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Collapse of Darwinism : Theory of Evolution

Isn't it much more respectful to imagine a God who builds an exquisite universe with infinitely complex, yet elegant, laws of nature and then sets the whole thing in motion than to imagine Someone who just lays down a finished product?

And the challenge of the Creator is to have humans use His gift to mankind (a reasoning mind) to discover the beauty, elegance and complexity of His creation.
Isn't it much more respectful to imagine a God who builds an exquisite universe with infinitely complex, yet elegant, laws of nature and then sets the whole thing in motion than to imagine Someone who just lays down a finished product?

its not respectful but unimaginably stupid and plain wrong.
its not respectful but unimaginably stupid and plain wrong.

Since we can't prove God's existence either way, this is the way to reconcile science with religion. Even science leaves some things to faith or as unprovable first principles. Call it 'basic postulate' or God's Will -- it's a matter of semantics.
This guy gets evolutionists by their balls with scientific arguments BUT is crappy when it comes to pure theological aspect... (PS. I am NOT a christian)
100 Reasons Why Evolution is So Stupid - YouTube
Almost all spontaneous mutations r either lethal to cell or harmful like in cancers & in most of cases there's NO "net" increase in genetic information, it's only shuffling & rearrangements within gene-pool resulting in variations, "NOT" evolution. Only controlled genetic manipulation like introducing insulin gene in bacteria can result in beneficial increase in genetic information. So there MUST be a Creator/Designer whether or not evolution was used to bring about species. Besides for spontaneous evolution to happen "Entropy Change" must be negative, which is against laws of physics, it's always positive for closed system.

There was a wired telephone with circular dial on it then we found a wired phone with digital key-pad, both have resemblances but where does it prove that prior evolved into latter without intervention of some designer...!!!

Evolutionists claim that they use science while ppl of faith don't...well, for their kind & poor information, ppl of faith equally if not more educated & experienced than evolutionists themselves & still our knowledge of science does NOT tell us that all this came into being on it's own. Faithful r educated paleontologists & geneticists & biologists & doctors, but we don't see any way "spontaneous" evolution could b possible.. It's evolutionists who have more gap filled-in with hypothetical presumptions & made-up information than religions.
For DNA to make proteins we need enzymes, which r proteins themselves. After earth's 1st DNA was miraculously assembled, how would have earth's very 1st protein had formed while there were NO enzymes (proteins) present yet. !!!!!!!!!!!
One of most primitive life forms r viruses,,,They have genes, thanks to evolution, BUT do NOT have their own enzymes to cause those genes to make proteins & hence make baby-viruses... They need to borrow such proteins from another living cell like humans to be able to make babies,,, So how would have earth's 1st primitive life forms had made babies when there were NO other higher life forms available for them to wiggle-&-jiggle inside,,,!!!
so satan planted fossils to fool people into believing the world is older than 6,000 years?
Only silly Christians believe the earth is 6000 years old. Where did I question evolution in my post? My issue is with natural selection.
Isn't it much more respectful to imagine a God who builds an exquisite universe with infinitely complex, yet elegant, laws of nature and then sets the whole thing in motion than to imagine Someone who just lays down a finished product?

And the challenge of the Creator is to have humans use His gift to mankind (a reasoning mind) to discover the beauty, elegance and complexity of His creation.

Yup, and that is true till we are six or seven years old. Then our brains develop and begin dispelling myths of the world. Santa is a good example in these parts of the world.

Only silly Christians believe the earth is 6000 years old. Where did I question evolution in my post? My issue is with natural selection.

Yeah right, you would have questioned it had the Quran said so. It has something against evolution so you jumped the bandwagon without using your own logic.

So did the lion evolve from a cat?
And why you Indians have Rat like faces like the Jews, did you evolve from rats.
Did the sun evolve from the moon or the opposite !!!
A whole thread can not be enough for the examples; have you seen Darwin 's face, he certainly looks like an ape.
But that is a different theory and I call it impressionism.

What use is religion or parental upbringing if it made you the patented idiot you are?
Man... I never would have though that people who belive in ''intelligent desing'' -OHHH!!! THE IRONY!!!- would atleast be ashamed of themselves and wouldn't be so open about their ''beliefs''.
This thread is not $tupid.

It just shows how modern day Islamists are aping Christian evangelists. That's all.

Nothing new.

Greek and Roman scientists used reason to understand the nature of this universe.

Pathetic Paadris the evangelists of those days shut the darn thing down in the name of Mullah Mooolah's made up god.

Medieval Muslims open those locked libraries, lovingly translated and then followed the so-called pagan Greeks and Romans and their "reason -based" approach towards this world.

Result? Muslims scientists did wonders with the newly discovered Greek and Roman methods.

Then Muslims went to the Christian-era like dark ages when Ghazali and other Mullahs shut down the scientific methods based approach in the name of Mooolah's made up god.

Result was the utter destruction of science in the Muslim lands.

Makkah and Madina Mullahs never allowed science, and now their primitive tribal mindset shutdown scientific education even in the lands 100s and 1000s of miles from Makkah Madina.

All of the Muslim lands became dark just like the land of Makkah Madina and the process is still on. Saudi Islam is still spreading Jahiliya in the entire world and especially among their followers in Pakistan.

The OP is doing the evil deeds of the Mooooolahs of bygone era and spreading ***** and ignorance in the name of Islam and creation and god and other voodoo magic.

Shame on him. Shame on him for doing harm to the budding scientific knowledge in Pakistan by spreading false hood and Jihala. Abu Jahil did the same thing. OP does the same thing.

Pathetic, just pathetic.
Science? Do you even know that word? Please offer coherent arguments rather than just "because it is written so" and we can decide our competence levels. And if you can't take personal attacks, do not start it yourself.

You obviously didn't read the articles or watched the videos in the beginning of the thread, look at it from the scientific point of view not from religion, since it goes back to the big bang theory, not just earth or human creation and try to think before defending offenders, people who's only knowledge is to insult science, religion and facts, they are just projecting their inner thoughts about themselves and make others laugh about them.
Show me that you and them came up with any valuable input to this thread and look at yourselves in a mirror if you can.
Or can you as some fraudulent want a be intellectuals, just refuting any scientific argument with a fraudulent telemarketer like rebuttals (Typical of Jews and Indians alike in North America).
Y....Typical of Jews .......in North America).

wow. A so-called "Shaitan-tist" scientist finally drags the Joooos into the discussion. How intellectual! NOT!

Do you even know my dear dear poster that a tiny number of jews totaling some few millions have received 25% of nobel prizes "with emphasis on science", while billions of Mooolah controlled and Moolah deceived Muslims can't even reach a small a tiny an infinitesimal number of that 25%?

What's up with this Jooo-hating business? Are you Sir have gone more nutz than the nutjobs from Iran? Do Joooos scare you in your nightmares?

Pathetic just pathetic.
Those were gifts for the holocaust, the same as money and weapons from Europe and the US, and the same as the submarines from Germany.
If the Nobel price existed a few centuries back, The Muslim scientists would have swept the whole thing for a thousand years.
And without the Muslims the Jews would have disappeared from the face of the earth on the hands of Christians many centuries ago, and would have never have produced such idiots like Marx, Darwin or Freud to name a few, the same as they did with the original Jewish religion, not to mention what they did to the bible.
They are fraud, utter fraud, throughout history with their cousins the Hindus who are trying to do the same today with history as an infinitesimal example.
So who is pathetic in this world?

So if man descends from the ape, what about , the lion, the bull, the crocodile, the plants and the planets?
If you can answer this simple question with the evolution theory, please let us know.

And please do not forget to consult with your Nobel prize winners or to bring them into this discussion.
Those were gifts for the holocaust, the same as money and weapons from Europe and the US, and the same as the submarines from Germany.
If the Nobel price existed a few centuries back, The Muslim scientists would have swept the whole thing for a thousand years.
And without the Muslims the Jews would have disappeared from the face of the earth on the hands of Christians many centuries ago, and would have never have produced such idiots like Marx, Darwin or Freud to name a few, the same as they did with the original Jewish religion, not to mention what they did to the bible.
They are fraud, utter fraud, throughout history with their cousins the Hindus who are trying to do the same today with history as an infinitesimal example.
So who is pathetic in this world?

So if man descends from the ape, what about , the lion, the bull, the crocodile, the plants and the planets?
If you can answer this simple question with the evolution theory, please let us know.

And please do not forget to consult with your Nobel prize winners or to bring them into this discussion.

You are definitely a decent from an ape, in process to reach human intelligence. By evolutionary science humans are not descents of ape but humans and apes have evolved from a common species. Nothing is still, every creature is constantly evolving, changing, interacting with environment

You are an idiot and it showing, you cannot name a synonym for science even if you look it up...
Darwin was a bit of a racist but it must be taken into context the time of that era, Darwin stated the 'white man' evolved out of Africa quicker compared to Asian counterparts a theory which was later debunked by Polish anthropologist Malinowski.
You are definitely a decent from an ape, in process to reach human intelligence. By evolutionary science humans are not descents of ape but humans and apes have evolved from a common species. Nothing is still, every creature is constantly evolving, changing, interacting with environment

You are an idiot and it showing, you cannot name a synonym for science even if you look it up...

You still didn't answer my question, rat or ape whomever you are.
Monkey Lip Smacks Provide New Insights into Evolution of Human Speech

Scientists have traditionally sought the evolutionary origins of human speech in primate vocalizations, such as monkey coos or chimpanzee hoots. But unlike these primate calls, human speech is produced using rapid, controlled movements of the tongue, lips and jaw. Speech is also learned, while primate vocalizations are mostly innately structured.

New research published in Current Biology by W. Tecumseh Fitch, Head of the Department of Cognitive Biology at the University of Vienna, supports the idea that human speech evolved less from vocalizations than from communicative facial gestures.

Researchers at Princeton and the University of Vienna used x-ray movies to investigate lip-smacking gestures in macaque monkeys. Lip smacks are made by many monkey species in friendly, face-to-face situations (e.g. between mothers and their infants). Although lip-smacking makes a quiet sound (similar to "p p p p"), it is not accompanied by phonation, which is produced by vocal cord vibration in the "voice box" or larynx.

Although superficially lip-smacking appears to involve simply rapid opening and closing of the lips, the x-ray movies show that lip-smacking is actually a complex behavior, requiring rapid, coordinated movements of the lips, jaw, tongue and the hyoid bone (which provides the supporting skeleton for the larynx and tongue). Furthermore these movements occur at a rate of about 5 cycles per second, the same as speech, and are much faster than chewing movements (about 2.5 cycles per second). Thus, although lip smacking superficially resembles "fake chewing," it is in fact very different, and more like speech.

Fascinating facial signals

These observations support a long-standing hypothesis of Peter MacNeilage and his colleagues that the roots of human speech do not lie in primate vocalizations, but are closer to these fascinating facial signals used for communication by monkeys. In particular, the alternation between vowel and consonant that generates speech syllables is strikingly similar to the movements underlying lip-smacking.

Intriguingly, chimpanzees also make communicative sounds with their lips, including both loud lip smacks and lip buzzes ("raspberries"). These lip gestures appear to be under voluntary control, and can be learned (unlike hoots or grunts). Similarly, orangutans can learn to whistle: again a sound produced using the lips and tongue, rather than the larynx.

Together, these data from our primate cousins support the idea that the origins of speech might be found in an evolutionary combination of "traditional" phonation (sounds produced by the vocal cords, in the larynx) with rapid, learned movements of the vocal tract, which have stronger similarities to primate facial signals than to their innate calls. But the origin of the "singing" component of speech, which requires voluntary control over the larynx, remains mysterious.

This is the best that scientists still trying to prove the evolution theory can do with very sophisticated tools and the result is : IT IS MYSTERIOUS
Now, let alone speculators.

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