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Dam Construction in Pakistan

Japan denies it made $4 bn offer for Bhasha dam

ISLAMABAD: It has now been confirmed that the Senate Committee on Water and Power was misinformed by the Economic Affairs Division (EAD) when it was told that Japan had agreed to provide $4 billion for the Bhasha dam as Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has denied it officially.

The impression that Japan has taken the lead by agreeing to provide funds of $4 billion for machinery and equipments including turbines for the much touted Diamer-Bhahsa dam was given by EAD officials but a JICA spokesman told The News that Tokyo had not given such a nod to Pakistan. The controversy over Japan funding the Bhasha dam emerged when a senior EAD official informed the Senate Committee meeting that Japan had come forward and agreed to help install the electro-mechanical system of the dam which includes the 12 power turbines, each with a capacity of 375MW and to this effect it would provide $4 billion credit line.

Pakistan is facing the huge funding crisis for Diamer-Bhasha dam after ADB’s informal no to finance the project unless Pakistan arranges a credit line for the project from the Work Bank which has already linked its financing with a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from India

“We are only working for the replacement of 4 hydro generation units installed in Mangla dam and to this effect Japan would extend $200-250 million loan to Pakistan. With the replacement of the existing 4 units in Mangla dam, the hydro generation capacity of the dam would increase by 180 MW. However, as far as Diamer-Bhasha dam is concerned, we have not given any undertaking to provide funding for the machinery and equipment valuing $4 billion to be installed in the said dam,” the JICA spokesman said.

“The cost of the Bhasha project is so high and a country like Japan is not in a position to provide such a huge funding for machinery and equipment,” he said and added: “The scope of the civil works of the project is also vey large.” To a question if Japan is hesitant in taking part in a project in which China may be the part of the project, the JICA spokesman dispelled the impression saying that Japan took part in Ghazi Barotha hydropower project in which construction contract was given to a Chinese company. “So, Japan has no such issue.”

However, when contacted Joint Secretary Kazim Niaz who deals with Japan in the EAD said that Japan has shown keen interest in providing machinery and equipment for Diamer-Bhasha dam, but it has not said that it would provide $4 billion for machinery and equipment.

To a question, he said that in meeting of JICA head with the EAD secretary, Japan showed interest in providing machinery and equipment. However, the cost of full machinery and equipment stands at $4 billion.

In another alarming disclosure, the inordinate reluctance by ADB in releasing the loan has delayed the initiation of the project by 2-3 years owing to which the cost of the project has further escalated by $2.5 billion from the estimated cost of $11.178 billion worked out in 2009 to $13.684 billion. It is also pertinent to mention that Japan had also taken the lead among the Friends of Democratic Pakistan (FODP) by meeting the pledge of giving $1 billion to Pakistan.

The pledges from FoDP member countries amounting to $5.2 billion came up for Pakistan in donors moot held at Tokyo in April 2009. And Japan had fulfilled its promise by disbursing the $1 billion loan to Pakistan.

The official also disclosed that Ministry of Water and Power is going to move a summary either to ECC (Economic Coordination Committee) or Cabinet seeking a nod to formally ask China to complete the whole civil works of the dam portion, and tunnels leading to power houses.

The construction of the whole civil works will cost somewhere between $2.50-3.5 billion. However, the EAD officials in the Senate committee meeting held on Wednesday last took a diplomatic posture saying the ADB has not asked for NOC from India for its credit line for the project and termed the media reports baseless. “If it is the case then why is Wapda working to scuritise its assets to generate funding and looking towards China and Japan for more funding,” the sources in the Ministry of Water and Power argued. They said that ADB had softened its stance for Bhasha dam when it came to know that Pakistan had seriously made up its mind to handover the project to China. The EAD officials also told the Senate committee meeting that US had agreed to provide $200 million from the Kerry Lugar money.

The top EAD official said that $200 million is nothing for the huge project but it has a symbolic value and it will help persuade other IFIs (international financial institutions) to come up with the required credit lines for the project. It is to be noted that Washington had earlier promised but never extended the loan. Now the US is again reiterating the same thing.
Pakistan : PM directs timely completion of hydropower projects

he Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf has directed WAPDA to complete water and hydropower projects in the shortest possible time so that benefits of these projects could be beneficial for socio-economic uplift of the country.

The Prime Minister was talking to Syed Raghib Abbas Shah, Chairman WAPDA who called on him at Prime Minister s House today and apprised him about progress on various hydropower projects of WAPDA.

The Prime Minister said that the timely completion of hydro power projects was vital for controlling floods along with mitigating water and power shortfall. The government is prioritizing the water storage projects, he added.

The Prime Minister directed Chairman WAPDA to expedite the work on KACHHi canal, Rainee canal, RBOD-1 and RBOD-III. These projects would be instrumental in controlling the floods as well as for irrigation purposes, he added.

The Chairman apprised the Prime Minister about the progress on eight on-going projects with cumulative capacity of about 1500 MW. Out of these, six projects of about 400 MW including Jinnah Dam 96 MW, Gomal Zam Dam 17MW, Satpara Dam 17 MW, Allai Khwar 121 MW, Duber Khwar 130 MW and Jabban Dam 22 MW would be completed in 2012 while the work on Neelum-Jehlum with production capacity of 969 MW and Golen Gol with capacity of 106 MW was progressing at full swing, said the Chairman.

The Prime Minister directed the Chairman to take up work on small and medium sized dams especially in Balochistan and FATA on priority.

The Prime Minister also directed Chairman WAPDA to work on war footing to repair the breaches in the canal networks affected by recent floods in Sindh and Balochistan, so that the infrastructure could be restored.

Pakistan : PM directs timely completion of hydropower projects - HydroWorld
Efforts on to enhance capacity of power generation plants: PM
ISLAMABAD - A Cabinet meeting was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf here on Wednesday.
In his opening remarks, the Prime Minister said that in the very first meeting of the Cabinet he had highlighted that addressing the energy crisis would be top priority of his government.
The Government is making sincere efforts to enhance capacity of Power Generation Plants to overcome energy crisis. He said the government was committed to achieve energy security though it is a Herculean task but the government was determined to make headway in this sector.
The Prime Minister directed that in order to discuss the overall energy situation, a special Cabinet meeting should be held next week to suggest measures to reduce load shedding. In this meeting Ministers for Finance, Water & Power and Petroleum & Natural Resources will brief the Cabinet.
The Prime Minister also stated that Pakistan was the first country to register protest at national level against sacrilegious movie and the Government of Pakistan condemned the movie at all forums. The President, Mr. Asif Ali Zardari while discussing Pak-US ties in the United States, also expressed deep dismay and grief of the people of Pakistan over the blasphemous movie. The Prime Minister added that he was upset to see some miscreants destroying and damaging public and private property on the day of Yum-e-Ishq-e-Rasool (PBUH).
However, he was pleased to see the youth who were repairing the damage caused by unruly protesters in the country. Pakistan once again condemned the video and urged the United Nations to formulate strict laws for punishing those who try to damage sanctity of other religions. The President of Pakistan raised the issue at the UN General Assembly last night, the Prime Minister added.
The Prime Minister also expressed his grief over the loss of lives in the worst ever industrial disaster in the country. He said that compensatory cheques of Rs.4 lacs each for the diseased and Rs.1 lac each for the injured of the fire incident were distributed by him. On his own behalf and on behalf of the Cabinet, the Prime Minister expressed deep sorrow and grief over the loss of lives in the fire incident.
The Prime Minister appreciated the efforts of the Minister for Religious Affairs for making excellent Hajj arrangements during the last year and introducing a new and hi-tech tracking system for tracing elderly Pakistan hajjis during the forthcoming Hajj. He expressed the hope that this year too, the Hajj arrangements will also be excellent. He directed that the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting should highlight the excellent Hajj arrangements made by the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
The Cabinet considered and confirmed decisions taken by the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet in its meetings held on 7th August, 16th August and 4th September 2012.
The Cabinet considered and approved the National Climate Change Policy framed under the guidelines of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to tackle the challenges posed by climate change. Pakistan ratified the convention on June 01, 1994. The main objectives of the policy include: To pursue sustained economic growth by appropriately addressing the challenges of climate change; To integrate climate change policy with other interrelated national policies; To focus on pro-poor gender sensitive adaptation while also promoting mitigation to the extent possible in a cost effective manner; To ensure Water Security, Food Security and Energy Security of the country in the face of challenges posed by climate change; To minimize the risks arising from expected increase in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events: floods, droughts, tropical storms etc; To strengthen inter-ministerial decision making and coordination mechanisms on climate change; To facilitate effective use of the opportunities, particularly financial, available both nationally and internationally; To foster the development of appropriate economic incentives to encourage public and private sector investment in adaptation measures; To enhance the awareness, skill and institutional capacity of relevant stakeholders; and To promote conservation of natural resources and long term sustainability.
The Cabinet appreciated the initiative of the Minister for Climate Change, Rana Farooq in obtaining consensus of all stakeholders and prepare a comprehensive policy. Discussing implementation of the Policy, the Prime Minister directed that Islamabad Capital city should be declared a model city and the policy implemented in letter and spirit.
The Cabinet considered and accorded its approval to start negotiations on MoU on Disaster Management between Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan and National Disaster Management Authority, Ministry of Climate Change of Pakistan.
The Cabinet also approved initiation of negotiations for Trilateral Transit Trade Agreement among Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan and signing of revised draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Government of the Russian Federation for Mutual Defence Cooperation.
The Cabinet also accorded approval for ratification of Inter-Governmental Agreement signed between Government of Pakistan and Government of Italian Republic for Euro 57.75 million support for Citizens Damage Compensation Programme and initiate negotiations on Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Pakistan and Qatar in the fields of Health and Medical Sciences.
The Cabinet approved ratification of the charter of Economic Cooperation Organization Educational Institute (ECOEI). The ECO Education Institute aimed to give impetuous to realization of ECO’s objectives outlined in the Treaty of Izmir as well as to promote common welfare of the peoples of the region through ensuring a better education and training. The Cabinet approved signing of agreement with the Republic of Mauritius for Cooperation in the field of Sports.
The Cabinet accorded approval to start negotiations with the Russian Federation for conclusion of agreement on mutual cooperation between the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Law and Justice of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It also accorded approval to start negotiations and signing of MoU between Tunisian Institute of Agricultural Research and Higher Education (IRESA) and Pakistan Agricultural Research Council. The MoU aims to enhance scientific and technical cooperation in agriculture sector.
The Cabinet considered and accorded its approval to sign agreement on promotion and protection of investment with Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Member States. The Cabinet was informed that the ECO is a vast strategic trading region which is well endowed with rich resources i.e. arable land, energy, oil & gas, minerals and human resources.
With a total population of about 355.9 million (5.8 percent of the world population), the combined GDP of the ECO countries amounts to US$ 2.708 billion. There is sufficient potential for intra-region trade and investment amongst the member States leading to consistent enhanced business linkages. Signing a multilateral agreement to promote and protect investment with ECO States will be well received within the scope of ECO Vision for the region and enable Pakistan to further cement its economic relations with each member state of the ECO.
Govt releases Rs360mn funds for Darawat dam project
LAHORE: The federal government released Rs 360 million funds for the under-construction Darawat Dam Project, located in Thatta and Jamshoro districts. Following release of the much-needed funds, the construction work at site will gain a new momentum leading towards timely completion of the project.
The funds have been released on the special instructions issued by Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, and because of the efforts made by Federal Water and Power Minister Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar for the purpose.
The project’s main dam is likely to be completed by December this year, while irrigation system is scheduled to be completed in June 2013.
Darawat Dam, being constructed across Nai Baran River some 70 kilometres west of Hyderabad, is a component of Wapda’s plan to construct small and medium-sized dams in addition to its mega projects in water and hydropower sectors.
The President had directed Wapda to construct a number of small and medium-sized dams in the four provinces and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) for socio-economic development of the people residing in remote areas. These projects are being taken up in the areas, which cannot be irrigated through Indus Basin Irrigation System with a view to optimal utilisation of water and land resources available in the country.
Darawat Dam Project will help store water for irrigated agriculture, mitigate floods, provide employment opportunities and emancipation of women. The concrete-faced rock-filled dam is 820-feet long and 141 feet high, which will store about 120,000 acre feet of water to help irrigate 25,000 acres, besides creating 4,500 employment opportunities during the construction, operation and its maintenance. Annual benefits of the project have been estimated more than Rs one billion. Life of the project’s water reservoir will be more than 100 years.
It is pertinent to mention that the federal government has announced to provide up to 25 acres of land per person to poor women belonging to the project area.
Govt releases Rs360mn funds for Darawat dam project
WAPDA speeds up Kachhi Canal Project

Lahore - Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has accelerated construction work on Kachhi Canal Project to an optimum level, so that the project could be completed as early as possible.
This was stated by WAPDA Chairman Raghib Shah during his visit to Kachhi Canal Project to witness the accelerated work at various sites of the project in Dera Ghazi Khan. Expressing satisfaction over pace of the work, the chairman said that Kachhi Canal Project is of immense importance for agro-based socio-economic development in the country. He further said that the project would usher in an era of prosperity, particularly in Balochistan, through irrigated agriculture. He said that the federal government had released the direly-needed funds of Rs.2.4 billion for the project. On the directive of the prime minister, WAPDA had planned to provide water through Kachhi Canal to Dera Bugti in Balochistan at the earliest, preferably not later than March 2013 if funds are made available for the project in a similar manner, he added. Mr. Shah directed the project authorities to put in their concerted efforts to achieve this goal.
It is pertinent to mentioned here that the main Kachhi Canal, which takes off from Taunsa Barrage in Muzaffargarh of Punjab province, is 500 kilometers long with a capacity of 6000 cusecs, while the length of the branch canals, distributaries and minors is about 1500 kilometers. Total command area of Kachhi Canal is 713,000 acres. However, the first phase, currently under-construction, will irrigate about 102,000 acres of barren land in remote areas of Dera Bugti, Naseerabad, Bolan and Jhal Magsi districts in Balochistan, boosting agricultural produce in the area. Benefits of the project have been estimated at Rs.5 billion per annum.
Shah, during his visit, also observed the damages done to the Kachhi Canal Project by the recent floods of hill ********. He said that WAPDA, on the directive of the PM, had started preparing a master plan for Southern Punjab, Baluchistan and Sindh to control floods of hill ********. The master plan aims at minimizing risks to the local populace as well as the project, and at utilizing the water for betterment of the people residing in the areas, he added.

WAPDA speeds up Kachhi Canal Project | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia
Neelum-Jehlum financing hits
ISLAMABAD - Foreign fanciers’ reluctance to release committed funds has risked timely completion of 969 megawatt (MW) Neelum-Jehlum Hydropower project (NJHPC) facing Rs 90 billion shortfall as 59 per cent physical work is still pending. Both the notable external financiers namely Export Import (Exim) Bank of China (committed $448 million) and Abu Dhabi Fund ($100 million) had been dillydallying on the release of funds they had agreed to contribute to the critical project in the wake of growing electricity shortfall in the country. China had refused funding for the ongoing Neelam-Jhelum Hydro Project (NJHP), saying that the issue would be decided after the lifting of (Supreme Court’s) ban on “Safe-City” project tenders.
A private TV channel reported that Pakistani officials even held a meeting in the previous week with the Chinese Commercial Council, who had stressed on starting the “Safe City” project by favoring the ‘approved’ company with tender(s); if Pakistan wanted its funding worth $.4.48 million for the Neelam-Jhelum Hydro Project. It is pertinent to remember that Pakistan faced a shortfall of $.5.48 million for the Neelam-Jhelum project, and any hassles in funding could delay the worthy project which would start in 2016 and end late in 2018. Any such delay would also increase its expenses, which had already shot up by Rs. 275 billion.
According to the document available with this agency, Exim Bank was waiting for a final approval from the China State Council while the Abu Dhabi Fund was holding back its commitments for not so clear reasons. It hinted that the Fund was trying to link the Neelum-Jehlum financing with some previous United Arab Emirates (UAE) investment facing settlement issues. Previously, Abu Dhabi had conditioned its $.100 million loan to $.8 million worth of privatization. “Therefore, NJHPC had not been able to open the Letter of Credit(LC) of US$ 113 million, for Islamic Development Bank(IDB) financed equipment,” the document said. “The Company managing the project would not be able to open the letter of credit unless the co-financing agreements are signed with both the Exim Bank of China and the Abu Dhabi Fund,” the document reveals. According to the document the revised total cost of the Neelum-Jehlum project without interest during construction was $2583.43 million and the total financing and requirement from local source was $1291.71 million each. The surplus deficit of Rs.90 billion of the Neelum-Jehlum Project would be met through 50 per cent government’s share and the remaining 50 per cent would be met with foreign loans. It further mentioned that the feasibility in detailed engineering design was completed in 1997 as per seismic parameters established before the earthquake of 2005.After the earthquake revised PC-1 of the project escalated to Rs.274.882 billion recommended by Central Development Working Party (CDWP) for Executive Committee of National Economic Council (ECNEC) approval on 18th June, 2012 whereas the original PC-1 was approved in 2002 for an amount of Rs. 84.502billion.
According to technical experts, a better way to get this project completed was to form a commercial consortium that could build the dam on Build Own and Transfer (BOT) basis. They referred to estimated annual revenue Rs 45 billion once the project was complete. It clearly indicated that the total cost of the project Rs 274.882 billion was recoverable even on the existing electricity prices within five to six years. For that, they mentioned, the government needed to have an independent hydropower generation policy to encourage private investment in this field. According to the experts, the German think tank GTZ had already pointed out as much as 45,000 MW potential of the Indus River alone in case an independent hydropower generation policy was put in place in Pakistan.
ADB assures support for Diamer Basha Dam construction
ADB assures support for Diamer Basha Dam construction - PakTribune
TOKYO: Asian Development Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda has appreciated the Pakistan government's efforts for maintaining macro-economic stability in the country and assured the bank's support for the construction of Diamer Basha Dam.

Kuroda said this during a meeting with Finance Minister Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh on Sunday. He said the ADB, as a first step, would move the technical assistance proposal to the IMF board. The project would help reduce the energy mix prices of electricity, he maintained.

During the meeting, Sheikh said this year the country had produced surplus wheat, sugar and cotton crop because of the current democratic government's wise policies. He said despite a series of natural calamities, Pakistan had been able to raise its agriculture produce because of the government's prudent agricultural policies, which has also contributed to the well-being of the rural people.

Highlighting Pakistan's economic situation, the minister said measures were being taken to bring macroeconomic stability in the country.

He said despite various constraints, the government was trying to mobilise resources. In the last two years, the government had doubled tax collection. "This year the growth rate is expected to be around 4pc and we have succeeded in bringing inflation to a single digit," he added.

Shaikh also held a meeting with his Saudi counterpart on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the World Bank and IMF at Tokyo. Both ministers reviewed the bilateral economic relations. Shaikh thanked the Saudi government for a grant of $100 million.

The Saudi minister assured Shaikh of his country's full help and support, and reiterated the commitment of his government that financial aid would continue for ongoing projects in Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to get this dam built, it is facing an energy crisis.
Diamer-Bhasha dam project: Centre blames ADB for $2 billion loss | Business Recorder

The federal government has accused the Asian Development Bank (ADB) of causing $2 billion (Rs 190 billion) loss to Pakistan in four years because of its dilly dallying on 4,500-megawatt Diamer-Bhasha dam, sources close to Chairman Wapda told Business Recorder on Wednesday.

Secretary Cabinet Division Nargis Sethi, who is holding the additional charge of Secretary Water and Power, will hold a meeting with ADB's Board Group on energy vision, ongoing project and new proposal on Thursday (today). "ADB has a portfolio of $2 billion for Pakistan's energy sector and we are discussing existing and future projects with the ADB delegation," said an official.

"ADB has reversed its commitment of providing lead financing and support for Diamer-Bhasha dam and the ADB President and new Director General Klaus Gerhaeusser have adopted a hostile approach to this project in line with the thinking of the World Bank," the sources added. The sources said a senior official of ADB on June 28 this year met the Minister for Water and Power wherein the key issue discussed was the lead financing role for the project.

During the meeting, it was observed that ADB was not ready to support the construction of Diamer Basha Dam and it was having second thoughts on becoming the lead donor for Diamer Basha Dam or even in supporting it. "ADB wants a broader donor coalition which implies the involvement of the World Bank, which has repeatedly declined to support the Diamer-Bhasha dam, as it feels that it is located in disputed area," sources maintained.

Wapda's officials also maintained that there was no need to get a 'no objection certificate' from India before any commitment was made by the ADB. However, multilaterals "cannot get any project approved by their Board in a disputed territory unless both sides of the dispute agree to it". The sources said that the GoP had already provided Rs 16.4 billion for land acquisition with as cumulative cost of Rs 50 billion and the allocation and release of this amount was related to the capacity of Gilgit-Baltistan administration to disburse the compensation amount to the affectees.

The Council of Common Interest (CCI) had already unanimously approved the project which was one of the preconditions of ADB. The requirement of fully abiding by International/ADB 'safeguards' on land acquisition, resettlement, environmental conservation and adherence to international best practices in procurement for goods and services have also been met.

Wapda officials argued that four times during the past four years, senior officials of the ADB committed to support Diamer-Basha dam. During his meeting with the Prime Minister in Davos Switzerland in 2009, the President of the ADB agreed to send Vice-President of the ADB for preliminary discussion on the dam. The Vice-President, Niaoyu Zhao, visited Pakistan a couple of months later and announced support for the DBD project in the Planning Commission.

In 2010, Hina Rabbani Khar, the then Minister of State for Finance, in a meeting with Juan Miranda, the DG at that time, specifically mentioned the construction of Diamer-Bhasha dam as the highest priority to the exclusion of every thing else. This was followed by reiteration of the financial assistance and support in 2010 and 2011 by Juan Miranda. An Aide Memoire was also exchanged and agreed upon. The GoP and ADB also identified tentative dates in May-June 2011 for the 'Road Shows' in Europe, Middle East and Japan before the formal bidding in 2012-2013 for selecting consultants and contractors.
Austria to bid for power projects


Austria has expressed interest in investment in Tarbela-V extension project and other mega hydropower projects in Pakistan and says it will participate in the bidding for big water and power projects.

Various Austrian companies were already working in the energy sector of Pakistan and the country “will consider the offer for investment in small and medium hydroelectric projects,” said Axel Wech, the Austrian Ambassador to Pakistan.
Heading a two-member delegation, Wech said this in a meeting with Water and Power Minister Ahmed Mukhtar here on Thursday and discussed cooperation in the energy sector and opportunities for investment.
Mukhtar assured Austrian investors of facilitation on the part of the government, saying Pakistan was an energy-deficient country and offered great potential in hydel, wind and coal power production.
He asked them to invest in small and medium run-of-river projects as the government planned to change the energy mix to produce cheaper power.
Nuclear power market in Pakistan

By the year 2030, the Pakistani government plans to increase its generation capacity by 160,000 MWe, adding four more Chinese nuclear reactors to the present three.

Nuclear power is not a significant contributor the Pakistan's energy production, accounting for just about two percent of the country's electricity mix. Having three nuclear power plants, Pakistan imports its enriched fuel from China.

After the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident, the Pakistani government ordered a safety check for all the power plants in the country. However, there was no change in the country's policy to develop nuclear power in the coming years.

In this industry scenario, Taiyou Research analyzes the Nuclear Power Market in Pakistan.

Divided into five chapters, this in-depth research offering from Taiyou Research is a complete analysis of the nuclear power market in Pakistan.

The report deals with an overview of the global power market which is consistently rising due to rapid industrialization resulting in ever increasing demand for power. 66% of global power market is dominated by thermal power sources viz. coal and petroleum but stringent emission norms and depletion of sources is driving global attention towards renewable technology and nuclear power with a 7.5% market share is going to play a major role in future.

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