09 : 或曰: 以德報怨, 何如? 子曰: 何以報德? 以直報怨, 以德報德。
Hoặc viết: Dĩ đức báo oán, hà như? Tử viết: Hà dĩ báo đức? Dĩ trực báo oán, dĩ đức báo đức
Student: "Should we use love/merci to exchange with the hate from the enemies "?
Confucius : why should we ?? Use upright/right things that the good confucius man always do to exchange with the hate.
(Buddhism taught us to exchange love/mercy wt the hate while Confucius want the hater must get some lessons, so he must change his mind and stop doing bad things, stop Envying with the good men and start doing like what the good men always do)
After the lost in Rolling thunder operation in North VN sky in 1972, US troops were forced to withdraw from South VN. Many of them still were very angry and hate "Vietcong" cos they were WW2 winners but "defeated " in small-poor country like VN .
But we didn't hate them, we said goodbye to them with the red carpet, treating them like VIP. Why we did that ?? Bcs Confucius taught us to exchange the hate with upright/right things that the good confucius man always do ( VN is our home, US is your home, pls go back to your home or we will still have to keep fighting to protect our home )
Bye bye US troops (1973), safe trips to u guys ( North VN soldier was taking some pictures )
Good confucius men, who always do the right things, will always be the last Winner , in wars and in any pademics. Thats why when Cnese here said that "VN may suffer the same wt Wuhan !". We said : " No, we never suffer the same, cos we know how to deal with all bad situation in the right ways"