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Coming into light USAs strike against Pakistan?


I am all for discussion on issue that are hot potatoes around the world.

However, personal fears and imagined issues (without an iota of logic or fact) as thread starters only leads to crazy and unfounded and unfortunate remarks leading to nowhere.

It is not for me to comment, lest I am misunderstood, but then, this forum has shown great strides since it began and has become credible and classy. It sure saddens all well wishers of the forum that it is being dragged low in intellectual appeal, when it has established itself to be a front runner in the forum world!

Point taken!
Iran has been slowly isolated by the US and other Western countries with regards to "Tryin to attain Nuclear weapons". The Pakistanis have consistantly been accused of assisting them through Abdul Qadeer's networks. Any attempt by them to try and assist Pakistan in any way would prove there point and thus cause a justification for invasion.

The US would use this to isolate Pakistan from the world community which would make us more Vunerable for an attack...!!!

Iran can supply us with oil, though there are at present no pipe lines or infrustucture to assist us and any such adventure will easily fall prey to the Raptors lerking around the Arabian Sea.

Any how most if not all Pakistans oil is imported through Saudi and any changes to this must be considered as long term....

Iran does not have a military might to stop the US and/or Israel from bombing its own Terrortory let alone ours. And for decades Iran has lived under economic sanctions and thus are too weak to assist us against in any such attack from the US (The only Super Power...!!!)

"The US would be Killing two birds from one stone"....

China has a Perminate seat at the UN security Council thus would be more help to us Politically... though it has far too much to lose with open conflict from Western countries and with the Major military bases in Japan and Taiwan China would be forced to retreat
and rethink its Strategy.

J-10s would be useless against Indian Sukhoi's and American F22s, and with regards to our F-16s.... we might as well leave them out...!!!! not to mention if out ports become blocked by the Indian/Amercian Navy. We would be at there Mercy....!!!!

We would need to face our enemy at war.... even though they would be advancing on us on all sides...!!!! and with such force placed against the Pakistani army, it would not be long before we get crushed...!!!!

I agree, other then trade and investment Iran has very less to offer to us. A military pact with Teheran would only have a negative affect and put us in isolation.

KSA and China are both much more influential and capable to prevent agression against Pakistan and ofcourse we can count on support from few other frontline Islamic countries like Malaysia, Turkey and Indonesia.
I know it sound awful when you read this....

My heart sinks when re-reading what i have posted...!!! I hope we can stand tall..., shoulder to shoulder to face our enemies.... and if this is to be our End then i hope we could make such an end as worthy of Remembrance.....

Don't worry T-birds, we've faced three wars and each time the nation fought the enemy united as never before!
We have a credible and sizeable deterrance to keep the enemy away from our borders. We won't go down that easily!

Lets hope it never comes to that.
I think our best option is to buy time to prepare..... it is important for Pakistan to prepare for any eventuality, thus any surprises will be apprehented affectively. We must establish a strong Deterrent, thus any miss adventure would be dealt with in the most severe manner.
This would be a good time to testfire the Tipu or any other missile with 5.000km range. ;)

Nuclear submarines is one good example. Creating various platforms would be advantageous for Pakistan and would make any enemy think twice...!!! before carrying out any act....
Not happening in atleast next two decades, nuclear submarines will drain the military budget affecting the ongoing modernisation and expansion of our armed forces.
I'll stick with the ICBM option.

I do not agree that we should leave the Muslim nations out...!!! As history proves that Divide and Conquer is at the heart of any Western conquest into Muslim Territories.
Pakistan will remain the only nuclear armed muslim country for a long time, their might never be a second after us and muslim countries are well aware of it. They will do all possible to support Pakistan if she comes under threat.
mr, t-bird , there is a theory in which a enemy of the enemy can become best friend.

comming to ur points, as u mentioned, my dear,

1. frist of all , joining IRAN strategicaly will issolate usa not pakistan because, of the war front,
because by making war front expanding from IRAN TO PAKISTAN will be imposible to attack for USA, BECAUSE of its expenses , its huge battle field and the number of troops to make that actuly happen?
No! Iran is still considered as a rogue state, developping stratgic military ties with her will only justify the cause and most of the unislamic world would support USA against Pakistan. We'll be isolated not USA.

For your information USA has a 14 trillion dollar economy, she can esily afford to spend a few hundred billions of dollars to destroy Irani and Pak nuclear infrastrucure.
US will not invade any of us, it will be a short but intense conflict with non stop high density carpet bombings to destroy our infrastructure. Both countries will we crippled within days!

it will boost both pakistan and iran politicly , socialy , defensivly and it will bring stop to USAs invasion to every muslim state on this EARTH.
Dude think for a second!! How is it going result in a boost when International embargoes and boycot from buying or selling our products will be placed on both nations immediately. Our forex is just enough to afford 10 months of imports, even that money will be withdrown by foreign creditor before the conflict even strats!
Wake up and smell the coffee!

i dont think that USA can make it a reason to attack us , if pakistan make IRAN A PARTENER for peace , a partener in , war on terror and in ecnomics and in trade.
You're missing the point again, its the nukes and not our ties with Iran thats being discussed here.

if , pakistan can do that, u look how fast this alliance can grow, one thing is sure there are countries, and nations which actully doesnt like this single SUPER POWER dominated WORLD.
An alliance of two isolated states is going benefit whom or what...??:what:

I think if, pakistan can try! the alliance what USA is trying to kill ? it would be a fatal blow to USA. and also it will certnly bring some order to world.

this will surely can, be a source of atraction for CHINA + RUSSIA ???

SURLY, usa doesnt have might to attack pakistan and iran same, time and about pakistani nuek assistance the story already ended today, US inttelignce report says that iran already stop its nuek activity?

if, pakistan is a target it, will be going to attack, any reason can be put and same to iran also so, if we and iranians both have same enemy, and if both were the target s, why should not face enemy togather???
Dude, no offence but you're being irrational. Time to wake up and smell the coffee!!

about J-10s my friend, in war u need weapons with skills, so if we can use our skills with most getable advnce weapon i think we can defend our selves at least.

and about, AMERICAN FORCES comming from all sides, certnly our borders with CHINA AND IRAN , i think impossible to access for usa?
US stealth bombers will take out our infrastructure within days, unless you have something to counter Stealth a few J-10 or a few hundres will be sitting duck!

plz, dont loss hopes, or dont be affraid by USAs miltry might have fun.
I certainly had fun reading this post. ;) :lol:

because, we r muslims , and we were taught there will be victory if do our best
It doesn't mean we shut off our brains and act like overcourageos idiots....
Remember Nebukadnezar...? ;)
USA has been trying for years to somehow drastically weaken Pakistan at the least. But thanks to Musharraf, this has not been possible. And his latest refusals to certain very important requests by the US-namely Negroponte- has America after Musharraf's blood now. He is the only barrier between Pakistan and any US invasion. If he leaves either a completely corrupt US puppet like Bhutto comes or an equally corrupt blundering and inept persona like Nawaz Sharif or a party like Jamaat Ulema Islami comes and that leaves their way open. Now they want Musharraf removed.

Exactly! A week and dependant Pakistan is what US wants, Mush has made us way to strong and less depandant on US so he has to go.
I hope many Pakistanis realise this and support the president, he's proven himself to be capable of turning out fate and put us back where we belong.
Let him finish what he started, next 5-7 years are very crucial as we're finally taking off and have to follow the course Mush has set.
neo bro, is this forum in any way related to musharraf or controlled by him or his 'cronies'?
my, dear MR, NEO i certnly agree , with ur point that pakistan should have some missiles with at least range 0f 7000 , kms .

AS u had insisted , in ur post about KSA and its importance , i cetnly agree with the veiw that pakistan should be having good relations with both IRAN and KSA.

but , plz u look the role , of SAUDI ARABIA in case of NAWZ SHARIF. what was the reason to send him at the time ! WHEN pakistan was suffering its worst political turmiol . i would like mention that we should keep in our mind, that there is no more KING FASIL around any more?

SAUDIs , certnly were not independent in there external polices and in defence . they always look to USA save them from any external or internal theart, so in pakistans case they will be not in a position to do much , evn they will not be able to send the oil shipments for PAKISTAN.

about IRAN , certnly iranians are free in there external polices + in there defence and they can be big byers of pakistani arms with same oil supply what we are getting from SAUDI ARABIA.

HAVING , land links with IRAN is certnly, big advantage for pakistan, that was the very reason why GAS PIPE LINE project is in place.

IRAN CERTNLY , has a strong army which faced US ARMY and always engaged with enemy so unlike saudi arabia , iran have much more to offer.

if, USA can provide INDIA , THE very best tecnology WHY SHOULD WE CANT GIVE IRAN , some our home made conventinal ARMS
if, USA can provide INDIA, THE very best tecnology WHY SHOULD WE CANT GIVE IRAN, some our home made conventinal ARMS

The reason is simple majority of our exports goes to US and UK. Which means that the revenue generated by our exports to these two countries will come to an end if we choose to go towards iran. The point you are missing here is that unlike iran which can use oil as a weapon, pakistan cannot and we generate our revenue by textile exports which US and UK are the two biggest importers of it.
so, its end, i mean that pakistan doesnt have any option thn just to obey USA ???

BASICLLY, if we pakistanis have to become slaves to usa, its a right only option we have?:disagree::disagree::disagree:

Some members do get silly when talking about relationship between pakistan and the U S of A. I guess there has been a lots of misconception about the abilities of pakistan in 2001. Our relationship is not that of slavery but rather a symbiotic relationship. Such thinking shows lack of understanding ( I will not use the term immaturity because it may be disrepectful ) of the ground realities.

Some people misunderstand Musharraf-----Musharraf is an alpha male---he cannot and willnot be sub-dued. That is not his nature---he will make a compromise but will not kowtow for his sake---but when the welfare of the nation is at stake---he will bend backwards. That was the reason behind the handshake between him and Vajpai.

Whatever he has done is for pakistan and the pakistanis----. He must be given credit for his policies and providing stability to the system.

Pakistan is getting all the equipment that it wants from the U S and most of it is free of cost. Thankyou---I appreciate it very much---so what is the big deal if there are a few hurdles sprung in the way. There are a lots of people who don't want us to get the aid. There are lots of people who would want us to stay in pre 1999 position, financially, technically and regarding millitary hardware. Some of these people are our adversaries and not surprisingly some of these our our very own.

If my being a slave today means that my motherland and its people will be a free nation tomorrow, which can stand on its own two feet, then I would bow down my head and accept the inevitable title of being a slave or a lacky. I will accept this derogatory term and many others, if that makes my children live freely and my nation, my motherland brings respectability to its name.

Rather well said.

Even though I would be termed an adversary, which I don't think I am (since each to his own slot and fate), I still find your post seized of the reality and beyond woolly sentiments that are wonderful for the soul but not adequate for sustaining oneself in the world!
I , JUST have 1 question, my dear salim , how many indian primeminsters went to ammerica to get aid for india.

how many indian politicians were directly supprted by us admin so openly???

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