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Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

(some alien civilizations came on earth in 1990s due to NASA's signals) only the greys, humanoids, reptilians and Annunakis are written in Ancient texts and they too been blamed for abductions.... Its mixer of Ancient texts and modern day abduction....

@isro2222: Can you please elaborate on this?
@sajan with pleasure.... NASA been sending radio signals into space since many decades.... Even when many scientists warned NASA that sending radio signals into space will only bring more trouble as many more alien civilization will catch our radio signals and might harm us specially looking at present aliens who were busy abducting people.... But NASA kept sending radio signals.... In 1970s NASA got 72seconds answer as 'WOW'.... The wow signal became famous.... In 1990s UFO sightings and UFO war got increased.... It seemed many other alien civilization came on Earth and got strong reply by existing Aliens.... However the peace deal was signed and the war reduced to Reptilian vs Humanoids (no more UFO fall on earth after 1990s).... The Greys are in total control of Earth (humanoids had peace deal because greys threatned to harm planet Earth) so humanoids now only targets reptilians.... The NASA is the culprit who putting earth in trouble.... NASA inviting new alien civilization (may be in hope that they can war present powerful aliens such as Tall greys and Zetan greys and free America and world).... Uk goverment pulled out investigation on Aliens under pressure of Zetan Grey aliens (all they said was ufo not harmful to uk but they ignored abductions).... Most Greys and Reptilians made base underground.... Specially volcano is the entry door of the alien bases....
Wow! signal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Record British UFO sightings in 1990s - Technology & Science - CBC News
Britain visited by one UFO a month but MoD rules they pose no threat - Telegraph
UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY: UFO Over Volcano In Japan, Sept 18, 2012.
The Greys, Reptilians and Humanoids been on Earth since millions of years.... Now many people who dont believe in aliens should answer how come Cave mens knew about Aliens?.... How come they draw exact pictures of what modern day people described after getting abducted?.... is it the cave mens had more brain power than non-believers?.... Must visit and than answer....
Ancient Aliens | Ancient Alien Cave Paintings
Ancient UFO & Alien Evidence: cave drawings; carvings & sculptures; paintings & tapestries, and books & illustrations
@Azioaltair thats really funny you asking same question even when i gave you the answer in that video link.... V for Vrillion.... Have you even watched the video? Tell me by what name The two super humans introduced themself?.... First was Vrillion.... Second voice (strong voice) was Ashtar.... So why keep asking specific names? Tell me whos lord krishna? Lord vishnu? Lord shiv? Arjun? Etc etc.... How come they are with specific names?.... The answer is 'its written in ancient texts'.... Now many modern day people who got abducted by Both humanoids and Greys (not reptilians because most victims who gets abducted by reptilians dont get away alive. They are used for flesh) have said that what they saw which includes looks, texts and symbols on spaceships, what they did etc etc.... i myself went on starship Athena after long meditation practice.... The purple bright Arcturian told me they are from Arctorus star system and they known as Arcturians to humanity.... Same way millions of people got abducted and they all been asked what they saw and they all gave same answer.... This is how the specific names came into light.... Some of them matched ancient text (some didnt as some alien civilizations came on earth in 1990s due to NASA's signals) only the greys, humanoids, reptilians and Annunakis are written in Ancient texts and they too been blamed for abductions.... Its mixer of Ancient texts and modern day abduction.... This is how the 'awfully specific names' been came into light.... i hope you wont ask me same question because i already gave answer twice....

I wasn't asking the same questions again and again dude, I was just clarifying my point of view. :P

The Greys, Reptilians and Humanoids been on Earth since millions of years.... Now many people who dont believe in aliens should answer how come Cave mens knew about Aliens?.... How come they draw exact pictures of what modern day people described after getting abducted?.... is it the cave mens had more brain power than non-believers?.... Must visit and than answer....
Ancient Aliens | Ancient Alien Cave Paintings
Ancient UFO & Alien Evidence: cave drawings; carvings & sculptures; paintings & tapestries, and books & illustrations

Ancient Astronauts theory!! That's my favourite theory, and it makes sense too. Certainly makes more sense than imagining that humans built stuff like pyramids, or the Mayans (who didn't even use the wheel, were capable of making Machu Pichu. ;)
@Ezioaltair the pyramid was build by humans by the help of Alien engineers.... The 4 side size of pyramid is 36524.... Thats 365.24.... Which is 365 days a year, 24 hours each day.... The pi law was applied to Pyramid from top to bottom.... How did they know pi?.... Our most todays technology is stolen (given delibrately) by aliens.... Must read....
List of Twelve Alien Technologies The World Has Benefited From
Roswell Influenced our Technology
Pyramid inch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Time Times Time = Time
Ok, here you go. These are some of the pictures captured mostly by amateur photographers that seem to be some of the best in class. Auroras? TR3-B Astras? Or Alien craft? Impossible to know presently, but there sure IS some strange stuff out there!








Continued below....
i only speaks with proof and evidence.... Mars was full of life multi million years ago. The Pleiadians were the one who braught humans on Mars from planet ERRA after Alpha draconians attacked it and forced Pleiadians to migrate into space.... But Alpha draconians saw Mars and they used huge astroids and tiny blackhole to destroy it but due to earth, jupiter saturn gravitational force it backfired and mars was thrown far away. Millions died. Few of them shifted on planet earth by Pleiadians. The PHOBO is a evidence of alpha draconian attack. Infact alpha draconian made a base on PHOBO.... Russia sended sattelite to examine PHOBO which is orbiting mars. It was shot down by Alpha draconians and russia confirmed it.... Annunakis in 2001 tried to take over Mars but they lost in huge battle. The Solar flares on Mars in 2001 was the evidence that puzzled scientist.... Mars controled by alpha draconians and Greys. Humanoids are not allowed on Mars.... When the latest rower sended by America landed on Mars it saw huge shape of a dust which dissapeard within minutes. That panic the scientists. Mars is totaly controled by Reptilians and Greys. Without their permission humans cant land on Mars.... Want evidence? Than let me know. infact u can zoom right now on mars and check the evidence of war. Weapons, bones and underground cities are viewable....

You gave me ebola. Almost.
I´m trying to upload my best picture of an ufo, cristal clear, in fact i was chasing a chemtrail plane, took a pícture, when i checked the picture there it was, as watching over the plane,
People always say " I will tell...I will say...I will explain later...and if the time is near or short or right at the corner why explain later, when dude? when is no use for the information? Come on and spell it all out right now man¡ Please
@Ezioaltair the pyramid was build by humans by the help of Alien engineers.... The 4 side size of pyramid is 36524.... Thats 365.24.... Which is 365 days a year, 24 hours each day.... The pi law was applied to Pyramid from top to bottom.... How did they know pi?.... Our most todays technology is stolen (given delibrately) by aliens.... Must read....
List of Twelve Alien Technologies The World Has Benefited From
Roswell Influenced our Technology
Pyramid inch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Time Times Time = Time
you are mad brainless and senseless person, who live in dreams of your own and live in your fantasy world,you all links are crapy dose not prove anything, all your links are called urban legend, In quran ALLAH is clearly says that human is most advanced raced in the whole universe:hitwall::hitwall:
you are mad brainless and senseless person, who live in dreams of your own and live in your fantasy world,you all links are crapy dose not prove anything, all your links are called urban legend, In quran ALLAH is clearly says that human is most advanced raced in the whole universe:hitwall::hitwall:
where does Allah say that?
Isro2222... wow world have so much info.. what i have been smoking..
tell us more
incase i miss please fill this forum with full of info.. vacation baby!
@blackwidow.... In Quran its written about Jinn.... Jin created by Annunakis. There are two types of Jin. A bri and a Bad just like Enki and Enlil. Jin are with feelings and they travel light speed (dissapearing capablity)....
@OrionHunter.... Thats Zeta Spaceship.... If it had king cobra in midle than thats Alpha Draconian spaceship.... The Greys are Slave of alpha draconians who abduct humans and sell human flesh to Reptilians in Reptilian underground cities. While tall greys monitoring this small greys. Small greys are more like breathing robos without internal organs.... While tall greys are totaly superior and had internal organs.... The triangle or pyramid shape is Alpha draconian, Greys and Arcturians symbol. Arcturians are alot good aliens and the most superior aliens and their symbol is 3rd eye in pyramid.... Greys (zeta) symbol is King kobra and Alpha draconian symbol is King kobra in pyramid which tells that Zeta are slave of Master alpha draconian race.... if u need the symbols details than let me know....

Ahahahah...... Me who thought Superboy and nice guy where the most funniest members on here. I must have missed you. You beat both of them by miles. Kudos bros you have my respect. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Ahahahah...... Me who thought Superboy and nice guy where the most funniest members on here. I must have missed you. You beat both of them by miles. Kudos bros you have my respect. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
This guy was missing for sometime...most prolly he would come up with his own UFO abduction story soon. :P
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