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Dajjalism, Kharjism And Islam (some abstract Thoughts)

According to my opinion what "Fracker" told is more close to reality then "Bill Longley"
told.excellent post Fracker.
For Fracker

i think there is a Hadith which is pointing towards khuwarijs.i don't remember the exact wording of Hadiths and also because respect of Hadith i only point u towards that Hadith.hope u can easily find it in Sahih Bukhari.
once Hazrat Umer(R.A) asked about fitnas to Hazrat Huzaifa(R.A).Hazrat Huzifa(R.A) starts telling but Hazrat Umer (R.A) says i m talking about bigger fitnas.(here i don't remember the words)....then Hazrat Huzifa (R.A) talked about a door.that those fitnas are behind that door.After that Hazrat Umer(R.A) left that majlis.After that Shabas (R.A) ASKED TO Hazrat Huzaifa(R.A) did Umer (R.A) know about that door?Hazrat Huzifa (R.A) said.yes he knows.He is that door.
here i only write the meaning of that Hadith(or points towards that respective Hadith).i hope some member with more information can through some light on this.and if have good memory u can also remember that????
to Bill Longley

when Hazrat Isa(jesus) (A.S) returned back to earth THEN HE not returned as "PROPHET" but as a follower of Muhammad(S.A.W)

I think His full Name is Hazrat HUZAIFA YAMANI(R.A).
I think His full Name is Hazrat HUZAIFA YAMANI(R.A).
don't know about full name but i m pointing towards Hazrat Huzaifa(R.A) also known as "RAZDAR-E-RASOOL".
Yes! He is Razdar e RASOOL(SAWW), He did know the munafqeins who had attempted to assassinate RASOOL ALLAH(SAWW) in dark, but for a moment light flash expose their faces.Hazrat Hazaifa(R.A) was only witness of this moment.
Thats the reason of his laqab "Razdar e RASOOL(SAWW).
what the ahadees and the holy quran says about the time when imam mehdi and prophet jesus will come ?
another thing sir, from our child hood, we have learnt that earlier muslims beleive that zahoor of imam mehdi will took place in the 14th islamic century and today we are in 1430 that we are in 30 year on in 15th islamic century, pls advise
I would recommand that this thread be moved to Members Area as it doesn't have anything to do with Pakistan's War or its military strategy what so ever.
This is not just belief of Muslim, All the Holy books gving the Message of Zahoor of
"LAST REFORMER" in Qurran,Bible,tauraet,Zabur even in Rayman bharat.
This is DAY before Judgment Day,
"when Earth will Brighten with NOOR of its RAB" surrah zamr.
Wouldnt the Gog and Magog (Yajuj Majuj) will come before the Dajjal ?

Is this not linked to the khazar jews......the 13th tribe........i think you will find that the post powerful jews in the world decent from this region and have no connection to the 12 tribes or "real" jews.

I might be wrong but does Yajuj Majuj not mean "jews but not jews".
Is this not linked to the khazar jews......the 13th tribe........i think you will find that the post powerful jews in the world decent from this region and have no connection to the 12 tribes or "real" jews.

I might be wrong but does Yajuj Majuj not mean "jews but not jews".

GOG MAGOG or YAJUJ MAJUJ will come after DAJJAL.
HAZRAT NUH or NOAH 3 sons JAPHETH, SHAM & HAM are the forefathers of todays races. SEMITIC races are from SHAM, ARYAN & MONGOLOID races are from JAPHETH while AFRICAN races are from HAM.
GOG & MAGOG were the 2 sons of JAPHETHS and there races are marked as MONGLOLOIDS. Some say chinese are these some point somewhere else
Is this not linked to the khazar jews......the 13th tribe........i think you will find that the post powerful jews in the world decent from this region and have no connection to the 12 tribes or "real" jews.

I might be wrong but does Yajuj Majuj not mean "jews but not jews".

Yajuj Majuj are suppose to be a cannibalist race so no they cannot be jews or khazar jews for that matter.
i think there is a Hadith which is pointing towards khuwarijs.

I think you didn't get my point. I meant there is no hadith which speaks of khwarjis as the sign for comming Dajjal. There are number of hadiths which speaks about them. You can go through from here. Google Translate

There are around 6-7 hadith on this in Sahih Bukhari, and around double number of hadith in sahih muslims.
Yajuj Majuj are suppose to be a cannibalist race so no they cannot be jews or khazar jews for that matter.

Quran speaks pretty clear that they don't have any link to Hazrat khizar (A.s). Hazrat Khizar (A.s) only build a wall between yagug majuj (2 tribes) and other people. we don't have any information, where they are how they look like etc.

A friend of mine who works in IT department of my Channel was telling me the decline of Industry in era of this government. His father owns some units in Textile industry, which are now close thanks to worst economic condition which we face today….he said “present government is ruining every thing. Even we have to close our units. Laborers are so much desperate they broke the gate of our factory … we cannot do any thing because we don’t have money to hire them and pay them”.
Another colleague complained that he is a salaried person, although he gets a good salary but it is becoming harder for him to afford his family and he is thinking to do second job in evening….
I told them, it’s not PPP government but the system which need to be analyzed if we want to find the source of our problems. Prophet Said
“Every coming period of time will be worst then the period passed”
In Musharraf era we used to say its worst era and era of Nawaz was good, where as in Nawaz time we used to say BIBI era was good and so on….
Bottom line is that we are experiencing gradual decline of every thing.
We got independence in 1947 and we adopted DAJJALIAN WAY OF LIFE. Dajjal means the DECIEVER. We adopted the system which deceived us on every step.
We became ally of west, whose system of economics and politics is based on deception at every level. Their economic system “CAPITALISM” is exploitery and deceives people that its in fact most just economic and Political system available to people.
The social inequality in wealth, spawned by capitalism, is not faced only by a single generation. It trickles down, because children of unsuccessful parents are already born with a disadvantage to fight in the free market, while children of wealthy parents can get a head start with the property they already own through inheritance. As D. W. Haslett explains, the right of inheritance breeds an inequality that disagrees with capitalism's pre-requisite of equal opportunity (Shaw and Barry 2007). However, the solution he proposes - that the government become the owner of a deceased individual's property - is also in violation of capitalism's foundation of people's moral right to property (Rideau, 2005). It is arguable whether an individual is morally entitled to one's parents' property, but since most religions provide doctrines of how to bestow a deceased individual's property to his/her children, it is unlikely that many will agree to the notion that children have no moral rights towards their parents' wealth.
….The inequality arising from capitalism only keeps on accumulating over the years eventually resulting in social imbalance, identified by Stephen Dubner (2008) as "[inherent] turbulence" due to capitalism. This instability not only encourages the formation of oligopolies, but is also worsened by it. When oligopolies start controlling the market, the competition in the market no longer remains free, thus nullifying the advantages of a free market economy that capitalism promises. Adam Smith's capitalism is what democracy was to Churchill - ". . . the worst form of government, except for all those other forms . . ." - but it is undeniable that it is the breeding ground for inequality and, hence, poverty (quoted in Dubner). So, human misery is inevitable in capitalism as well, only that it becomes apparent much later. ….
…..Capitalism works on the principle that people are motivated to work for themselves, which is an individualistic approach to morality. Members of a capitalistic society are not expected to look out for the greater good, or the happiness of others around them. Smith's prediction that people's self-motivation will bring about economic success is probably true, but one should note that this is a by-product of the people's egoistic actions; they are not actively thinking about their business decisions and taking morally right steps. Therefore, capitalism is not necessarily a utilitarian-based system. When such is the case, and the economy fails, there is only the government who can interfere and try to boost the economy back up (Meacham and Thomas 2009).

In capitalism the economy is governed by the forces of Market…In other words we can say market forces governs every thing from morality to daily life … no wonder the things , which in early 1900 were seen as immoral and big sins are today not only moral but also a fashion, sign of modernity.
The biggest sufferer by the hand of capitalism is Religion….. People don’t need God any more because God hinder with what they like or want to do with their lives but Capitalism is good as it gives freedom….a freedom which few holders of wealth want them to get ….
In this Dajjalian system of economics we are deceived at every step…Rich get Richer and Poor get poorer…. But with deception hope is kept alive to stop poor slaves not to rebel… some times bones are also thrown to them for same purpose.
Capitalism is one eyed, it sees only with eye of interest/capital. They throw baits to trap people then exploit them… a small example is leasing and credit cards. Before you avail these so called facilities… they (Capitalists) show you great dreams… and after you avail them …the never ending disgrace starts… you fell in trap of interest … if you earn 25000 per month and you happen to lease a car… you soon realize you have to pay installments which are more then half of your salary… and if you fail to pay they come, disgrace you and take back the car…. If it doesn’t happen you are forced either to work two jobs or resort of illegal activates utilizing your position….to earn more money to pay them and maintain your status…
The logical political system coming out of Dajjalian economic system of capitalism is….. DEMOCRACY… According to well known definition of Democracy
“Its government of People, for the people by the people”
This definition gives impression that people through this system gets the driving seat of government. It deceives and claims that its best system one can ever have.
Dajjal means the one who deceives…. Dajjalian system means the system which deceives… and democracy is a political system which not only deceives but deceives criminally….
Qur’an says
“Can a person who knows and a person who is ignorant be equal?”

In Democracy, leaders are chosen with votes. Vote of a donkey is equal to that of a lion…. People think that its equality but is it equality?
A PhD who spends best years of his life in study and research becomes equal to an illiterate? Is it justice or worst kind of discrimination???
Wow this is how Dajjal make simple people stupid….

A system where wealth is in few hands and system is governed by market forces…. How Can it allow a commoner to come forward in position where he can play with fate of elite? In a system where there is a gap between haves and have not…. How can it allow have not to govern the have’s.
A close study of democracies clearly illustrates how people are exploited in democracies in their own name.
Democracies are supposed to give freedom but freedom which the capitalist elite wants people to have. Capitalism and Democracy gives rise to elites. Elite, weather national or international is usually one. They make blocks of Pyramid of Deception. Bush hates bin laden…but will always allow bin laden’s to fly out of US after 911… for the economic relations…..
Saudis hate Bin Laden but will never stop his family and friends to attend OBLS son’s marriage….
There are thousands of examples which I can quote…. We have to realize that forerunners of Dajjal are in control of world. They are deceiving us and controlling us. They are in control of our economics and our lives. We are deceived at every step in this Dajjalian national and international system.
Prophet said “Dajjal will have fire in one hand and on other bread” In this system democratic capitalism … Iraq gets fire because Dajjalian priest hood (elite) decides to get its resources… where as worst a draconian HYPOCRACY like India where exploitation, torture and murder is state policy against minorities and poor gets status of ally and emerging super power….
It’s our duty to realize the traps of Dajjal and save our selves from the curse of being helpers of ultimate evil and Anti Christ.

Quran speaks pretty clear that they don't have any link to Hazrat khizar (A.s). Hazrat Khizar (A.s) only build a wall between yagug majuj (2 tribes) and other people. we don't have any information, where they are how they look like etc.

Sir I would like to correct you. As per QURAN it was Dhul-Qarnain who built the wall for YAJUJ MAJUJ. Dhul-Qarnain means 2 horned one. Some researchers claim it to be ALEXANDER THE GREAT & some claim that he was CYRUS THE GREAT
I tend to agree with the suggestion that go Magog are khazar Jews the ancestors of the modern day Ashkenazi Jews. Jewry is split into two nowadays - sherpardic Jews and Ashkenazi Jews. Sherpardic are Semitic ie comes from Shem and refers to bani israel as we know it where as Ashkenazi are descendants of khazar people who converted to judaism circa 700ad. Theses two groups must be distinguished and Ashkenazi cannot be equated to bani Israel but they are both yahudi or Jews. What the are askenazi? If you follow the story of Noah pbuh, he had three sons - ham, Shem and japeth. Ham is the ancestor of the African people, Shem the ancestor of the Semitic or middle eastern people and japeth the ancestor of the Caucasian people. Hence these Ashkenazi are definitely not from ibrahim pbuh hence cannot be classified as bani israel. What are they? I personally think the story of zulqarnain is to point us towards who yajuj and majuj really is. Past ulama are not privy to information that we know know and they bases their theories on information they knew then. We perhaps know more now, no disrespect to them. They story of zulqarnain arose because the quraish wanted to discredit our prophet Muhammad saw and sought the help of the Jews in Madinah. The Jews asked the quraish to ask the prophet three questions one of which was the story of zulqarnain. Hence zuqarnain is known to the Jews. If you look at Jewish history and literature / scripture only one gentile king was revered by the Jews and he was Cyrus the great. In fact he was called messiah by the Jews an accolade not accorded to any other gentile. He freed the Jews from Babylon and restored Solomon pbuh temple in Jerusalem. I don't think Alexander whom we now know worships pagan gods and engage in many sinful activities comes close to the description of zulqarnain in the Quran. Anyway, back to the topic of gog Magog, there are only two surah in the Quran pertaining to them. One is on the story of zulqarnain and the second on surah al anbiya ayat which says "and it is binding on a town which we destroy that they shall not return until gog and Magog are let loose and they shall break forth from every elevated place". Let's for one humor ourself with the idea that yajuj majuj is indeed the khazar Jews aka known as the Ashkenazi Jew now and that this town mention in the Quran is Jerusalem and "they" ie the people who cannot return to this town are bani Israel aka sharphardic Jews, then you arrive at a pretty scary conclusion that yajuj majuj is here, the Semitic Jews ie bani Israel are back in Jerusalem after their diaspora and yajuj majuj are indeed in control of all the elevated, powerful and strategic positions. Example, Benjamin Netanyahu is ashenazim, so is simon perez and ariel Sharon etc. Google up Ashkenazi Jews and read wikipedia.

The interesting question would be what happens next?

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