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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions


I think you asked when steel first cut on PLANS 17 (?). Not a direct correlation but I think November 2013 (source xinhuanet politics 2017-04/26/c_1120875256.htm)
If you dont mind, Please translate to English if this is important news or rumor :)
If you dont mind, Please translate to English if this is important news or rumor :)
It said it's cracked in 300 places 7 days after completion, water went inside and the engine is fried. It cost 7 billion dollars. Lead Engineer and manager are being investigated.

What I will say is there is so much evidence to the contrary, so I went digging a bit. I found he original source, from a pretty good HK source, but the thing is, it wasn't talking about China, it talked about the Soviets, and another nation that won't be named, making these mistakes.

This youtube source, added the China angle. I saw the comments, it's not simplified Chinese, so they are not from the mainland, so you can guess what type of channel this one is, if not from the deliberate changing of the content of an article.
so the inference is these comments are coming in the from of traditional Chinese from an Island off the coast of China?
I hope any member of this forum do a simple check before posting such rubbish. Or may be this is a troll posting.

300 cracks 7 days after completion, all engines write-off, USD7 billion damage = cost of two CVN currently in US Navy etc etc.

Do you believe any of the above?

002 has been floating by the dockside for a year and more than 7 days out for sea trials, and they could not detect water leakage from 300 cracks?

And 002 engines cost more than two US Navy CVN?

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So pretty obvious this is bs..

Anyway, raj47 said that the dry dock is flooded, the 2nd sea trials is on the way most likely :)
I hope any member of this forum do a simple check before posting such rubbish. Or may be this is a troll posting.

300 cracks 7 days after completion, all engines write-off, USD7 billion damage = cost of two CVN currently in US Navy etc etc.

Do you believe any of the above?

002 has been floating by the dockside for a year and more than 7 days out for sea trials, and they could not detect water leakage from 300 cracks?

And 002 engines cost more than two US Navy CVN?

They just make a fake news, and wait for the informations they want.
Aircraft carrier finishes first sea trials, expected to boost air supremacy
By Xu Hailin Source:Global Times Published: 2018/6/21 19:38:40

China's first domestically built aircraft carrier has reportedly completed all its first sea trials, with experts saying the result was satisfying and provided a good base for upcoming further trials on Thursday.

The sea trial results for the ship, known as the Type 001A, have been successful, revealed by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) Chairman Hu Wenming said on Tuesday, according to the company's official website.

The carrier set off for first sea trials from the Dalian Shipyard in Northeast China's Liaoning Province on May 13 to test its power, drive, and electrical systems, including control and communications equipment.

The success marks that China has made a record by independently building a domestic aircraft carrier and finishing first sea trials in such a short time, Song Zhongping, a military expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times on Thursday.

It would take another six months to one year before the ship is delivered to the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy, Song said, while noting "we don't need to rush it because the more tests it takes now the better it performs later."

CSIC has also made major headway in manufacturing new equipment and applying new technologies, Hu was quoted as saying by the news site thepaper.cn on Wednesday.

The PLA used to lack air supremacy in the South China Sea and on the high seas, Song said, adding the aircraft carrier could overcome the shortage.

The ship is China's second aircraft carrier after the Liaoning, and its construction began in 2013, People's Daily website people.cn reported.

The aircraft carrier is a milestone that shifted PLA Navy's strategy from offshore to high seas, Song added, saying China would have three aircraft carrier fleets between 2020 to 2022 and possibly up to six in the future.

Pardon, ... but that cannot be!

The carrier just completed its first sea train, so said its maiden voyage. It was never ever tested so that all tests could have been completed.
There were no aircraft tests, surely no long distance cruise and so on.

Also how could this ship be delivered to the Navy already by year's end if not all tests were accomplished.
No carrier was ever delivered within such a short time after its first cruise.

IMO a very bad report put together from a writer who has barely a clue on that topic.
It is an official news, and I think you should take it seriously.
It is an official news, and I think you should take it seriously.

To admit, sometimes even official sources post nothing more than stupid things since a stupid author wrote something he did not understand. Maybe there's a misquote ... I don't know, but anyway ... let's try to accept this: how could a carrier after just a first short cruise of just 5 days have completed all sea trials successfully?? There were not even more than one trail, so how could it have completed all trails?
Were there any J-15s taking off and landing during these "all tests" - IMO not even the arresting gear is fully installed!)

Even if the second carrier surely benefits from being a Liaoning V2 there simply MUST be more than one test; just compare, how many cruises the Liaoning made before hand-over and even more before reaching operational status?

To think all tests were already successfully completed is plain ridiculous.

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