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Dalits hand cut for drinking water from "high caste" pitcher

Well does that mean everything will vanish no... because there is no full proof system, unfortunately some people do not know.

Another word, such incident will happen again?

Caste System will be crushed like slavery in the west. Once India becomes a developed country, these things will be eradicated.

But it's not easy to uproot a tradition that has been developing for 1000s of years.. What you're trying to remove is a thread that have been always intertwined with culture.

So, I guess another thousand years will be needed.
Dude look at the last video I posted and tell me you don't feel disgusted. I didn't know they were treated like this.

As it seems you are very much concerned about the Dalit woman's plight in India, pls also take time to look into your own country where even middleaged woman are stripped naked and abused

BBC News - Horror story of Pakistani woman forced to parade naked

She is clear and determined as she recounts details of her assault.

"I suddenly heard people smash the front door, they were shouting," she says. "They asked my 11-year-old son where I was and of course he told them."

Shahnaz Bibi says four men, armed with pistols and rifles, burst into her room. She says she knew them all as members of the same family, and as neighbours.

"Before I knew what was happening they tied my wrists and pushed me hard out into the lane, abusing me and sometimes throwing me to the ground," she says.

"They dragged me to an open plot of land. There, they tore off all of my clothes.

"For a full hour they pushed me around and paraded me naked. I cried and pleaded with them but they wouldn't listen and they kept beating me."

Shahnaz Bibi says that very soon the entire village was watching.

Also Pakistanis themselves practice caste system.

Pakistan Certainly Has a Caste System - Letter - NYTimes.com

Zamindar, or landowner, is the highest; then lohar-thrukkhan, or blacksmith-carpenter; then poly, or weaver; mochi, or cobbler; meerasi-naie, or entertainer-barber. In Pakistan, the equivalents of Hindu untouchables are chammar, chura and bhangi, or janitor. These people have separate plates and cups in all employee cafeterias. They are mainly Christian, although some are Hindus and Muslims.

Then there is the honor killing & honour rape.. remember Mukhtaran Bibi.

Not trying to troll, just showing you the mirror.
No need for mirror as I condemn all such acts.

However I don't agree with you on "Pakistani Caste System". It's practically non-existent.
Let me put on my stereotypical glasses....... did this incident happen in UP :hang2:
Oh! its Haryana :woot::hitwall:
No need for mirror as I condemn all such acts.

However I don't agree with you on "Pakistani Caste System". It's practically non-existent.

New York Times doesn't think so. Also this is an interesting answer in Yahoo Answers

Those who are referred to as Ashrafs are presumed to have a superior status. Some of the backward or lower-caste Muslim communities include Ansari, Kunjra, Churihara and Dhobi. The upper caste Muslim communities include Syed, Sheikh, Pathan, Khan and Malik. Genetic data has also supported this stratification. Interactions between the oonchi zat (upper caste) and neechi zat (lower caste) are regulated by established patron-client relationships of the jajmani system, the upper castes being referred to as the 'Jajmans', and the lower caste as 'Kamin'. Unlike the Hindu caste system the caste system found amongst Muslims was never rigid and could move from a caste to another. The social stratification among Muslims in the "Swat" area of North Pakistan has been meaningfully compared to the Caste system in India. The society is rigidly divided into subgroups where each Quom is assigned a profession. Different Quoms are not permitted to intermarry or live in the same community. These Muslims practice a ritual-based system of social stratification. The Quoms who deal with human emissions are ranked the lowest.

Caste system in Pakistan? - Yahoo! Answers

---------- Post added at 10:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 AM ----------

Let me put on my stereotypical glasses....... did this incident happen in UP :hang2:
Oh! its Haryana :woot::hitwall:

True Bai..I was expecting UP or Bihar..but surprise surprise its Haryana.
You're NY Times article is over 20 years old.

So you are saying that Pakistan underwent a social revolution in the last 20 years...which is by all means a short time for any social change unless something like 'Cultural Revolution' takes place.
I don't think it was even a problem back then. I'm 24 btw.
thanks for making urself clear... that u r a troll.. just posting one-liners and yourself not accepting the truth.

Most-Indian members are themselves feeling sorry for such incident and condemning it..yet u are continuing with your BS... on top of that u refuse to accept anything not suiting you. What are u doing on a forum if u cant even accept it...
I don't think it was even a problem back then. I'm 24 btw.

The problem is Pakistanis like to be in denial mode about Caste System eventhough its widely practiced, unlike in India where we accept the problem and are working towards eliminating it. As some one said we cannot expect this system which is in practice for over 1000 years to go away in just 64 years.

Caste in Pakistan: The Elephant in the Room « Red Diary

Public denial is so ingrained and widespread that there is no official legislation that acknowledges and addresses caste-based discrimination. Inadequate legislation, yes. Non-existent, no. After the partition of British India in 1947, Pakistan had inherited the list of Scheduled Castes and Tribes, and the constitution of Pakistan (like the 1935 constitution) forbids discrimination on the basis of caste. Beyond lip service, there was a 6% quota in government jobs for scheduled castes from 1948 to 1998. This was sadly never fully utilized. However, we do not have progressive legislation (like they have in India; though they have issues of their own).

The Pakistani caste system has developed along lines similar to those in India. Syeds (also known as Shahs in Sindh) claim to be the descendants of the prophet Muhammad (SAW) and are the highest caste in most places. In Punjab, the Ranas (Rajpoots), Chaudhurys and Maliks are considered higher caste, whereas the Kammis (workers), Chuhras (“untouchable” sweepers who are mostly Christian), Mussali (Muslim shaikh - menial workers) and Miraasi (musicians) are considered lower caste. In the NWFP, “lower castes” are referred to as Neech Zaat (low caste) and Badnasal (of bad lineage). In Balochistan the “lower castes” include Ghulams (slaves), Lohris (musicians), and Lachhis (Dalits). In Sindh, “high-caste” Muslims, in addition to Shahs and Syeds, include the Akhunds, Effendis, Soomros, Talpurs, and Pirs. Hajjams (barbers), Dhobis (washers), Kumbhars (potters), Maachis/ Mallahs (fisherfolk) and Bhajeer (Dalit converts to Islam) are considered “low caste”. In places like Swat, the Quom system is comparative to the Hindu caste system. Here, groups are divided rigidly according to occupation. Quoms do not intermarry or live together. The fact that caste is an important social identity for Pakistani Muslims is reinforced in matchmaking/ marriage services, where caste is one of the key attributes mentioned by prospective brides and grooms. Caste based marriage preferences and associations are documented amongst Pakistanis in the Diaspora, especially in the UK.
So your first source is over 20 years old, and a second one is a blog?

I'm not impressed with you guys trying to paint Pakistan in this shade. I've really never heard of or seen of anything like this happening in Pakistan.
So your first source is over 20 years old, and a second one is a blog?

I'm not impressed with you guys trying to paint Pakistan in this shade. I've really never heard of or seen of anything like this happening in Pakistan.

Or you just don't want to see it or remember it.

Anyways I just wanted to show you the mirror and you accusing us is like a man with no hand making fun of a man with no finger. We have a problem and we accept it , but you wanted to live in denial. I am happy that in the short 64 years we made much progress..we already have dalit CMs, President, Chief Justices, Civil Service officers etc., but it will take some time so that the changes can percolate to the society .Education is the best medicine for this social evil.
So your first source is over 20 years old, and a second one is a blog?

I'm not impressed with you guys trying to paint Pakistan in this shade. I've really never heard of or seen of anything like this happening in Pakistan.

Not trying to paint any country.

I am not sure if you are going to believe this but trust me, I consider myself lucky that I was born/brought up/working in the most decent parts of Indian metropolitan cities. (Kolkata/Delhi/Mumbai/Bangalore). I have never seen any person in my work place/college/school being discriminated on cast lines. NEVER. This does not mean that I refuse to accept that casteism is absent in INDIA. Since these incidents are coming out in media means somewhere it does really exist. I accept it and I condemn it... plain and simple.

Maybe a well respected media house like NY times' article is proof enough of the existence of such practices in pak. If you want to look other way than I am ok with giving up with convincing you.
Not trying to paint any country.

I am not sure if you are going to believe this but trust me, I consider myself lucky that I was born/brought up/working in the most decent parts of Indian metropolitan cities. (Kolkata/Delhi/Mumbai/Bangalore). I have never seen any person in my work place/college/school being discriminated on cast lines. NEVER. This does not mean that I refuse to accept that casteism is absent in INDIA. Since these incidents are coming out in media means somewhere it does really exist. I accept it and I condemn it... plain and simple.

Maybe a well respected media house like NY times' article is proof enough of the existence of such practices in pak. If you want to look other way than I am ok with giving up with convincing you.

Education and urbanization seems to be the solution. British also had this 'Class System' but it was broken down during the Industrial Revolution.
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