations is on the fast track,” the Ambassador said...

Rafale fighter jet transfer talks put on fast track: Richier - The Hindu

I don't get how officials or the media still can talk about fast tracking after 3 years and when they also admit that they can give a possible date when the deal can be finished.
In a dream world, HAL has started constructing facilities and accepted Dassault to visit them before accerpting PART of liability. They also agreed that some Dassault personnel will stay in India for a very long time so as to insure HAL (and the rest of supply chain) respect Dassault quality insurance process.
Dassault has accepted PART of responsabilities.
In case of huge problem, liability of each society would be determined by a foreign independant court.
In the meanwhile both governements would share financials so as to solve the issues.
Many people are preparing their pacages to go to India.
But we don't live in a dream world...
Or do we?
In a dream world, HAL has started constructing facilities
The same would then apply to Reliance and can you show that they have constructed any facilities yet, since they didn't have even the basic infrastructure? If not, Dassault is showing obvious double standards and fake arguments!
Not to mention that the main part of the delay is based on Dassault complying to the offset and ToT requirements, not on the liability issue, so that's not an excuse for the 3 years that we wait now.
Reliance has never been meant to be prime constructor in India, but just to assure a second supply chain.
Reliance has never been meant to be prime constructor in India, but just to assure a second supply chain.

No, but the prime partner of Dassault for the construction of Rafale parts in India and last year both announced that they plan to build a facility. So if Dassault is complaining about a delay of constructing facilities, THEIR prime partner must be doing better than HAL so far.
More importantly though, HAL is not meant to be the prime constructor either! HAL according to the RFP is the lead integrator, meaning that it assemble all parts that they get from Reliance, Samtel, BEL or other companies that will produce parts in India, next to the parts they also build and put them together. Dassault is free to provide 50% of the production to partners Dassault chooses and even the part HAL is meant to produce can and most likely will be outscourced to privat companies too, just as they do it today with the MKI. So neither is HAL bound to present something to Dassault, that not even the prime Indian partney Dassault chose can do today, nor does it even make any sense for Dassault to complain about this...

...when they know that HAL already has licence production capabilities through their past in the Jaguar production
...when they provided HAL with the know how the set up (afaik, but correct me if I'm wrong), the only foreign maintenance and overhaul hub for Mirage 2000 fighters
....when they even further provide HAL the know how and assistance to overhaul and upgrade the Mirage 2000s to 2K-5 standard

The relation of HAL and Dassault is not new, or started now with the selection of Rafale in 2012, but goes way back and there is not a single complaint from Dassault with the progress of HAL preparing for the M2K upgrade, preparing the new facilities for the upgrade, gaining know how by ToT and assistance from Dassault and so on. The ONLY complain of Dassault is related to the Rafale and ONLY after the partnership with Reliance was made. Dassault knew that HAL will be the lead integrator since 2007, when the RFP was send out, they know about HALs capabilties as mentioned even longer and still didn't complained or even rejected the RFP.
All this makes clear, that there is a reason behind Dassaults sudden and specific move against HAL in MMRCA, or who might be actually behind it. It might had been worth a try, but at least when the IAF and the MoD rejected that, Dassault should had moved forward to ease things and not to keep things complicated.
Rafale fighter jet transfer talks put on fast track: Richier



The French Ambassador said the negotiations,which started in early 2012, have taken three years due to the "importance and complexity" of the deal.
Negotiations regarding the transfer of Rafale fighter jets from France to India have made good progress and have been put on fast track, Ambassador of France to India, Francois Richier, said in Kolkata on Wednesday.
Voicing satisfaction over the talks, Mr. Richier, who was on a three-day visit to Kolkata told journalists that the talks, which started in early 2012, have taken three years due to the "importance and complexity" of the deal.

“We have decided to finish the negotiations quickly, to put negotiation on fast track. To complete that, there is no date fixed but conclusion of negotiations is on the fast track,” the Ambassador said.

Rafale fighter jet transfer talks put on fast track: Richier - The Hindu

AIR & COSMOS N2434 19 december 2014

interesting series this time from air & cosmos related to different fighters available in the market
of course Rafale is there

For easy work of translation refer to olybrius post later & but sadly i would be doing the difficult work i.e posting some nice pics from the magazine:rofl:






ok dont worry i would translate those articles later when i have time

AIR & COSMOS N2434 19 december 2014

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Late 1970s, the Air Force and Navy express their need for a new fighter to replace nearly five types of aircraft: it must be multirôle (air to air, air to ground, deterrence ), capable of evolving from an aircraft carrier,

yet rugged, discrete, manageable and view large carrying capacity. A real challenge! Dassault is working on an innovative jet project. The first flight took place in July 1986. Nearly thirty years later, the Rafale has become one of the spearheads of the france defence ensuring nuclear deterrence posture! This Fighter aircraft conducts daily missions air policing, bombing various theaters of operation and evolves from the aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle".


Since its entry into service, there ten years, the latest of france combat jet continues to demonstrate the relevance of its capabilities.

The Dassault aircraft was engaged throughout. IT has increased the operations around the globe. In Afghanistan, first of all, where he conducted bombing missions against the Taliban in support of the troops of ISAF (International Security Force Assistance) from the aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle" or base NATO Kandahar. Then, in mid-January 2011, by presidential order, the fighter is "entered first" in libyan air space

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when, faced with intense air defense, he led the earliest without any loss bombing Gaddafi's forces. A feat which few are capable of doing. The Harmattan opération demonstrated the maturity of the jet and the confidence of the French General Staff in the Rafale capabilities. From libyan skies to Mali the rafrale flew in January 2013 to support French soldiers in connection with the operation Serval and came to the rescue of the Malian government, threatened

by Islamist terrorist groups. Then, in April of this year, as part of the operations of "reinsurance" of NATO, four Rafale Air Force has secured the airspace of the Baltic countries, shaken by the Ukrainian crisis. Finally, last September, the Rafale was the first European jet to fly over Iraqi territory for reconnaissance and bombing opératioas in support of the coalition led by Washington to fight against the terrorist group Daech. The Chammal operation is particularly burdensome for six Rafale made

in box part
The flight to export

After years of doubts marked by the failure of a Brazilian contract, the Rafale export has never been so close to success. Jean-Yves Le Drian, who visited India in mid-December, returned confident about the outcome of negotiations with New Delhi. Entered into exclusive talks since January 2012, the Team Rafale (Dassault, Safran, Thales) stumbles on the contractual terms, including the responsibilities of the Rafale, which will be assembled on site. For ordered 126 units, 108 are to be produced in India, through a partnership with HAL industrial. "Any disagreement will be resolved in an expedited manner," assured an Indian spokesman, suggesting an ad for the beginning of 2015. The other export potential client is Qatar. Already equipped with Dassault Mirage 2000-5, the Middle East emirate has expressed a need for 36 modern aircraft combat. A Qatari delegation of high level recently spent two weeks in Paris to study the French offer. In addition to its two most advanced prospects. Dassault part in many other competitions: Malaysia, Canada and Belgium.

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based Al Dhafra United Arab Emirates, with transit times to the Iraqi sky several hours. Yet the French had, thanks to their capacities and equipment (Reco NG pod, 2ASM bomb) work wonders. But that's not all, the Rafale is still prepositioned in Chad as part of the barkhane mission. It must intervene on a large operation theater as ten times France.


Over the past decade, the opex have been multiplied for the new French fighter. A new level of commitment and unprecedented for the French Air Force. But the record speaks for itself. Offering native versatility, the Rafale appears like an airplane perfectly suited to the context of the current crises. Rapidly deployable, efficiency, and especially

fully in line with current needs. For if many countries have launched in the early 1980s of modern combat aircraft programs, most of them born in the Cold War, are air superiority interceptors. Performance in this mission, adaptation to ground attack mission can only be limited. Just look hunters engaged in the last decade: the Eurofighter has made a very brief appearance during Operation Harmattan, the Gripen is

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absent, the F22 trouble to drop some laser guided bombs, while the F-35 JSF is pending. Alongside aircraft
legacy of high demand once (F-16, Tornado, A-10, etc.), the Rafale is the only modern aircraft systematically engaged in opérations & mean while gradually the aircraft continued its rise to power .


Since the first deliveries in the early 2000s, the Rafale's growing power has been gradual. The first standard FI was air-air configuration with Mica missiles and Magic R550. Then the F2 standard has seen the addition of air-ground capabilities with the carriage of guided bombs (2ASM) and additional tanks. Today is the F3 standard, delivered from 2009, which is in service. This standard note of omnirôles capabilities of the Rafale. It is now able to provide air-to-air mission (Mica) with either air-ground bombing (GBU, 2ASM) or recognition and laser designation (Pod Reco NG / Pod

Damocles), but also of strategic bombing (Scalp cruise missile or nuclear strike with ASMPA) mission air-sea (Exocet AM39) and electronic warfare capabilities (radar Thales RJ3E2 and Spectra). But another revolution, the passage of the radar RBE2 PESA to AESA technology (Active Electronically Scanned Array) that offers increased performance at the French plane, both in terms of detection that range, reliability or maintenance. With the first delivery in 2012,1e Rafale became the first European hunter with an active antenna radar. Finally, from 2018, the Air Force will receive another development, the F3R with the integration of the European long-range air to air Meteor missile and a new generation laser designation pod (PDLNG).

in box part
ongoing development

The standard today Rafale service, F3.4 +, has some improvements over the F3, particularly in terms of self-protection, radar, man-machine interface or firing range. Notified on 31 December 2013, the F3R standard will, by 2018, the entry into service of air-air long-range missile MBDA Meteor and the new laser designation pod (PDLNG). Other innovations improving capacity AESA radar and electronic warfare system Spectra of Thales, as well as work on the binding of L16 tactical data. From 2018, France will launch the future standard of Rafae, F4, expected many of its renewed weapons and more inter-connectivity of the device with its environment (combat digital air-ground) ...

thanks to me

BTW pak-fa part coming next in pak-fa thread
Tweets from Siv aroor

Livefist ‏@livefist 10h10 hours ago
Spent some time with some HAL folks this week here in Bangalore. Level of chagrin & hostility with @Dassault_OnAir is thick. #MMRCA

Livefist ‏@livefist 10h10 hours ago
There's been some epic bickering between Dassault & HAL that hasn't been reported. Details soon on Livefist. #MMRCA


I am now in the impression that all is not going well inside the discussion room. even it sorted out what abt the working realtion between hal and dassault. From above you can sence that this GOI is also mulling over alternatives to MMRCA?

@sancho @halloweene @DrSomnath999 @Abingdonboy an thoughts guys...
I am now in the impression that all is not going well inside the discussion room. even it sorted out what abt the working realtion between hal and dassault. From above you can sence that this GOI is also mulling over alternatives to MMRCA?

Well that HAL is not really happy with Dassaults public criticism shouldn't be surprising, especially after such a long time that they have relations with French aviation industry, but they don't reply in a similar manner (which is good), while the important figures are responding pretty strongly! Former DM Antony and former Air Chief Browne made clear, that Dassault has to stick to the demands shown in the RFP and if the new DM now follows that route and makes a strong statement, that's perfect because we simply are in the better position to negotiate. I even would take the next step now and make an open request to the EF consortium, to know how they would comply to the liability issue, or if they have similar problems with HAL. If they don't it's either Dassaults move to comply, or ours to put the negotiations with Dassault on hold and move to the L2, since that is the procedure of the competition. We purposely went with 2 options that suits IAFs requirements and just selected Rafale for prefered negotiations, if these don't work out, the 2nd option must be approached, as simple as that.
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