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Could Iran be a future problem?

I'm trilingual, no need to translate, I understood your foolishness from your first post.

I have many Lebanese friends, Hezbollah offers Lebanon protection from Israeli aggression and also gives support to Palestinians in a time where they have no one to turn to.

Israel in its current state is not feasible as a state, it is the root cause of all extremism in the mid east.

My thread is related to how they would interact with Pakistan from position of a stronger political position, that is the real question mark.

Are you denying Israels right to exist? please answer this question and I was simply telling you that Pakistan should be careful of Iran's ulterior motives in the regions and afterall I am sure pakistan does not want instability in the region, which is already volatile to say the least.
Are you denying Israels right to exist? please answer this question and I was simply telling you that Pakistan should be careful of Iran's ulterior motives in the regions and afterall I am sure pakistan does not want instability in the region, which is already volatile to say the least.

Israelis would be safer if they packed their bags and moved to the US/Canada/Europe where they rightfully belong.

The whole region would become free of extremism and everyone can live happily ever after.
My dear friends, be careful of iran and their ambitions to get nuclear weapons... some people have already bought into the whole peaceful civil energy crap that the cleric are pumping out of Iran however you folks should know that in case Iran does achieve nuclear warhead capabilities then rest assured middle east will be one unstable place. In case you are doubting about stability, just check what the Saud Areb and Turkie's opinion on potential nuclear iran and you will get the idea.


Pakistan has weapons, India, China, and Russia has them. Israel has them. And US nuclear submarines roam in the hormuz?

What would anyone do if they were in Iran's place?

Israelis would be safer if they packed their bags and moved to the US/Canada/Europe where they rightfully belong.

The whole region would become free of extremism and everyone can live happily ever after.

Well this cannot be done now. Its like saying Pakistanis should go back to Arabia which the extremist hindus used to say.

A two state solution is what many say could solve the problem.
Israelis would be safer if they packed their bags and moved to the US/Canada/Europe where they rightfully belong.

The whole region would become free of extremism and everyone can live happily ever after.

olalalla, are you sure you would say such hateful anti-semetic thing about country like israel, which happens to be one of the most progressive countries in the region. Even if you dislike Israel, can you atleast consider a proper two state solution pre1967 border with Israel or are you too much of a bigot to realize that. My friend we need peace in the region not war and @Silverblaze , mon ami you have not watch this video iran primeministre mahmet ahmedinajad

In fact this person is so ridiculous that he even denies the tragic incident on Septembre 11 and call it a conspiracy, I mean seriously can you trust this irrational person with nuclear warheads and what about our allies +partners in middle east a la Turkey and Saud Arab.
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olalalla, are you sure you would say such hateful anti-semetic thing about country like israel, which happens to be one of the most progressive countries in the region. Even if you dislike Israel, can you atleast consider a proper two state solution pre1967 border with Israel or are you too much of a bigot to realize that. My friend we need peace in the region not war and @Silverblaze , mon ami you have not watch this video iran primeministre mahmet ahmedinajad

In fact this person is so ridiculous that he even denies the tragic incident on Septembre 11 and call it a conspiracy, I mean seriously can you trust this irrational person with nuclear warheads and what about our allies +partners in middle east a la Turkey and Saud Arab.


Israel is holding an entire community of people in a cage in Palestine. That is barbaric.

If you are a human and love your fellow human being you do not behave like that. Israel does not deserve to exist, the world will consume her sooner or later, that is the way of the world and how it treats such people.
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In fact this person is so ridiculous that he even denies the tragic incident on Septembre 11 and call it a conspiracy, I mean seriously can you trust this irrational person with nuclear warheads and what about our allies +partners in middle east a la Turkey and Saud Arab.

Ahmedinejad will hardly have access to nukes. Only the Grand Ayatollah would hold the authority to do that.
Iranian politicians are bunch of idiots who are pushing the country towards extinction. As far as invasion is concerned while Iran would like to have strong offensive capabilities and dominate the Persian gulf, a free and strong Pro-Pakistan Iran is beneficial to Pakistan in the long term. No estimates of Iran would invade Pakistan but as history hints it has hands in creating local sectarian chaos.

Ahmedinejad will hardly have access to nukes. Only the Grand Ayatollah would hold the authority to do that.

And you will be his personal spokesman on PDF?

Pakistan based Jandullah terror group made huge damage to Pak Iran relations. But Pakistan is also victim of terrorism.

And so did Iran backed Tehrek e Jaffaria.

Iran is ruled by lunatics and that is a danger grave enough.
My point was to show that Ahmedinejad is a mere puppet. Iran's strings are in the hands of its elite, with the Ayatollah at the top.....

Which makes it a theocratic dictatorship !

The kind Osama and Taliban want to impose around the world.
Iran is the biggest covert and silent ally of US and Zionists in the middle east which it proved by its covert moral and strategic support for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. it wants to create a shia bloc in the heart of mideast to bully and intimidate the sunnis. no surprise that the clown Ahmadinejad got a shoe welcome on his visit to Egypt. Iran is fully supporting the genocide of sunnis in Syria by arming his alawite ally maloon Bashar Al-Assad who has till date martyred 80,000+ sunnis. Therefore no good should be expected from this majoos mushrik nation of Iran who wud never let any opportunity to harm the muslim ummah slip from hands whenever it gets a chance which it has time and again proven.
And so did Iran backed Tehrek e Jaffaria.

And armed militant organizations as well.

We can keep our relation with Iran based on trade and whatever suits our interest. There is and will be no love between us.

Which makes it a theocratic dictatorship !

The kind Osama and Taliban want to impose around the world.

And what is KSA's form of government if not similar?
Iran is the biggest covert and silent ally of US and Zionists in the middle east which it proved by its covert moral and strategic support for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. it wants to create a shia bloc in the heart of mideast to bully and intimidate the sunnis. no surprise that the clown Ahmadinejad got a shoe welcome on his visit to Egypt. Iran is fully supporting the genocide of sunnis in Syria by arming his alawite ally maloon Bashar Al-Assad who has till date martyred 80,000+ sunnis. Therefore no good should be expected from this majoos mushrik nation of Iran who wud never let any opportunity to harm the muslim ummah slip from hands whenever it gets a chance which it has time and again proven.

Syria are fighting a war of survival just like Pakistan are.

Those "rebels" are funded and armed by US/Israel/Saudi/Qatar. Israel can bomb Syria like they did in Damascus and these so called muslims would not say a word and carry on.

For you to believe that the militancy in Syria is right, you are backing Israel and not your "ummah".

You are ideologically confused.

In other posts I have noticed you have no sense of patriotism and can belittle your army based on lies.

I suggest you leave Pakistan and never return.
well if after a massacre and genocide of 80,000+ innocent muslim babies, women, elderly and men at the hands of those shia alawite thugs u call it a US/Israel sponsered rebellion then i say lanat on your aql and ur existence.

were those muslim babies who were slaughtered, those sisters whose wombs torn apart, those elderly whose eyes gorged out, those youth cut into pieces by those shia alawite thugs were also US/Israeli agents?

Moreover i m not ideologically confused rather its u who's become mentally and intellectually retarded because of seeing every thing through the lens of nationalism and patriotism rather than islam.

And yes i m no brainwashed indoctrinated nationalist or patriot like you rather my point of reference for every thing is islam and shariah alone. i consider nationalism and patriotism (in which u justify everything of ur country without consideration of right and wrong) as shirk and kufr.

and dont try to act like some self appointed thekaydar of Pakistan and keep ur stupid suggestions to urself.

If ur so much in love with those kafirs of syria then keep loving them. I wud keep loving and supporting the momineen.
Iran is more worried about the western front. It will keep good-okay relations with Pakistan.

US forces are more close to Iran's eastern border than western.
Applying common sense....... it shall be more worried about eastern border!

It is quite interesting to note that an unguarded Iran - Afghanistan border is all peaceful, while heavily guarded Pakistan - Afghanistan border is burning Pakistan flags and all sort of attacks.
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