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Countries that have shown interest in BAFs' modernization program

Hindu's have consistently voted for Awami League en masse. Nothing wrong with that, but if there was no 22% Hindu population, it would have been much more difficult to create a pro-India faction within then Awami League and fan the flames of Bengali Nationalism. After 1971, it would have been much more difficult for Hasina's Awami League to make a come back without the vote bank of 9% Hindu population. These are the demographic facts. I am not blaming them for who they voted for, that is their democratic right to vote for whoever they like. But I just pointed out how our situation is different than Pakistan due to the difference in minority demographics and how India took advantage of this.
Not all of them vote for Awami league but you are right a majority of them do.But only 9% isn't going to win them an election.There's a huge chunk of stupid Muslim Bangladeshis who vote for Hasina too.It is a national problem and trust me bringing BNP to power for five years is not going to solve it.BAL needs to be dealt with permanently.
If the "you" in bold is Bangladesh, then I do not see what Bangladesh can do to irritate India, can you explain that?

Bangladesh will never accept internal political interference, whether that is by India or USA or any other foreign country. The sooner you guys understand it, the better it will be for India-Bangladesh relations. Providing aid and guidance to Awami League is an act of covert war against people of Bangladesh.

The "you" there is with reference to Bangladesh. In your post you suggested teaming with China through Myanmar to counter what you said was an India-U.S. -Japan -Australia alliance. Do you believe that any such idea(feasible or not) will be looked at by India benignly ? Contrary to what you believe, BD gets a good deal as a lower riparian state. Were International principles to be applied, BD might get half of what it is getting. Easy to make accusations of "stealing", far more harder to deal with the reality that exists.

Your internal issues are yours to deal with. India will react to who ever is in power & what their attitude towards India is. There is no such thing as a free lunch in international relations. If India perceives a threat to her interest, she will react accordingly.
You just forget where is your water coming from.........

Doesn't matter, that constitutes just a small portion of India's water. In any case, BD would still have to worry about that threat too, any reduction would automatically be reduced from BD's share.
The "you" there is with reference to Bangladesh. In your post you suggested teaming with China through Myanmar to counter what you said was an India-U.S. -Japan -Australia alliance. Do you believe that any such idea(feasible or not) will be looked at by India benignly ? Contrary to what you believe, BD gets a good deal as a lower riparian state. Were International principles to be applied, BD might get half of what it is getting. Easy to make accusations of "stealing", far more harder to deal with the reality that exists.

Your internal issues are yours to deal with. India will react to who ever is in power & what their attitude towards India is. There is no such thing as a free lunch in international relations. If India perceives a threat to her interest, she will react accordingly.

What do you mean we get a good deal??
The "you" there is with reference to Bangladesh. In your post you suggested teaming with China through Myanmar to counter what you said was an India-U.S. -Japan -Australia alliance. Do you believe that any such idea(feasible or not) will be looked at by India benignly ? Contrary to what you believe, BD gets a good deal as a lower riparian state. Were International principles to be applied, BD might get half of what it is getting. Easy to make accusations of "stealing", far more harder to deal with the reality that exists.

Your internal issues are yours to deal with. India will react to who ever is in power & what their attitude towards India is. There is no such thing as a free lunch in international relations. If India perceives a threat to her interest, she will react accordingly.

Why should Bangladesh care what looks to benign to India? Bangladesh does not get its fair share:

Date: 9 Dec 1995 11:37:46 -0500
From: surzzo@aol.com (Surzzo)
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.bangladesh

An Urgent Appeal to the World Conscience

Save Humanity - Save Bangladesh!!

*** Please, print and read to save your (online) time.***

The name Bangladesh has become synonymous with Natural disasters which are beyond the control of human beings. But in recent years, a man-made disaster known as the Farraka Barrage has seriously affected Bangladesh's agriculture, navigation, fisheries, forestry, salinity and various components of the ecosystem.
In 1975 India completed the Farakka Barrage about 11 miles from the borders of Bangladesh to divert 40,000 cfs of the Ganges water into the Bhagirati-Hoogly River with the ostensible purpose of flushing the accumulated silts from the bed of the river and thereby improving the navigability at the Calcutta Port. The unilateral withdrawal of the Ganges water during the low flow months has caused both long-term and short-term effects in Bangladesh.

Long-Term Impacts on Bangladesh:

a) One fourth of the fertile agricultural land will become wasteland due to a shortage of water.
b) Thirty million lives are affected through environmental and economical ruin.
c) An estimated annual economic loss of over half a billion dollars in agricultural, fisheries, navigation and industries.
d) Frequent flooding due to environmental imbalance and changes in the natural flow of the Ganges.
The Immediate Effect on Bangladesh:

a) Reduction in agricultural products due to insufficient water for irrigation.
b) Reduction in aquatic population.
c) Transportation problems: boats rendered useless; tributaries are dry during dry season.
d) Increased salinity threatening crops, animal life drinking water, and industrial activities in southwest Bangladesh.
Steps Taken to Resolve the Problem:

a) Since 1951 negotiations between the former governement of Pakistan and India did not bear any results.
b) After Independence the Indo-Bangladesh Joint Rivers Commission met over 90 times without any results.
c) In April 1975, Bangladesh agreed to a trial operation of the Farakka Barrage for the period from April 21-May 31 to divert 11,000-16,000 cfs. India, however, continued to divert the full capacity of 40,000 cfs after May 31.
d) On November 26, 1976 the U.N. General Assembly adopted a consensus statement directing the parties to arribe at a fair and expeditious settelement.
e) On November 5, 1977 the Ganges Waters Agreement was signed, assuring 34,500 cfs for Bangladesh.
Current Status:
The five-year treaty expired in 1982 and after several shorter extensions, lapsed entirely in 1989. India is now diverting 40,000 cfs with complete disregard of Bangladesh's fair share.

What You Can do to Help Bangladesh:
More than 200 river basins are shared by two or nore countries. The sharing of river basins between countries is the rule rather than the exception. Bangladesh values its friendship with all nations and sincerely urges all nations and humanitarian agencies to utilize their resources to resolve this life-threatening situation.

The International Farakka Committee of New York is looking for ways to bring this crisis to the attention of the United Nations and other humanitarian agencies. If you have any suggestions, please contact any of the following people:

Chairman: Kazi Zakaria (718)699-0965
Senior Vice Chairman: Atiqur R.K. Eusufzai (201)779-2207
Secretary General: Syed Tipu Sultan (718) 217-6645 (H)/(718)529-3343(O)/
fax (718)322-1280
Arif Khan - (Internet) surzzo@aol.com
Why should Bangladesh care what looks to benign to India? Bangladesh does not get its fair share:

You asked why India would be irritated, not whether you care. It doesn't matter whether you care or not, consequences for choices will follow. As for what you have posted, that has nothing more than propoganda value. Dont agree to any treaty with India, if that is your choice. Fight every case internationally & don't ask for India to "show generosity". Matters will clear up very soon. Just like Pakistan's minister can brazenly say that a 80% share in river resources(IWT) is unfair, many in BD have their own idea of how much water should come to it. There is no necessity for India to share any figure approaching 50% with BD, India can simply claim higher percentage for itself. Arguments are always a 2 way street, your arguments are not necessarily the only ones available. BD has to work with India on water sharing(which should involve joint monitors on upstream projects & more upstream projects to be used as reservoirs for BD), imaging that it can resolve this issue any other way is just the stuff of pipe dreams.
Not all of them vote for Awami league but you are right a majority of them do.But only 9% isn't going to win them an election.There's a huge chunk of stupid Muslim Bangladeshis who vote for Hasina too.It is a national problem and trust me bringing BNP to power for five years is not going to solve it.BAL needs to be dealt with permanently.

That's the thing BAL needs to be dealt with permanently. And from 71 till now I probably heard hardly one or two Hindu names within BAL and Co, that BNP also has. india never thought that line, they dealt with majority here which is Muslim. Yeah some steps have to be taken by other political entities so the Hindu people don't cast their vote blindly for BAL. If anyone sees india as a threat to our sovereignty by their agents, those agents all are Muslim...see there's no notable Hindu figure in politics, military etc.
That's the thing BAL needs to be dealt with permanently. And from 71 till now I probably heard hardly one or two Hindu names within BAL and Co, that BNP also has. india never thought that line, they dealt with majority here which is Muslim. Yeah some steps have to be taken by other political entities so the Hindu people don't cast their vote blindly for BAL. If anyone sees india as a threat to our sovereignty by their agents, those agents all are Muslim...see there's no notable Hindu figure in politics, military etc.

Khaleda Zia had two Hindu ministers under her who served and left with respect.Hasina had two and one of them is without any Ministry(yes our Doptorbihin idiot who got caught with the money).Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had no Hindu ministers where Ziaur Rahman appointed a Hindu minister.
forgot Musharraf ? how he used to sell people for dollars, & what bigger then imagination are you talking about ? kid you are getting droned every now & then so with what face are you taunting the Bangladeshis may I ask ?
huh.and why there influence is increasing day by day.have u imagened that why americans are allways mad at us due to these and despite huge pressure there is no fruit to them.are u sure that pakistan will start a war in NW.just think.there is too much behind the curtan.bangladesh AL tried alote to suppress muslims.but the time will tell if they are seculars.u mentioned other islamic countries to be secular. see what heppend to them.egypt fell mursi.and turkey to urdagan.both are islamists not secular.see the writting on the wall.west plays its games.allah plays its own
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