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Communal Violence Bill Exposed

He was the Chief Minister of Gujarat and during his WATCH more than 3000 innocent Indian citizens were slaughtered and his security forces stood back and watched all this under his orders. So explain to me how he had no role in Gujarat Massacre ?

Where was he while the blood flowed in streets of Gujarat ?

Where was he when the Jaffery family was pleading for mercy and protection ?

Get your head out of the sand and get out of this " Denial Mode ".

You are a brainwashed fool.
I have already opened a thread debunking tge riots.
3000? First u guys said 2000 now a 100 more?

Let me remind you
300 hindus dead+59 at godhra
700 muslims dead

Congress appeases ALL minorities - including Muslims. But the leap you make from appeasing minorities to persecuting Hindus involves such major logical gymnastics. In USA, the Affirmative Action can be seen as appeasement of the minority black voter - how that becomes persecution of the whites is beyond me. Sure, it dilutes meritocracy - but does not wipe it out completely.

According to UN minorities are 10% or lower.
Muslims being 16% are no longer minority but congress for appeasement gives them minority status.
It does nothing for India's real minorities. We all saw 1984 riots.

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