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Could Xi-the-Pooh have saved China's declining world image?


Mar 21, 2013
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United States
Wednesday, 12 June, 2013


China’s deteriorating world image could use some help, even if it comes from Winnie-the-Pooh and Tigger, said the country’s bloggers.

But unfortunately China's censors have nipped in the bud what could have been a positive PR campaign tailor-made for President Xi Jinping to potentially woo friends and enemies.

The disappointing move came after China’s net users linked two of the world’s most powerful leaders - Xi and US President Barack Obama - as Winnie the Pooh and Tigger this week.

In a Reuters photo, Xi is seen strolling side by side with Obama during their Sunnylands, California, summit at the weekend. Eagle-eyed netizens were reminded of a similar scene involving the two popular fictional characters, and they eagerly shared their discovery on Weibo.

Pictures were later deleted by censors, who apparently did not appreciate the idea of comparing the Chinese president to a chubby bear.


“Was it really necessary to kill cartoons full of positive energy?” Kai-Fu Lee, founder of technology incubator Innovation Works, later protested on his Weibo.

“Look how harmonious and friendly this photo is,” another microblogger wrote. ”Isn’t this what the world wants?”

“Where has [Obama’s] golf club gone?” a reader commented in British newspaper The Sun’s website.

Could Xi-the-Pooh have saved China's declining world image? | South China Morning Post
Just don't bother to read the contents of the article.
What so called the "world image" is the image in the western world, or image that the western media wants to project, to brainwash its' western people.
From beginning till now, those western medias have been continuing nonstop to project an evil image of China.

South China Morning Post is base in HongKong, but it's just a slave of its' western master.
As if China has had good image ever since 1st Opium War. 1st, Fu Manchu, pigtail que even though that dress code was imposed by Manchu invaders. 2nd, yellow plague, which has nothing to do with Chinese but Mongol hordes invading Europe, nevertheless, we Chinese are to blame to carry this image. 3rd, chi comm, thank you German Jew and Russia, for giving this wonderful gift, /rolleyes. If you google, you can find all kinds of derogatory terms about China.

Apparently, in this world, might is right. Today's world media is the western media such as BBC, CNN. I listen to BBC almost everyday here in the U.S. BBC news is always focused on positives, humanistic nature of western nations. They interviewed tragic disaster survivors, how humanitarian people are etc, but they never interviewed the 2 earthquakes' survivors in China; instead they focus on any bad news coming out of China, dramatizing small incidents and thus painting huge picture of entire nation based on those news.

If you listen to BBC, the widely regarded most neutral world media, you will certainly dislike China and its people. They are all inhumane, they feed its people poisons, etc etc. Feeding people with negative news day in and day out from a nation 4 times population as U.S. certainly achieve their agenda, if there is any agenda.

Who the heck cares about Pooh, or world image any way when China never has any positive image since its downfall?
Just don't bother to read the contents of the article.
What so called the "world image" is the image in the western world, or image that the western media wants to project, to brainwash its' western people.
From beginning till now, those western medias have been continuing nonstop to project an evil image of China.

South China Morning Post is base in HongKong, but it's just a slave of its' western master.

Just a toxic post in general. The US gave China the chance for prosperity, which to its credit China took and ran with. It is China's own government (and people like you) that are destroying its global image.

Being an ignorant xenophobe classifying any Chinese newspaper that is more critical of China than the Global Times as being a slave to the west doesn't add value to your point. :rolleyes:
Just a toxic post in general. The US gave China the chance for prosperity, which to its credit China took and ran with. It is China's own government (and people like you) that are destroying its global image.

Being an ignorant xenophobe classifying any Chinese newspaper that is more critical of China than the Global Times as being a slave to the west doesn't add value to your point. :rolleyes:

It's a KKK white supremacist tabloid created by white fascists. Stay out of this Indian.
Just a toxic post in general. The US gave China the chance for prosperity, which to its credit China took and ran with. It is China's own government (and people like you) that are destroying its global image.

we also help usa to recover from their financial disasters by providing liquidity to their system and keeping their inflation low

Global image? We know where we are and we move on regardless of the conspiracies to demonise us at more challenging times than this!

Being an ignorant xenophobe classifying any Chinese newspaper that is more critical of China than the Global Times as being a slave to the west doesn't add value to your point. :rolleyes:

SCMP is a very racist newspaper particularly critical of China!
The image of being soft and spineless on national interest is not an image China needs.
I am sorry, but are you insinuating that we care even slightest about what US' opinion of us? If so, I am terribly sorry for causing this confusion and let me clarify the situation, we don't give a crap about your opinion.

Diplomacy is about how big a gun you have and how often you keep your word, China excels at of both of these points.
Americans talk as if they had a good world image。

Masturbation is always easy,except for those in advanced age,which is not an inappropriate description of the US。:azn:
Just don't bother to read the contents of the article.
What so called the "world image" is the image in the western world, or image that the western media wants to project, to brainwash its' western people.

From beginning till now, those western medias have been continuing nonstop to project an evil image of China.
Really? How about China's image as seen by the Eastern world:

South Korea
Etc, etc

So don't delude yourself that China is loved by all. Except for Sudan, North Korea and Pakistan, no one seems to have a great impression about China, because its arrogance is mind boggling! :P
Really? How about China's image as seen by the Eastern world:

South Korea
Etc, etc

So don't delude yourself that China is loved by all. Except for Sudan, North Korea and Pakistan, no one seems to have a great impression about China, because its arrogance is mind boggling! :P
read this it will answer your questionLooking toward future, U.S. needs China - The Macomb Daily
Really? How about China's image as seen by the Eastern world:

South Korea
Etc, etc

So don't delude yourself that China is loved by all. Except for Sudan, North Korea and Pakistan, no one seems to have a great impression about China, because its arrogance is mind boggling! :P

The ignorance lf an Indian who knows nothing about his own continent is mind boggling- :omghaha:

The most right wing, Malay nationalist leader said China is not a threat to Malaysia.

Malaysia's Mahathir says China is no threat - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Mahathir: China no threat to Malaysia

Koleksi Arkib Ucapan Ketua Eksekutif

Mahathir Mohamad

The country of China and Malaysian Chinese are viewed differently by the Malays. Malay nationalists don't view the country of China as an enemy or a threat, and in the Philippines one the current president's grandfathers was a Chinese.

You also forget, while the Philippines and Vietnam may work together in ASEAN and only claim parts of the spratly islands, Taiwan claims the entire island chain like China and refuses to recognize or work with Vietnam and the Philippines. Most Vietnamese and Filipino women in Taiwan are mail order brides and are looked down upon.

Vietnam Demands Taiwan Cancel Spratly Island Live Fire Drill - Bloomberg

Cambodia and Malaysia have both rejected demands to turn ASEAN into an anti China alliance. Mahathir told the Americans to go screw themselves when they ask Malaysia to adopt an anti China stance, and America's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan have made it unpopular. Cambodia rejected all initiatives by Vietnam and the Philippines to bring up the south China sea dispute at ASEAN.

Some Ethnic minorities in Myanmar hate the Burmese government and love China and Chinese things instead. In Wa state the Wa people use Chinese language, currency, telecommunications and love Chinese culture while they hate everything Burmese. Their United Wa state army is backed by China. The Kachin, Karen and other minorities also hate the Burmese.

Other asian countries hate each other than with China and some don't even have a problem with China like Laos and Cambodia. The Philippine Suluks who invaded Malaysia because the Philippines claims to Sabah, a single temple of a religion nobody in Cambodia or Thailand practices has led to bloodshed between the two countries, and Laos construction fo the Xayaburi Dam threatens Cambodia and Vietnam.

Preah Vihear Temple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't delude yourselves into thinking that everyone sees the same China the same way as you. China and Taiwan both reject the illegal claims of Vietnam and the Philippines in the Spratlys and view them as intruders and illegal thieves. Taiwan holds live fire drills on Taiping and ignores Vietnam's whining. The issue of the spratlys is viewed as bilateral in China and Taiwan with regards to the one China issue and all third parties like Vietnam and the Philippines are viewed as INVADERS.
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