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Dalai Lama: ‘I Am a Son of India’

Your English is like your view, twisted and incomprehensible, perhaps illogical too.
Why? I don't think so.
Stop hiding behind Indian flag falsely; It is not good to hide who you are. Please don't put Indian flag when you are not an Indian.

---------- Post added at 06:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:16 PM ----------

Your English is like your view, twisted and incomprehensible, perhaps illogical too.

Sir, I never knew, but since when do Bangladeshis have a problem with His Holiness?
Don't dissect Nehru's policy after lookin at the result of the war wat wud any leader have done probably his best n in my opinion before critisiing Nehru watever he did was best in his eyes its other thing that his stronger adversary also did best so Nehru looked so Stupid

Man wat ur advocating is super catiouse approach that too after knowin the result

Now if u wud be in Nehru's shoe wat wud u have done n u don't know the result of 62 war n both USSR n USA r ur buddies ur Leader of third world countries NAM. Then wat acc. to u was best national Interest for ur country n also remeber UN didn't recognise PRC back then in 62

Now don't compare present scenario with 62 in bet. there were 70, 80 in those decades India had a free run in Sub continent bcoz of its frendship with Russia partly based on mutual suspicion of China
So in that way China had rival in India on the west n Russia on the North

Its just becoz China has risen rapidly that u think Pakistan China friendship is hurting us very badly but u convinently forget the interlude when China was not wat China is today Then the reverse i.e. Indo-rus friendship was hurting China

If CIA can't predict demise of USSR i don't think anybody could. Policy wise Indian billigerence was justified thou i don't support this behaviour

Nehru is critisised today by many but in his times he tried his best thou if he wud have been successful we wud have lauded him

I am in no way advocating a biligerent atitude towards China but was tryin to defend Nehru

PS: Its better n logical for developing countries like India n China to cooprate on world stage wrt the developed world. These issue of border are very petty bet. mature countries like India n China:cheers:

First of all, please try to use the punctuation marks like full stops & commas etc. It really helps in puting forward the views more clearly.

Secondly, as I said before, each to his own. In my view Nehru could have and should have done a lot of things differently if he was the genius leader you're trying to make him of. And it's not me who is advocating super cautius approach, It was Nehru who did that when he was required to be aggresive. It was him again who had really failed to act courageously when his crappy planning had bitten him back in '62.

I agree that one's strategies may not work all the time. But the great leader will raise to the occassion and admitt his/ her mistake rather then run away with the tail behind and cry and whine in front of world media. There is no shame in admitting one's mistake and try to rectify it with double vigor.

The only good contribution of Nehru towards India was his decision to set up the IITs. I'm more then convinced that even the land reform after '47 was not his baby. In fact Nehru's saga of bad decision making had started well before our independence. It was just that he was a lucky person who happen to be in the right place at the right time. The fruit of him being at the right place at the right time is still being enjoyed by his great grandson and god only knows till which generations we will let them enjoy it. The corruption and nepotism that was not curbed with iron hand by our first govt on the house is still biting us back in our you-know-where.

I only dread to think what would have been our destiny if Sardar Patel was at the helm of affairs when it mattered.

Anyways, I'm going off topic here and I'll not discuss Nehru any further here. Like I said, each to his own. Let us agree to disagree and lets leave it at that. :cheers:
Why is "the son of India" poking his nose into China's internal business?

That is a heavy price he has to pay for adopting India as parent.

Ideally India/ns are fond of poking their nose in internal affairs of regional countries
Stop hiding behind Indian flag falsely; It is not good to hide who you are. Please don't put Indian flag when you are not an Indian.

Bharat Muslim is an Indian it was checked my the management of this forum and his IP, location etc etc traced to India.

Its another matter he has grievances so dont expect he will support everything you say
Bharat Muslim is an Indian it was checked my the management of this forum and his IP, location etc etc traced to India.

Its another matter he has grievances so dont expect he will support everything you say
Thanks for the info jana ji. But this guy talks everything opposite of what all other Indian members do here. You will see that I am not the only one demanding his truth.

He can be anyone; not just Pakistani or anything.
Thanks for the info jana ji. But this guy talks everything opposite of what all other Indian members do here. You will see that I am not the only one demanding his truth.

He can be anyone; not just Pakistani or anything.

:) he is in India i dont know who he could be.

But i assume since he is aggrieved by Gujrat massacre of Indian Muslims so he has not much love left for majority Indians
I think India has Forgotten what China did to them in the 60s.. Remember?

Gonna be 10 times worse if India tries to provoke something in the Chinese territory now. The growing strengths of the Red Dragon are becoming more and more evident everyday.
I think India has Forgotten what China did to them in the 60s.. Remember?

Gonna be 10 times worse if India tries to provoke something in the Chinese territory now. The growing strengths of the Red Dragon are becoming more and more evident everyday.

Just dont be a middleman..let them speak for themselves.
they wont take your revenge...and as far as India -china war is concerned...sorry...we have moved to far now...but you will never understand this.
Well all countries have "red lines" that can't be crossed.

However I believe that world leaders are intelligent enough to know where these red lines are, and they don't cross them for fear of a nuclear war. They will "poke" each other, but they aren't going to start a war with another major nuclear power.

Anyway, Economic cooperation is the best way forward.
Well all countries have "red lines" that can't be crossed.

However I believe that world leaders are intelligent enough to know where these red lines are, and they don't cross them for fear of a nuclear war.

Anyway, Economic cooperation is the best way forward.

For geopolitical reasons, I'm sure countries will continue to "poke" each other for the foreseeable future, but major nuclear powers understand that picking a fight with another major nuclear power, is just too costly and provides no benefits.

both india China have tasted the growth and understand the importance of peaceful co-exsistence...fast pace growth and the title of major military power has rather made them more responsible,erasing the possibilty of any war...infact he way India-china trade reations are growing ...its easy to understand,which way our leaders want the realtion to move.
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