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Counter terrorism: ‘Arabic to be a compulsory subject’ in Pakistan


Radical Mullah's will lose their influance as everyone would be able to understand the religious work on their own.
what i have understood ......if people know Arabic...than will be easy for people to read Koran directly ......and dependability on interpreter or translator will be minimized ......i also believe after that confusion and misleading in society can be reduce ,defiantly it will have positive impact

knowing additional language is added advantage, just because of language no culture is gonna to lost ,
in Indonesia ,in past Sanskrit was spoken (Bali and java Sanskrit has different scrip than Devanagari but structure is same), still in central java Sanskrit is compulsory language in primary school

still in Indonesian and Malay language more than 400 world is directly from Sanskrit (for example adi,surya,swami,stri,putra,putri,samudra,guru,vidya,akshara etc),it doesn't mean they become Indian,they have distinct and very rich culture

in my view Arabic can be introduce as compulsory language ,
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Pakistan should make Sanskrit compulsory too to battle Kuruwali
LOL.. in my view its 1000 years too late.
If you need to lern arabic to get real meaning from the big Q, what have you been guys following so far without understanding???
Big LOL..
I don't think learning different languages means one can lose his/her culture. Nothing wrong is learning different languages, i can read write & speak Arabic and i love my culture
If native Arabic speakers have problem of sectarianism than how can we solve the problem by just teaching little bit Arabic? The root cause of this problem is sectarian mullah brigade and their hate speeches, and fatwas & sermons of these bastards --- make brutal laws & enforcement of these laws to keep these sectarian thugs under control- it's the only way to restore inter-sect & inter-religion harmony.
A foreign language must not be enforced upon students, it should be optional.

I mean English and Urdu aside, students should be given a chance to opt one foreign language, be it French, Chinese, Persian, Turk or Arabic.
and also that one regional language must be taught, be it Balochi, Sindhi, Punjabi or Pashtu, it would make dynamic personalities, beneficial for regional harmony.

the idea to enforce Arabic so that students can learn Quran is ridiculous !
1. In British Bengal primary students had to select a third language from fol available: Arabic, Persian,Urdu,Sanskrit, Pali and possibly Prakrit. The system continued into early years of Pakistan. The govt school I attended had teachers for all. Muslims would opt for Arabic, Persian or Urdu. Arabic being the easiest for us was the popular choice.

2. In addition,for Muslims, there was Deen-yat/Islamy-at , that is elementary Islamic studies.

3. Alas, if Arabic had been developed to become old Pakistan's national language, things might have been different! A substantial number of youth in the madrassas already learn Arabic.

4.Correct teaching of the Holy Qu'ran and Sunna are vital for the Muslims.Doing this in an organized manner/formally from primary stage is a positive move.

5.Kudos to NS.
Excellent choice. Should have been done long ago...
East Pakistan should have adopted Arabic as a compulsory subject.
I don't think this is going to work. If you want folks to read the Qur'an and Islamic text in a language they truly understand, get it translated to Urdu or English. These kind of compulsory teaching of language at low levels never work well.

Take it from me, I spent 3 years supposedly 'learning' French and a year studying German. All I remember of them now is how to swear and insult.

It may work for a few kids, but can only be conversational level speaking, I don't see it doing anything to counter extremism.
Just a word of caution...you lost a country to your east because of language.

Has Urdu not served you well??

Urdu is more Islamic than Punjabi and Arabic is more Islamic than Urdu. They will learn every language of this world but their own.

I don't see major pros. But there are good points made by some senior posters especially that mullahs will not be able to there version of Islam.
Anyways, Pakistani senior posters can shed more light on cons.

Getting admission in the AIT (AlQaeda Institute of Technology) universities will become easier, and this is the only advantage I can foresee.
Getting admission in the AIT (AlQaeda Institute of Technology) universities will become easier, and this is the only advantage I can foresee.

That is significant too. After all its the AIT Universities that have completely mastered all the "Big Bang Theories" in Physics.....................:agree:
That is significant too. After all its the AIT Universities that have completely mastered all the "Big Bang Theories" in Physics.....................:agree:

The Bangs will be much louder and bigger once the Bakistanis have mastered Arabic.
Can someone tell us how learning Arabic is going to stop terrorism and sectarian violence? Is a terrorist going to ask you if you know Arabic before he blows himself up if you don't know it?

Is there no terrorism in Saudi Arabia and its funding for terror groups all over the world?

If you are a Pakistani and a Muslim then you might understand otherwise just leave this issue
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