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Conflict between India, Pakistan not religious: Israel

As evidenced by the 1935 elections the voting was done by Hindus purely on religious grounds as well. Muslim dominated areas chose AIML, and Hindus chose AIC.

Can't agree with your reading. The congress part did not claim to represent only Hindus while the Muslim league was quite clearly concerned with the Muslims alone. Do you think Hindus would have voted for a Muslim league?
Do you know what chines people call you ?

Hindu.... They dont know what is india.

No, they don't call india as "hindu",,like we call china in hindi as "cheen". Like we call egypt as "Missrr" in hindi.

chiness call india as "yindu" in there language."They don't call indians as "yindu" unlike you guys" They call indians as indians..!

On topic :

I agree with what he said but he is also smartly trying to link the isreal-palestin issue with india-kash issue.:no:
Conflict between India, Pakistan not religious: Israel

Israel today said differences between India and Pakistan have nothing to do with religion and these are mainly political in nature.

"The conflict between India and Pakistan is not religious, it is political. Differences of opinion on political issues is there between the two countries. It is not the conflict between Hindus and Muslims," Israel's ambassador to India Mark Sofer said.

He said same is the case with Israel and Palestine.

"The Israel-Palestine issue is also not religious in nature...the conflict we have is not between Jews and Muslims....Twenty per cent of Israelis are Muslims so this is not a religious conflict," Sofer said.

On his recent visit to Ajmer dargah, he said it was appreciated in his country.

"It was a good experience and the response in Israel was quite positive," he said.

Conflict between India, Pakistan not religious: Israel - World - DNA

There is some truth to this statement. Both Pakistan and Israel were created on religious lines. Israelis have to a large extent resolved the differences between Ashkenazi and Safadi Jews and given full rights to the Druze; Palestinian Arabs are still subjugated.

There is a significant percentage of Palestinian Christians who were also ousted by the Jews and now are part of the Al Fatah. Hamas on the other hand is almost entirely Muslim. Since the days of Nasser it has been Arab versus Jews.

Almost universally Arab will support an Arab versus non Arab regardless of the religion. Late King Hussein of Jordan when asked on the BBC TV; why he was supporting Iraq against Iran when it was Saddam who attacked Iran; he replied that whether right or wrong, how can an Arab not support another Arab? It can therefore be argued that their conflict is between Jews and Arabs, not between Jews and Muslims

On the other hand, Indian Muslim’s loyalty toward India is doubted every time there is a Hindu/Muslim conflict in India. BJP in particular dub anyone objecting to Hiduvta policy as Pakistan spy. I saw a scene on Indian TV when BJP karsavaks burst into the office of a Kashmiri leader shouting “Qaum ka ghaddaar hai, jootey maro saley ko”. IMO Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena and RSS practice extreme bigotry witout remorse.

Thus even though Pakistan/India dispute is primarily political; bigots on both sides have irrevocably intertwined it with religion. Greatest irony being that India is home to more Muslims than Pakistan. However followers of Maulana Madani, who was the strongest critic of the Quaid and of the partition; now practice bigotry against non Muslims in Pakistan in the name of religion.

Finally it is a universal truth that majority always ill treats minority. Hindus will terrorize Muslims in India. Sunnis will do the same to Shias in Saudi Arabia. Shias ill-treat Sunnis in Iran. Kurds are subjugated in Turkey. Immigrants suffer prejudice in the UK, France and Germany and Blacks face the same in the Southern USA.

Since population in the West is more sophisticated and liberal; you would find many members of the majority siding with the minority, not so in the 3rd world. I was personally labeled as being ‘put up by the Jews’ by an honorable member of this forum. Because of this people shy away from supporting the victims of mob injustice and inhuman treatment.
The division of the subcontinent had religious catalysts. But relogion was not the basis. M Ali Jinnah made it clear that Pakistan was supposed to be a modern republic not an Islamic one. The friction between both countries has faults with the eastablishment on both sides of the LoC. But Mark Sofer is not correct in his observation. The ME conflict has religious roots. The Jewish arrogance and the Arab hostility both stem from religion. That is not the case with India and Pakistan.
Conflict between India, Pakistan not religious: Israel

Israel today said differences between India and Pakistan have nothing to do with religion and these are mainly political in nature.

"The conflict between India and Pakistan is not religious, it is political. Differences of opinion on political issues is there between the two countries. It is not the conflict between Hindus and Muslims," Israel's ambassador to India Mark Sofer said.

He said same is the case with Israel and Palestine.

"The Israel-Palestine issue is also not religious in nature...the conflict we have is not between Jews and Muslims....Twenty per cent of Israelis are Muslims so this is not a religious conflict," Sofer said.

On his recent visit to Ajmer dargah, he said it was appreciated in his country.

"It was a good experience and the response in Israel was quite positive," he said.

Conflict between India, Pakistan not religious: Israel - World - DNA

was that supposed to be a joke ...............

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