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Comparison of Asian national space programs

over all chinese program is much ahead in the game and is also more agressive.
i would say that the japnese program is now not as ambitious as indian and in the future india is going much ahead.

india's first irnss gps satellite will be lucnched within a few months and only the fifth country in the world to have a navigation system.

sre2( recovery module) which will prove almost all techs needed for the human travel will be launched this year. it will take some living beings into space. this will prove that india is ready for real human space travel. although much more work needs to be done.

the gslv lvm 3 can take same as long march long march 3b into space and the lvm 4 and lvm 5 can take upto 16000 kg to leo. india has already built heavier rockets for human travel. indian human space flight program will be spread from 2015 to 2025.

i dont think india right now has any plans to build a space station or do docking in space. but maybe after 2015 or later.

one thing that india is working on and china is not is a reusable rocket which and india test willbe carried within 2 yrs.
Why so many posts on space capabilities? Should name Pakistan Defence Forum to Pakistan Space Forum

The upcoming Chinese MANNED space launch attracts a lot of worldwide attention in the mainstream American press (such as the CNN article cited below from yesterday). Hence, there is a natural tendency for excitement and attention among the masses in the MANNED space programs.


State media: China to launch manned spacecraft this month - CNN.com

"State media: China to launch manned spacecraft this month
By the CNN Wire Staff
updated 7:26 AM EDT, Sat June 9, 2012


A visitor looks at a spacesuit used by Chinese astronauts at the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum in Shanghai on January 4, 2012.

(CNN) -- China plans to launch a manned spacecraft this month to dock with a space lab that has been orbiting the Earth since September, state media reported Saturday.

The Shenzhou-9 was moved to a launch platform Saturday to allow scientists to conduct tests before the mid-June flight, Xinhua news agency reported.

This will be China's first crew expedition involving manual docking. If all goes as planned, it will be the third nation, next to the U.S. and Russia, to dock capsules in space.

"It demonstrates China's continued commitment to becoming a first-class space power with an independent space capability," Taylor Fravel, associate professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said this year when China announced its plans.

'This is very exclusive club.'
there are aspects in which China is ahead, and there are aspects in which India is ahead.
But overall the Indian programme is superior to chinese.
Actually no.........
Except commercially, CNA is superior to ISRO in every way............
The latest schedules put India's manned mission to moon in 2024.........(taking the GSLV in consideration)and China's in 2029
Maybe then ISRO will be a leg up, perhaps....
but not until then.........
Actually, they do........
If they would have been copying, we would have seen much more than some Rehbar sounding Rockets........;)

'Copy-Pasting' in this field is not that easy.....
i dont think india right now has any plans to build a space station or do docking in space. but maybe after 2015 or later.

ISRO is planing for satellite docking and rendezvous involving two small spacecrafts. ISRO wants to replenish fuel and replace power packs of in orbit satellites so that other hardware (like communication modules or radar/optical module) can be use for much longer period of time (may be 20-30 years). This will make a satellite reusable even when it runs out of fuel and this bring down cost as ISRO doesnt have to launch a whole new satellite for replacement. The docking experiment will demonstrate such capabilities.

Very similar to this :
World's First Space Gas Station for Satellites to Launch in 2015 | Space Junk, Orbital Debrs & In-Space Satellite Refueling | Satellite Servicing and Refueling, SIS Satellite | Space.com
I think SpaceX will send a man to the ISS before India can send a man to space. When india say that it plans to send a man to space at 2015 and the astronaut selection process has not yet commenced, you can smell that it will be another LCA or Arjun project.

Actually no.........
Except commercially, CNA is superior to ISRO in every way............
The latest schedules put India's manned mission to moon in 2024.........(taking the GSLV in consideration)and China's in 2029
Maybe then ISRO will be a leg up, perhaps....
but not until then.........

I do believe that when it comes to "scheduling", India is ahead of everyone except the US.
I think SpaceX will send a man to the ISS before India can send a man to space. When india say that it plans to send a man to space at 2015 and the astronaut selection process has not yet commenced, you can smell that it will be another LCA or Arjun project.

I do believe that when it comes to "scheduling", India is ahead of everyone except the US.

You do understand that Spacex technology comes from NASA, they don have to develop that on their own. Human space flight is not a priority for ISRO, rather creating space based applications and space exploration is given importance. ISRO PSLV can launch 3 ton to LEO, so if ISRO wanted it could have diverted its resources in sending a human to space.

What Did US gained by sending humans to space??? What are we gaining from ISS??
You do understand that Spacex technology comes from NASA, they don have to develop that on their own. Human space flight is not a priority for ISRO, rather creating space based applications and space exploration is given importance. ISRO PSLV can launch 3 ton to LEO, so if ISRO wanted it could have diverted its resources in sending a human to space.

What Did US gained by sending humans to space??? What are we gaining from ISS??

The United States gained the ability to fix satellites in orbit with the manned Space Shuttle. For example, the Hubble Space Telescope was repaired and upgraded in orbit. To build a separate upgraded Hubble replacement on Earth would have required many years and an additional delay in scheduling a launch.

By the way, no one cares about Indian coulda, woulda, and shoulda. Talk is cheap. If you Indians can't put a man in space, please stop bragging that you can. I can also claim Taiwan "coulda" put a man in space. There, Taiwan and India are on an equal footing.

There is a saying in America: "put up or shut up."
there are aspects in which China is ahead, and there are aspects in which India is ahead.
But overall the Indian programme is superior to chinese.

incorrect it's not the Chinese space program is ahead now your either speaking on blind nationalism.

India space program is more indigenous, while Japan's intertwined with NASA

there is nothing indigenous about indian space programme all russian help only, i even doubt if indian space research has built anything of their own yet.
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