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Comparison of Asian national space programs

loll seriously soheil????
ur making me laugh. :rofl:
the biggest iranian rocket is smaller than indian missile. u guys dont even know what a cryogenic engine means???
by 2020 india will have gslv mk3 lvm3,lvm 4 and lvm5 all using 2000kn semi cryogenic stage. max list capacity will be 16000 to 18000 kg and will be working on nxt heavy rocket.

india has already built mastered and tested cryogenic upper stage. this is the most complex of a rocket, u cnat be a space power if u havnt built this.
india is a world leader is building satellites and in 14 months from now will have its own gps covering asia.

today india has almost everything to launch humans into space, the only reason why we havnt done is that isro has still to prove the reliability of gslv to govt. human space flight is the main thing that we r behind china and should be catching up soon after gslv proves reliable.

u think iran can beat india in all this lets see :lol:

can u show me the designs of the rocket ur talking about, not those fancy drawings that iranians make for fun.

ok ! lets see :D

wait & see what will happen in 2016 :smokin:

u know the future??....ur god...

predictions and estimates are something not very reliable...they are all based on whats happening today...till 2020 ISRO wont be a silent spectator...

whats the heaviest sat launched till date??...last launch was in 2011 ryt??

new rockets coming soon
@punjabimunda, There is no need to get all worked up....look at the rate at which Iran and India are progressing

u mean in 8 yrs iran will build a complete cryogenic engine of its own and then test a cryogenic upper stage all on its own, then go ahead and develop reentry technology and then build data relay satellites to moniter the human space module.
they will also built a gps on their own as they r the masters inelectronics and progrmamming.
they will also build a module and a rocket that can take 22 tonnes in space, a life support system, ejection crew system and a 1000 other things.:lol:

india is already done with 90% of things i listed above and almost preparing some techs for human spaceflight program. crew ejection system of isro will be tested by 2012 june. its almost ready. so u mean when iran will do the impossible in 8 yrs.

dude lets be serious here. i have not even seen a single official picture or drawing of iranian rocket. they dont even have a rocket engine testing centre and they r dreaming of something else in nxt 6 yrs.

they only way iran can send a human in space by 2018 is like the way alan spepard went to space on an irbm in a small and unsafe module, which iran has.

developing a complete human spaceflight program in 6 yrs is impossible period.

ok ! lets see :D

wait & see what will happen in 2016 :smokin:

new rockets coming soon

can u show me the offical pics of the rocket plzzzz not the fancy drawings lolll..
in 2020


Lool I don't think so.

I hope Iran progresses and wish Iran all the bestbeing part Iranian (Parsi) myself I always had a soft spot for Iran and all but can not over take India. Certainly not by 2020.

Iran launched its' first satellite in 2005 (and independently in 2009) where as India launched it's first satellite in 1975 ( and independently in 1980).

The heaviest satellite ever launched by Iran weighs 50kg in LEO orbit and is yet to launch any satellite in GEO orbit. India has 5 tonne (100 times heavier than Iran's heaviest satellite) in LEO and 2.5 tonne satellite in GEO orbit.

So ISRO (India) is already 3 decades advanced than ISA (Iran) currently and has nearly 3 times the budget of ISA. So, if ISRO just sits idle for next three decades then ISA might catch up but which is not going to be the case.

Iran is still looking to send FIRST EVER Astronauts whereas India is looking for Soft Lunar Impact, Manned mission, Mars mission, Man on the moon, reusable launching vehicle.

Comparison of Asian national space programs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of space agencies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Satellite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lool I don't think so.

I hope Iran progresses and wish Iran all the bestbeing part Iranian (Parsi) myself I always had a soft spot for Iran and all but can not over take India. Certainly not by 2020.

Iran launched its' first satellite in 2005 (and independently in 2009) where as India launched it's first satellite in 1975 ( and independently in 1980).

The heaviest satellite ever launched by Iran weighs 50kg in LEO orbit and is yet to launch any satellite in GEO orbit. India has 5 tonne (100 times heavier than Iran's heaviest satellite) in LEO and 2.5 tonne satellite in GEO orbit.

So ISRO (India) is already 3 decades advanced than ISA (Iran) currently and has nearly 3 times the budget of ISA. So, if ISRO just sits idle for next three decades then ISA might catch up but which is not going to be the case.

Iran is still looking to send FIRST EVER Astronauts whereas India is looking for Soft Lunar Impact, Manned mission, Mars mission, Man on the moon, reusable launching vehicle.

Comparison of Asian national space programs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of space agencies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Satellite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i wish there was a comparison. it would have been fun to compete with iran, but there is none. they r where india was in 1980s and want to bridge the gap in 6 yrs loll. its sounds funny to be honest.
i think israel is ahead of iran
You think correct. Israel currently has 3 operational 300 kg spy satellites produced and launched by itself + 3 spy satellites made by Israel but launched by foreign countries (including one SAR) + 3 communication satellites made by Israel and launched by foreign country.

Iran has NONE. All the 15-50 kg toys which Iran has launched so far deceased after 1-2 months.
You think correct. Israel currently has 3 operational 300 kg spy satellites produced and launched by itself + 3 spy satellites made by Israel but launched by foreign countries (including one SAR) + 3 communication satellites made by Israel and launched by foreign country.

Iran has NONE. All the 15-50 kg toys which Iran has launched so far deceased after 1-2 months.

I agree that Israel is ahead right now, but leaving this Iran v Israel nonsense aside for a bit then you cannot deny their good achievement. I mean to send a satellite into orbit using a 2 stage SLV is extremely difficult. it means their second stage technology must very advanced. this point is not what Iran done so far, but the rate. Iran space program is very new and they are making quite impressive speed.
their newest launch was 50kg and their previous was 21kg so they double their mass everytime. their next satellite zafar will be 100kg I think.

even your uzi rubin said he is very impressed.

In 3 years they are expecting to launch a one ton sat, also they use their own patented special fuel which they say is extremely efficient.

I think israel v Iran is nonsense since persian hate saudis not Israelis. so dont fuel the fire.
I agree that Israel is ahead right now, but leaving this Iran v Israel nonsense aside for a bit then you cannot deny their good achievement. I mean to send a satellite into orbit using a 2 stage SLV is extremely difficult. it means their second stage technology must very advanced. this point is not what Iran done so far, but the rate. Iran space program is very new and they are making quite impressive speed.
their newest launch was 50kg and their previous was 21kg so they double their mass everytime. their next satellite zafar will be 100kg I think.

even your uzi rubin said he is very impressed.

In 3 years they are expecting to launch a one ton sat, also they use their own patented special fuel which they say is extremely efficient.

I think israel v Iran is nonsense since persian hare saudis not Israelis. so dont fuel the fire.
Hey Christian Greek! What do you have to do with Persians?
I am here to promote peace between Iranians and americans.
also I am an AMERICA, half greek.
it is none of your business so fck off you dirty camel fcker.
LOL a Greek who speaks Persian and have only Persian friends and comments only on Persian issues:rofl::drag:
The United States gained the ability to fix satellites in orbit with the manned Space Shuttle. For example, the Hubble Space Telescope was repaired and upgraded in orbit. To build a separate upgraded Hubble replacement on Earth would have required many years and an additional delay in scheduling a launch.

By the way, no one cares about Indian coulda, woulda, and shoulda. Talk is cheap. If you Indians can't put a man in space, please stop bragging that you can. I can also claim Taiwan "coulda" put a man in space. There, Taiwan and India are on an equal footing.

There is a saying in America: "put up or shut up."

What??? seriously dude Try post sensible.
i wish there was a comparison. it would have been fun to compete with iran, but there is none. they r where india was in 1980s and want to bridge the gap in 6 yrs loll. its sounds funny to be honest.

You guys don't understand something.......each country is equally capable of progressing in every field....

How much a country progresses in what field, depends upon, how much fund they are allocating for R&D in that field....
And it is common sense that, bigger the country's economy is, more fund they would be able to allocate for scientific R&D
i.e in short, a country's progress in science and tech. depends upon its economic growth....

Now, keeping in mind India's present economic condition, if this continues, then all of India's ambitious projects might remain ambitious for ever...they might never materialize OR materialize very slowly due to lack of funds.....
(If you keep your eyes and ears open, you'll notice the horrible condition Indian economy is in....
High inflation, negative industrial growth, falling rupee are few indicators......
Corruption is eating away our economic growth.....)
India's progress in science and tech is bound to get affected by this economic downturn.....and god forbid, this downturn can lead to total economic collapse if CORRUPTION is not checked....

I am not saying that Iran would be able to send humans to moon by 2020....BUT the way they are progressing it is very likely that they would be able to complete the projects they have undertaken in time......whereas India might not be able to do so....This might make a difference.....
If India gets stuck OR progress very slowly with its projects while Iran races ahead with its projects then it is obvious that Iran will soon be able to bridge whatever gap they have with India....
And 8 yrs is a huge time for a fast progressing country....
Iran is not like India, where an anti-corruption bill cannot be passed for 43 yrs, yet our politicians say "what's the urgency, let democracy take its time"......almost half a century is nothing to them.....
Manned spacecraft programs
China – 2003 – Shenzhou
Japan – 2020[48] – JAXA manned HTV now, Fuji was
India - 2020 or later – Orbital Vehicle[49]
Iran – 2021 – ISA manned spacecraft

Space shuttle programs
Including shuttle-shaped hypersonic reentry vehicles reach to space.
Japan – 1996[50] – HYFLEX under HOPE-X program
India – 2010/11 – AVATAR RLV (approved by ISRO)
China – ? – Shenlong, Project 921-3

Orbiters to Moon
Japan – 1990 – Hiten/Hagoromo
China – 2007 – Chang'e 1
India – 2008 – Chandrayaan-1

Orbiters to Mars
Japan – 1998 – Nozomi
China – 2011 – Yinghuo-1 [51] (failed)
India – 2013–2015 – Mars mission[21]

Intentional Moon landings
Japan – 1993 – Hiten (systematically crashed on end-mission)
India – 2008 – MIP (Moon impactor)
China – 2009 – Chang'e 1 (systematically crashed on end-mission)

Lunar Soft landing programs
China – 2013 – Chang'e 3
India – 2014 – Chandrayaan-2
Japan – 2016 – Selene-2[52][53]

Multi-satellite simultaneous launches (by number)
India – 10 Satellites (PSLV-CA C9, 2008)
Japan – 8 Satellites (H-IIA F15, 2009)[54]
People's Republic of China – 3 Satellites (1981)

The heaviest satellite launch vehicle in each country (in active, by capacity)
Japan – H-IIB – LEO 19t / GTO 8t (2009 – active)
China – CZ-3B/E – LEO 12t / GTO 5.5t (1996 – active)
India – GSLV – LEO 5t / GTO 2.5t (2001 – active)
Israel – Shavit – LEO 0.4t (1988 – active)
Iran – Safir-2B – LEO 50 kg (2008 – active)
South Korea – KSLV-1 – LEO 0.1t (2009 – active)
North Korea – Taepodong-2(Unha-2) – ? (2006 – active)

Continuous satellite launch success (by number)
China – Long March – 75 times for 13 years (1996–2009)
Japan – N, H and Mu – 33 times for 15 years (1979–1994)
India – ASLV, PSLV and GSLV – 12 times for 12 years (1994–2005)
Israel – Shavit – 3 times for 8 years (1988–1995)
Iran – Safir – 4 times for 4 years (2009–2012)

Comparison of Asian national space programs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baloney. GSLV uses Russian engines. You can't call it Indian.

The most complicated part of a heavy-lift rocket is the engine. GSLV relies on Russian engines.

The two "indigenous" Indian GSLV engine clones blew up.

The GSLV is Russian.
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