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CM-400AKG: Pakistan's supersonic carrier killer

I would say it can too. However, just because it 'can' doesn't mean it WILL. Doing that would be starting an escalation that will have a spiral effect beyond anyone's control!!!

How would that start an escalation?
GOOD Pakistan has introduced a really lethal Anti Ship Missile so when on earth Pakistan will come up with JF-17 Thunder Block 2 that will provide us with better opportunities to fit missiles and also fight with improved avionics
400kg OMG

a 400kg warhead combined with 5.5mach KE can disable any aircraft so far i know

and if hit on deck..the repairing might take more money than making a new one :D
Than Sir what kind of missile it is and how destructive it can be ?

Its an air launched, ballistic missile in ways. A hybrid between cruise and ballistic missile. It has a ballistic missile trejectory which means with the hypersonic speed impact velocity, even without a warhead it may simply enter a ship from the top and exit from the bottom, putting the ship out of action for the entire period of hostilities. Or, you could fire it on a high value ground target 250kms away and run which makes it a SOW [Stand Off Weapon], with shoot & scoot/fire & forget capability because of its OWN guidance system which takes over and flies the missile to the target, without having to be flown by an air craft.

Read the JANES report, posted a few pages back or @Oscar s post.
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Its an air launched, ballistic missile in ways. A hybrid between cruise and ballistic missile. It has a ballistic missile trejectory which means with the hypersonic speed impact velocity, even without a warhead it may simply enter a ship from the top and exit from the bottom, putting the ship out of action for the entire period of hostilities. Or, you could fire it on a high value ground target 250kms away and run which makes it a SOW [Stand Off Weapon], with shoot & scoot/fire & forget capability because of its OWN guidance system which takes over and flies the missile to the target, without having to be flown by an air craft.

Read the JANES report, posted a few pages back or @Oscar s post.

Is it something like the KH-15 Raduga?

raduga kh-15 (as-16 kickback)
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Than Sir what kind of missile it is and how destructive it can be ?


It is an extremely destructive missile---just imagine the ft/lbs of force that it would hit the ship with---just think of the kinetic energy impact on the ship----could literally buckle the ship frame from impact----it is not the size of the entry hole in this case---it is the exit wounds that it would cause which would make the opponent seriously concerned.

Just like the 'hammer of Thor'.

Or think of a .50 caliber bullet---Any where it hits you on the body----the should could be lethal---even if it hit you on the thigh---the force of the impact---the the kinetic energy would put a man in shock of the hit---let alone the leg being blown away....

This missile---along with the speed has an explosive charge as well---the missile itself is deadly---the explosive charge on top of that would add to the multiplier effect.
Can this missile be fire from our f-22p frigates ?
Any possibilities Pakistan getting the license to produced in in Pakistan and then revers engineer it for other platform ?
CM-400AKG is launched flying high altitude with a parabolic trajectory capable of S-wave maneouvrs. It's not a ballistic so that it would be difficult to intercept by present air defence systems.
No but wouldn't the JF-17 be at the perpetual mercy of AWACs or Ground Radar Stations beyond a certain detection range ? Is that an acceptable scenario or are there any developments in the pipe to address this ?

Jf thunder can use data link so cant it be used in coordination of our own awacs and ground radar stations. I doubt jf thunder can be used for naval attack role without a longer range radar.
You will sink Aircraft carrier using Cruise missiles...

Why don't you put it into Stupid thread???
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