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Collapse of Darwinism : Theory of Evolution

haha the watchmaker argument! no doubt they believers are avoiding this thread....

The watchmaker argument that tries to dispute evolution is owngoal at its best of all arguments, they seems to be willingly blind or stupid not to see that the very same watch is a product of evolution! from sun watch-to atomic watch.
Obviously natural selection is the most retarded theory invented my man.
It provides absolutely no proof that intelligent design is not true. Scientist just say that intelligent design is not necessary because natural selection is the truth. However, there is basically no difference between NS and ID, because it is assumed that the "need" for an organism to pass on its genes is ingrained super naturally in nature! How retarded, where did that need come from? what makes the DNA of an organism know which things will make my offspring survive better? Why is this adaptability so ingrained in nature?
Athiest worship the nature god without admitting it. Science have become very politicized in recent times. For example, it says that transsexuals are not sick, and transsexuality isn't pathology. Saying that a child is perfectly fine being raised his whole life by two fathers without a mother, not having a mother doesn't have any psychological effect on the child. All of that is resulting in the clear decline of western academia because they impose their own ideology in the science it self.
Obviously natural selection is the most retarded theory invented my man.
It provides absolutely no proof that intelligent design is not true. Scientist just say that intelligent design is not necessary because natural selection is the truth. However, there is basically no difference between NS and ID, because it is assumed that the "need" for an organism to pass on its genes is ingrained super naturally in nature! How retarded, where did that need come from? what makes the DNA of an organism know which things will make my offspring survive better? Why is this adaptability so ingrained in nature?
Athiest worship the nature god without admitting it. Science have become very politicized in recent times. For example, it says that transsexuals are not sick, and transsexuality isn't pathology. Saying that a child is perfectly fine being raised his whole life by two fathers without a mother, not having a mother doesn't have any psychological effect on the child. All of that is resulting in the clear decline of western academia because they impose their own ideology in the science it self.

Natural selection is nothing convoluted and is logic in its purest. Sure, it doesn't do anything to disprove "intelligent design", but neither does the myth of intelligent design do anything to prove itself or disprove anything else.

The discussion around the need to pass around your genes is a valid one, but is rooted in philosophy than theology. Importantly, intelligent design has absolutely nothing to do with that concept which is what this thread is about. NS is central to the theory of evolution, and there is nothing better to explain the diversity on this earth than that. The biggest difference between NS and ID is that ID places humans above all other living things which is clearly incorrect because not only have humans evolved from animals, we are inferior to them in many ways (while being superior in a few ways). Religious people, especially the book ones cannot accept it as religion teaches them differently. But then think of it this way - if the need for an organism to pass on its genes is so central that a human, dog, monkey or even a virus share it, how is a human superior to other beings? Why this big disconnect in certain faith systems?
Obviously natural selection is the most retarded theory invented my man.
It provides absolutely no proof that intelligent design is not true. Scientist just say that intelligent design is not necessary because natural selection is the truth. However, there is basically no difference between NS and ID, because it is assumed that the "need" for an organism to pass on its genes is ingrained super naturally in nature! How retarded, where did that need come from? what makes the DNA of an organism know which things will make my offspring survive better? Why is this adaptability so ingrained in nature?
Athiest worship the nature god without admitting it. Science have become very politicized in recent times. For example, it says that transsexuals are not sick, and transsexuality isn't pathology. Saying that a child is perfectly fine being raised his whole life by two fathers without a mother, not having a mother doesn't have any psychological effect on the child. All of that is resulting in the clear decline of western academia because they impose their own ideology in the science it self.

Who is this creator you are talking about?
I don't see how it is collapsing. maybe the saudi scientists can help shed light on this.
they already proved women driving will make men homosexual.
and if they did that, they can do anything.
Physicists finally accept an ignominious defeat in their 500yr quest to understand God's creation.

The Collapse Of Physics As We Know it .

So a YouTube video with an edited title uploaded by a person with a username IrresponsibleAtheism, is a legitimate source?

And the guy, Michio kaku visible on the thumbnail is a proponent of human civilization ascending to Godhood. You still agree with him?
Who is this creator you are talking about?
Whomever it is, its certainly not an inanimate object! like you nature worshipers claim.

I don't see how it is collapsing. maybe the saudi scientists can help shed light on this.
they already proved women driving will make men homosexual.
and if they did that, they can do anything.
Since Iranian women drive, are you telling me that Iranian men are homosexuals?!
To each his own I guess...
Whomever it is, its certainly not an inanimate object! like you nature worshipers claim.

Since Iranian women drive, are you telling me that Iranian men are homosexuals?!
To each his own I guess...
No only saudi men are vulnerable to becoming gay in that way.
what happens to them if a women rides a camel I wonder?
I really cant waste time on people who wont listen.

Sure evolution is a "theory". so is gravity. you dont jump of buildings do you ? that is the humility of science. we can only have theories. to claim a direct revealed unchanging truth is the surest sign of foolishness.

infact the actual "theory of evolution" has changed a lot from darwins time. that is the sign of real science. but the founding principles are sound. do not waste time in defending tribal myths.

Gravity is not a theory. There is a good reason that it is called Newton's law of universal gravitation. There is also good reason different words such as hypothesis, theory, law are used for description in science.

Can you define foolishness one more time please? Talking about staff which you don't know much about is also foolishness perhaps?
My favorite is intelligent design. "Oh, it is too complex, it must have a designer!" Well, who designed the designer? He/She/it must be even more complex? "Oh, he/she/it was always there." But you JUST SAID anything of complexity MUST have a designer, and can't just be, you base your whole premise on it. It begs the question, and is defeated by their own logic (Believe in religion and creation if you want, I won't even say it's wrong, how could I ever be 100% certain? But the arguement used for intelligent design defeats its self)

Whether your destiny is glory or disgrace,
Purify yourself of hatred and love of self.
Polish your mirror; and that sublime Beauty
From the regions of mystery
Will flame out in your heart
As it did for the saints and prophets.
Then, with your heart on fire with that Splendor,
The secret of the Beloved (God) will no longer be hidden.
- Nur al-Din al-Jami

The first most basic law is Mind will never - never - understand God
"Entropy" in physics means "measure of disorder in a system".

For a "closed" system Entropy-change is ALWAYS positive. i.e. unless some external force forces system towards state of orderliness, everything goes from state of order towards disorder. In creation of universe that external force was The Creator. Laws of Physics state that Entropy of universe is always increasing. "Spontaneous" evolution goes against this law!!! Only a "controlled" evolution would satisfy law of Entropy change. Who was the controller?

For DNA to have evolved upwards, from primitive to advanced, through trillions of trillions of species, without someone causing it to happen, is against law of Entropy change. Because "disorder" of universe is supposed to increase continually.

A "spontaneous" mutation does NOT lead to improved DNA forms, it's ONLY "controlled" mutations e.g. in a lab, that leads to formation of improved DNA. Spontaneous changes are either damaging or lethal to species, e.g. cancers.

SPONTANEOUS changes in DNA could NOT have caused improved species,,, ONLY intelligently controlled manipulation of DNA could have caused such.
Creation / Evolution Debate 11 - Dr. Hovind vs Dr. Hartman U of Arkansas Anthropology prof - YouTube
Like any person of any religion Atheist "can" have morality,but their morality is plagiarized. They borrowed it from religions allegedly from God while denying existence of it. It's like I wear western dresses but keep saying that there is NO West. Existence of West is just a myth.

If not so then atheists shouldn't have any problem practicing incest,,, go ahead be like ur ancestors ...
This video was made after a documentary on monkeys incest-ful behaviors in which they behaved exactly like atheists would if left in isolation away from religious influence for a period of time:)
Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch - YouTube
Obviously natural selection is the most retarded theory invented my man.
It provides absolutely no proof that intelligent design is not true. Scientist just say that intelligent design is not necessary because natural selection is the truth. However, there is basically no difference between NS and ID, because it is assumed that the "need" for an organism to pass on its genes is ingrained super naturally in nature! How retarded, where did that need come from? what makes the DNA of an organism know which things will make my offspring survive better? Why is this adaptability so ingrained in nature?
Athiest worship the nature god without admitting it. Science have become very politicized in recent times. For example, it says that transsexuals are not sick, and transsexuality isn't pathology. Saying that a child is perfectly fine being raised his whole life by two fathers without a mother, not having a mother doesn't have any psychological effect on the child. All of that is resulting in the clear decline of western academia because they impose their own ideology in the science it self.
so satan planted fossils to fool people into believing the world is older than 6,000 years?
so satan planted fossils to fool people into believing the world is older than 6,000 years?

Where in the bible does it say " We created world 6000 years ago" or something like that? Quote.

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