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Dalai Lama: ‘I Am a Son of India’

So here you're basically contradicting your previous statement.

If you think that PLA wasn't planning for any prolonged conflict and occupation, then they have just acted out of their doctrine. There's no benevolence or good will gesture, but just plain, cold directives given to them by their higher authority, which according to you was already on paper long before the war came to it's end.

Of course I was being trite when I said "Yep the PLA was nice enough to hand it back to you after they took it in 1962" Sarcastic no. Glib yes.

Consider who I was responding to.
And two fresh IA division were being deployed to north-east(after getting the assurance from US and Ayub that Pakistan wouldn't attack in the meantime).

Abir can shed more light on the supply line collapsing part

Abir, I'm off to bed now but I'd love for you to point me toward some historical sourcing/books about the 2 divisions and the supply line collapsing part.
I have tried to keep off this ******!ng argument many a times and also have read that particular thread mentioned by CardSharp completely. While Joe shearer lamented much about the doctrinal deficiencies of our Indian Military and other such aspects he completely was backing this opinion that Indians would have anyway lost the war either if it was short or long. Either it was my laziness not to get involved in laborious process of digging up half a century old war when there was no official explanation from our side particularly or the thought that it can never be judged that the source we find may or may not be unbiased made me ignore.

However after seeing the replies here and also the same kind of in many threads i will try to find some source on this issue as it is really frustrating to be lectured each and every time that it is the evil conniving Indians who are at fault for scratching the benevolent and just dragon as we are blinded by the imperialist benefactors whose myopic vision of world we had adopted after they left. While these are not expounded by the above said poster that is what he means really.

So i urge all the members (Only Indian Posters) here to find some source which can give us a perspective on this f...ing conflict so that it can be proved once and for all the actual facts. Atleast we can agree on some issues and settle down.
Abir, I'm off to bed now but I'd love for you to point me toward some historical sourcing/books about the 2 divisions and the supply line collapsing part.

I'll try to leave an answer but most probably it'd be an opinion piece as much of what the documents related to the war are classified.
Forty years later, few know the real story of what happened, what went wrong. Successive governments have refused to release the Henderson-Brooks report that investigated the lapses of 1962. :tup:
rediff.com: The India-China War, 40 Years On

Hopefully some sane Indians will question why GOI still refused to disclose the "Henderson-Brooks" report 48 yrs after the war. :azn:

The Indo-China war ended over 50 years ago so there is absolutely no reason not to declassify these records......Unless....there is a deep treacherous secret so damaging to Indo-China ties that prevents its declassification.

Do you know there is a country called Bangladesh? You should take history lessons my friend.

Bangladesh land do not belong to India. What Land did India ever fought and won ?
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Bangladesh land do not belong to India. What Land did India ever fought and won ?

Indians fought for India, under him...



India doesnt need any more land.
^^ Don't cook up your silly stories and paste them here out of wishful thinking. If you lack knowledge, accept it and learn from others. We Sikkimese voluntarily joined India and unlike you Bangladeshis, we don't deny our history and disassociate ourselves with India ever.
That is a heavy price he has to pay for adopting India as parent.

Ideally India/ns are fond of poking their nose in internal affairs of regional countries
Madam janaji don't keep a grudge from '71 :lol:
Reality bites for the indian counterparts.
The well know North American/Western journalists have extensive research.
The background of dalai lamas, their doings is all known and exposed. I have absolutely no regret of what I said about mr. dalai lama but as the forum rules suggest I'll hold my comments back like earlier will not post as forum rules suggest.
For indian members I would strongly suggest you live with it whatever I said this is the reality of dark side of dalai lamas for centuries.

There are countless and various incidents and the practices of dalai lamas that was termed by people in those areas and the world shocking and horrid!

I've made my self very clear over here with this post that what I think about that character can't be changed by anyone of you. Live with it get over it.
Well, I thought this thread was a meaningless saliva game, you proved i am wrong, any sense, if China and India is to achieve true reconciliation and friendship, at least to begin a frank dialogue, at least in the non-governmental exchanges required.

Because i respect some Indian members, even few, I say some my point, China is not India's rival, or someone will say, "You are arrogant," but that is the fact that China has completely different layout in the industry and India, I used to have suggested that China members do not have too much sense of rivalry that would lead to lost. Now there are too many Indians have a sense of rivalry and China, you have lost. In fact, India is not China's competitors in the global industrial layout, the Southeast Asian countries (900 million population), some leading African countries (a great resource, which can get all the development needs), Central Asian countries (with abundant resources and large population), Pakistan and Sri Lanka, Bangladesh (200 million people, excellent location, but now some trouble), South American countries,the world's investment is limited, which is most needed in developing countries, it is competition, but China is already a capital-exporting country, we are not really competitors and India In the next 20 years.
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To make it clear that in this global competition (most developing countries), with or without China's help, big or small, will be very critical, although China is not developed high-tech (is fast catching up, there are some success , in the future will be more), but Chinese everything are very appropriate for developing countries. Therefore, China and India is actually a complementary relationship in the economy, not competition. But you know, you will not help your enemy, with the comprehensive and deep help, so this will test our wisdom, the Chinese wisdom and Indian wisdom. I did not say little smart but wisdom.
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