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Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

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If Pakistanis actually concentrated on the short comings of their country that have held it back since independance than today Pakistan would more like Eygpet or Turkey AND LESS like Northy Korea or Afghanistan.

Its politics huge fear of INDIAN DOMINATION HEGOMONEY has led to them wasting their already small resources in a futile arms race with their GIANT NEIGHBOUR.

No matter how you dress down india or its poor citizens with reports of hunger. malnutrition poverty NOBODY can deny the rapid growth projected of the indian GDP in multi trillon dollars GDP.

PAKISTANS should be concerned of INDIA,S TOTAL DOMINANCE industrially in this neighbourhood they need to ANSWER this huge disparity... which is gowing year in year.
If Pakistanis actually concentrated on the short comings of their country that have held it back since independance than today Pakistan would more like Eygpet or Turkey AND LESS like Northy Korea or Afghanistan.

Its politics huge fear of INDIAN DOMINATION HEGOMONEY has led to them wasting their already small resources in a futile arms race with their GIANT NEIGHBOUR.

No matter how you dress down india or its poor citizens with reports of hunger. malnutrition poverty NOBODY can deny the rapid growth projected of the indian GDP in multi trillon dollars GDP.

PAKISTANS should be concerned of INDIA,S TOTAL DOMINANCE industrially in this neighbourhood they need to ANSWER this huge disparity... which is gowing year in year.
An old saying goes, the bigger they are, they harder they fall, comming out of that, our giant neighbor seems to thrive by toying around with it's smaller neighbours, hence it's not Pakistan that is obsessed, a country of India's size should be a major player not a poor man's super power.
If India is so great, then why is it that it still has the world's largest population of the poor, the hungry, the illiterates, the malnourished by all accounts from UN and related international agencies?
In the social services domain, India is anything but great. Quite bad actually.. But improving.. Slower than I would like it to, but still improving. However Pakistan is much worse.. Since the thread is about comparison, I thought it necessary to draw the same..

Why is it that Indian planning commission member Syeda Hameed acknowledges that Pakistan and, even Bangladesh have done a better job in terms of nutrition for their population?

You should ask her

Why is it that WHO-UNICEF study shows 665 million Indians defecate in the open?
Because they do..

Why is it that Lizette Burgers, chief of water and environment sanitation of the Unicef, recently said India is making progress in providing sanitation but it lags behind most of the other countries in South Asia, including Pakistan, Bangladesh and even war-torn Afghanistan?
Sanitation is not the only criteria that determines your favourite Human Development Index..where India scores higher than Pakistan in overall score and in most constituent factors.. Both India and Pakistan are pathetic, but Pakistan is worse...

Why is it that, according to FAO, Indians get only 33% of their calories from non-food grain sources while Pakistanis get about 50% from non-food grain sources?
And that proves what?? That most Indians are vegetarians ..??:azn:

Why is it that India ranks 66th on the 2008 Global Hunger Index of 88 countries while Pakistan is slightly better at 61 and Bangladesh slightly worse at 70.

Some what similar reason to why Pakistan rates 101/135 in United nations's Human Development Report 2009- Human Poverty index where as India is significantly better at 88/135

Incidently the same Global Hunger report of 88 countries shows 2 more things

1. India in last 2 decades has improved its GHI by 25% but Pakistan has only done so by 14%. Considering the low diff between India and Pakistan, lets wait for this year's report and this arguement of yours will also bite the dust

2. Pakistan has a higher percentage of undernourished people (23%) than India (21%).. And a higher Infant mortality rate as well..

Why is it that , according to Werner International, Pakistan's per capita consumption of textile fibers is about 4 Kg versus 2.8 Kg for India. Global average is 6.8 Kg and the industrialized countries' average consumption is 17 Kg per person per per year.
So Pakistanis use more cloth than Indians.. Climate must be hotter in India, being closer to the equator... :azn:

Wake up and smell the rotten veggies!

Getting flustered .. is it??
People want to leave India in droves, and that's why the world is worried. Countries like US have imposed quotas, and yet illegal immigration from India to US is rising dramatically.

There are an estimated 270,0000 illegal Indian immigrants in the United States, according to 2006 figures from the US Department of Homeland Security. With 125% percent increase from 2000 to 2006, India represents the fastest growing source of illegal immigrants to the United States, reports San Jose Mercury News, a major Silicon Valley newspaper. In absolute numbers, Central and South American nations account for the bulk of the estimated 11.5 million illegals, with India a distant second with 270,000 in 2006.

Haq's Musings: Illegal Immigration From India Jumps 125 Percent

Indians want to leave india in droves, but the numbers i posted (with source) show that Pakistanis want to leave Pakistan in larger droves (you being one of them)
An old saying goes, the bigger they are, they harder they fall, omming out of that, our giant neighbor seems to thrive by toying around with it's smaller neighbours, hence it's not Pakistan that is obsessed, a country of India's size should be a major player not a poor man's super power.

Sir, lets just stop this "mine is bigger than yours" discussion. No country is perfect, nor can the problems of a country vanish overnight.
The defence spending has been just 2.5% of GDP, and resources have been diverted to tackle the poverty issue.
The main challenge for India is to ensure the funds are utilized efficiently.
Give it time, things will change.
The farmer suicides you keep mentioning have occured due to draught conditions experienced in many parts of central and western India. How is government responsible for rain?
But this has attracted the attention of center and the steps are being taken.
All we can do is hope for the best.
Does India have direct democracy? Or is it a representative democracy that favors the corrupt and criminal incumbents in India's parliament, regardless of their party affiliations?

Do the majority Indians decide to be poor, hungry and illiterate? Is that so great about India?

Do you know that more than a third of Indian MPs are criminals?

Just prior to the vote on India-US nuke deal, the BBC reported as follows:

"Normally they (Six members of India's Parliament) are in jail, serving time for crimes ranging from extortion and kidnapping to murder. The Indian constitution allows them out on bail to attend important parliamentary votes. But the sight of convicted murderers entering the parliamentary chamber won't be the most edifying of spectacles."

This nexus of crime and politics in India developed in two stages - in the first stage, Indian politicians used criminal elements and gangsters to control polling stations and intimidate their rivals; this gave legitimacy to these people and they decided to contest elections for themselves rather than merely act as mussel men (baahubali) for other politicians. There are many examples of this pattern, such as Munna Shukla and Shahabudin in Bihar, Raju Bhaiyya in U.P and Arun Gawli of Mumbai.

Do you know that the Indian politicians are enriching themselves at the poor people's expense?

Most Indian politicians have used their election wins to significantly enrich themselves, according to their own pre-election declarations of assets. For example, the comparison of assets of candidates who won in 2004 and sought re-elections in 2009 shows that the wealth of UP politicians has grown by 559%, over five times, in five years, second only to their Karnataka counterparts who registered a growth of 693% in the same period, according to Sulekha.com.

Haq's Musings: Challenges of Indian Democracy

Haq's Musings: Is Indian Democracy Overrated?

Forget the MPs and lower level politicians, do you really want to go into the criminal track record and punishments given out to the recent leaders of Pakistan??
Here's a sad story of people in Bihar who have been expelled from Dubai recently, according to BBC:

BBC News - Indian migrants face bleak future in Dubai

Now that we are quoting stories... another one from the other side of the border...
Sialkot, Pakistan - Kashif Gujjar left Pakistan in May to trek to Europe, dreaming of adventure and opportunity for himself and hoping to provide a better life for his family back home. Two months later, he knocked at his parents' door with empty pockets and walking on crutches.

Still hundreds of kilometres from Europe, the 19-year-old stepped on a landmine as a people-smuggler guided him and 14 others through mountain paths from Iran into Turkey, blowing up his left leg and shattering his dreams forever.

"I tried to change the economic condition of my family, and I did not succeed," Gujjar said at his home in Majra Kalan village in the Punjabi city of Sialkot.

"We have a small piece of land that produces only enough to keep us alive. My father never sent me to school because he could not afford it, and I wished to make some money so that my three brothers and two sisters could get some education."

"He sold the to pay the agent (human trafficker)," Gujjar said,

Staring at four pegs in the family courtyard where the family's buffaloes were once tied up, Gujjar recounted how his father had sold their prized animals to pay the human trafficker. "Now we don't have even milk to drink," Gujjar said.

Millions of Pakistanis have been migrating to the United States, Europe, Australia and the Gulf countries as resources shrink due to rural land fragmentation within large families and massive unemployment in urban areas.

Most reach their destinations through legal or at least semi-legal means, but toughened immigration policies in many nations have boosted the people-smuggling business.

Flying with fake documents costs a fortune these days, so many with meagre resources risk their lives to travel the most dangerous land or sea routes chosen by the traffickers, who operate across borders.

On their way to their dream lands, some migrants are killed or maimed, like Gujjar, by landmines. Others die at the hands of border guards or die of illness, deprivation or simple fatigue.

Those lucky enough to survive the dangers in passage may end up captured en route or at their destinations, only to rot in jails for years.

In April, 60 migrants, many of them Afghans, died of suffocation in a cargo container loaded on a truck that a smuggler parked in a terminal in Pakistan's south-western province of Balochistan. They were smuggled on the favourite land route to Europe, which runs from Balochistan's capital, Quetta, through Iran, Turkey and Greece.

This is the same route that Gujjar attempted.

When he was wounded by the landmine in north-western Iran, the trafficker robbed Gujjar of his 1,500 dollars and other belongings and left him along a main highway.

"I remained lying there for more than two hours. Dozens of cars and trucks passed by but no one would stop. Perhaps no one wanted to get in trouble," said Gujjar. "Then a police car stopped and took me to the hospital."

Rehmat Ullah, 26, had much less money than Gujjar, and the trafficker would only take him to a Gulf country, offering only the dangerous sea route.

Together with six young men from his village in Dera Ghazi Khan, a remote district of impoverished southern Punjab, and 19 from other parts of Pakistan, Ullah crossed into Nobandian in Iran's Sistan- Balochistan province.

For almost five days, the smugglers hid them in a jungle, with little food available. On the fifth night, they were put in a small boat to take them to Dubai through Oman on the Strait of Hormuz.

They were only a few hours into the voyage when the engine failed, leaving the boat adrift and helpless.

"In the first two days we ran out of food and water, and people started to drink sea water, which made them sick. They vomited again and again and died," Ullah said.

"There were shadows of death everywhere, and I was praying to God for forgiveness."

Seven of the Pakistani migrants and one Iranian sailor died before the group was rescued by Iranian fishermen after eight days. Four more Pakistanis died later at hospital.

Life is cheap along the sea route to the Gulf. People-smugglers have been known to dump migrants 10 kilometres off the Dubai coast, telling them to swim. Those who refuse are shot, and many drown. Only a few migrants from each boatload are lucky enough to reach the coast.

Critics say the Pakistani government has little incentive to crack down on ruthless human trafficking. As the number of immigrants grows, so do their remittances, which are a lifeline for Pakistan's ailing economy.

In the 12 months through June 30, around 4 million Pakistani expatriates - half of them in the Gulf region - sent home 7.81 billion dollars, about 4.8 per cent of Pakistan's gross domestic product.

Chaudhry Manzoor, who heads the anti-trafficking department at Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency, said the government was acting "very seriously" against the traffickers.

"We have tightened the noose around the smugglers and traffickers, and more than 6,000 of them have been arrested in the last four years," he said.

But Ullah said no matter what the government does, human trafficking will continue because of a ready supply of people willing to pay - and risk their lives - for a chance at a better future.

"Everyone in this basti (village) knows my story," he said, "and still 11 more left for Dubai through the sea route a day ago."

Pakistani migrants risk life, limb for better futures - Feature : Asia World
My argument is you posted a comparative detail assessed by none other than the CIA, the same organisation which generated the prophecy of Pakistani nuclear weapons being stolen on Mule trains and has been repeatedly resetting the doomsday clock ticking over Pakistan, and the same organisation which supposedly can read a car's number plate from space yet needs Pakistan's help to find America's most wanted. !!!
Dude.. all other sources like UN, UNICEF etc have much lesser sophestication than CIA in data gathering and analysis. And a lot of them use this data as base as well. And since US looks at both India and Pakistan more or less in the same way, I dont find any significant reason to doubt this data or atleast the direction..

Alas one wonders, which side has drawn a bigger line. ;)
if you go to SYDNEY or now even parts of CHINA you will be wonder that human beings have made these places with their own bare hands...

for me
INDIA--> Bad
Pakistan--> Worse

way to go friends... but the good thing is that both are on right track....it's just the matter of time....good luck
Dude.. all other sources like UN, UNICEF etc have much lesser sophestication than CIA in data gathering and analysis. And a lot of them use this data as base as well. And since US looks at both India and Pakistan more or less in the same way, I dont find any significant reason to doubt this data or atleast the direction..

But wouldn't you agree, coming from the Horse's mouth is more close to the ground reality, albeit one shouldn't doubt the credibility of this reputable organisation but when the same were reporting as Pakistan having more WMD than India, their assessment wasn't going down well in down town Delhi where as others were openly questioning their morality and sinister motives.
But wouldn't you agree, coming from the Horse's mouth is more close to the ground reality, albeit one shouldn't doubt the credibility of this reputable organisation but when the same were reporting as Pakistan having more WMD than India, their assessment wasn't going down well in down town Delhi where as others were openly questioning their morality and sinister motives.

You do know that such knee jerkers exist in abundance.. In my country as well as yours. Cant do much but suffer them...
Sanitation is not the only criteria that determines your favourite Human Development Index..where India scores higher than Pakistan in overall score and in most constituent factors.. Both India and Pakistan are pathetic, but Pakistan is worse...

And that proves what?? That most Indians are vegetarians ..??:azn:

Some what similar reason to why Pakistan rates 101/135 in United nations's Human Development Report 2009- Human Poverty index where as India is significantly better at 88/135

Incidently the same Global Hunger report of 88 countries shows 2 more things

1. India in last 2 decades has improved its GHI by 25% but Pakistan has only done so by 14%. Considering the low diff between India and Pakistan, lets wait for this year's report and this arguement of yours will also bite the dust

2. Pakistan has a higher percentage of undernourished people (23%) than India (21%).. And a higher Infant mortality rate as well..

So Pakistanis use more cloth than Indians.. Climate must be hotter in India, being closer to the equator... :azn:

Getting flustered .. is it??

If you want to understand the importance of sanitation, here's a quote from Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak who is trying to do something about it:

"The toilet is a part of the history of human hygiene which is critical chapter in the growth of civilization."

This assetion about higher malnutrition in Pakistan than India is baseless. It runs counter to everything I have seen from UN agencies and from people such as Syeda Hameed who know better than you or I.

As to the per capita use of cloth, it's another indicator of std of living where India is at the bottom...at less than half of the world average.

The data about calories from non-food grain sources includes veggies. What it show is that Indian depend on wheat or rice for two-thirds of their calories.

According to the FAO, the average dairy consumption of the developing countries is still very low (45 kg of all dairy products in liquid milk equivalent), compared with the average of 220 kg in the industrial countries. Few developing countries have per capita consumption exceeding 150 kg (Argentina, Uruguay and some pastoral countries in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Africa). Among the most populous countries, only Pakistan, at 153 kg per capita, has such a level. In South Asia, where milk and dairy products are preferred foods, India has only 64 kg and Bangladesh 14 kg. East Asia has only 10 kg.

Haq's Musings: Fixing Sanitation Crisis in India
Indians want to leave india in droves, but the numbers i posted (with source) show that Pakistanis want to leave Pakistan in larger droves (you being one of them)

Except for a small minority of the rich, almost all Indians would leave their country if they could. That's why the world imposes restrictions on their entry.

With limited resources and about twice the population density of Pakistan, India is heavily overcrowded, deprived and bursting at the seams. That's why Indians are spilling over in spite of others trying to stop them.

About a million Indians manage to escape from India every year.

A Zillion reasons to escape from India
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